![Thomas Citharel](/assets/img/avatar_default.png)
* Data doesn't need anymore to be converted to ActivityStream format to be saved (this was taken from Pleroma and not at all a good idea here) * Everything saved when creating an event is inserted into PostgreSQL in a single transaction
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defmodule Mobilizon.Events.Comment do
@moduledoc """
Represents an actor comment (for instance on an event or on a group).
use Ecto.Schema
import Ecto.Changeset
alias Mobilizon.Actors.Actor
alias Mobilizon.Events.{Comment, CommentVisibility, Event, Tag}
alias Mobilizon.Mention
alias MobilizonWeb.Endpoint
alias MobilizonWeb.Router.Helpers, as: Routes
@type t :: %__MODULE__{
text: String.t(),
url: String.t(),
local: boolean,
visibility: CommentVisibility.t(),
uuid: Ecto.UUID.t(),
actor: Actor.t(),
attributed_to: Actor.t(),
event: Event.t(),
tags: [Tag.t()],
mentions: [Mention.t()],
in_reply_to_comment: t,
origin_comment: t
@required_attrs [:text, :actor_id, :url]
@optional_attrs [:event_id, :in_reply_to_comment_id, :origin_comment_id, :attributed_to_id]
@attrs @required_attrs ++ @optional_attrs
schema "comments" do
field(:text, :string)
field(:url, :string)
field(:local, :boolean, default: true)
field(:visibility, CommentVisibility, default: :public)
field(:uuid, Ecto.UUID)
belongs_to(:actor, Actor, foreign_key: :actor_id)
belongs_to(:attributed_to, Actor, foreign_key: :attributed_to_id)
belongs_to(:event, Event, foreign_key: :event_id)
belongs_to(:in_reply_to_comment, Comment, foreign_key: :in_reply_to_comment_id)
belongs_to(:origin_comment, Comment, foreign_key: :origin_comment_id)
many_to_many(:tags, Tag, join_through: "comments_tags", on_replace: :delete)
has_many(:mentions, Mention)
timestamps(type: :utc_datetime)
@doc """
Returns the id of the first comment in the conversation.
@spec get_thread_id(t) :: integer
def get_thread_id(%__MODULE__{id: id, origin_comment_id: origin_comment_id}) do
origin_comment_id || id
@doc false
@spec changeset(t, map) :: Ecto.Changeset.t()
def changeset(%__MODULE__{} = comment, attrs) do
uuid = Map.get(attrs, :uuid) || Ecto.UUID.generate()
url = Map.get(attrs, :url) || generate_url(uuid)
|> cast(attrs, @attrs)
|> put_change(:uuid, uuid)
|> put_change(:url, url)
|> put_tags(attrs)
|> put_mentions(attrs)
|> validate_required(@required_attrs)
@spec generate_url(String.t()) :: String.t()
defp generate_url(uuid), do: Routes.page_url(Endpoint, :comment, uuid)
@spec put_tags(Ecto.Changeset.t(), map) :: Ecto.Changeset.t()
defp put_tags(changeset, %{"tags" => tags}),
do: put_assoc(changeset, :tags, Enum.map(tags, &process_tag/1))
defp put_tags(changeset, %{tags: tags}),
do: put_assoc(changeset, :tags, Enum.map(tags, &process_tag/1))
defp put_tags(changeset, _), do: changeset
@spec put_mentions(Ecto.Changeset.t(), map) :: Ecto.Changeset.t()
defp put_mentions(changeset, %{"mentions" => mentions}),
do: put_assoc(changeset, :mentions, Enum.map(mentions, &process_mention/1))
defp put_mentions(changeset, %{mentions: mentions}),
do: put_assoc(changeset, :mentions, Enum.map(mentions, &process_mention/1))
defp put_mentions(changeset, _), do: changeset
# We need a changeset instead of a raw struct because of slug which is generated in changeset
defp process_tag(tag) do
Tag.changeset(%Tag{}, tag)
defp process_mention(tag) do
Mention.changeset(%Mention{}, tag)