defmodule Mobilizon.Events.Comment do @moduledoc """ An actor comment (for instance on an event or on a group) """ use Ecto.Schema import Ecto.Changeset alias Mobilizon.Events.Event alias Mobilizon.Actors.Actor alias Mobilizon.Events.Comment schema "comments" do field(:text, :string) field(:url, :string) field(:local, :boolean, default: true) field(:uuid, Ecto.UUID) belongs_to(:actor, Actor, foreign_key: :actor_id) belongs_to(:attributed_to, Actor, foreign_key: :attributed_to_id) belongs_to(:event, Event, foreign_key: :event_id) belongs_to(:in_reply_to_comment, Comment, foreign_key: :in_reply_to_comment_id) belongs_to(:origin_comment, Comment, foreign_key: :origin_comment_id) timestamps(type: :utc_datetime) end @doc false def changeset(comment, attrs) do uuid = Ecto.UUID.generate() # TODO : really change me right away url = if Map.has_key?(attrs, "url"), do: attrs["url"], else: "#{MobilizonWeb.Endpoint.url()}/comments/#{uuid}" comment |> cast(attrs, [:url, :text, :actor_id, :event_id, :in_reply_to_comment_id, :attributed_to_id]) |> put_change(:uuid, uuid) |> put_change(:url, url) |> validate_required([:text, :actor_id, :url]) end @doc """ Returns the id of the first comment in the conversation """ def get_thread_id(%Comment{id: id, origin_comment_id: origin_comment_id}) do origin_comment_id || id end end