2 lines
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2 lines
991 B
<%= cond do %><% @end_date == nil -> %><%= render("date/event_tz_date.text", date: @start_date, event: @event, timezone: @timezone, locale: @locale) %><% is_same_day?(@start_date, @end_date) -> %><%= gettext "On %{date} from %{start_time} to %{end_time}", date: datetime_to_date_string(@start_date, @locale), start_time: datetime_to_time_string(@start_date, @locale), end_time: datetime_to_time_string(@end_date, @locale) %><%= if @event.options.timezone != @timezone do %> <%= gettext "🌐 %{timezone} %{offset}", timezone: @event.options.timezone, offset: Cldr.DateTime.Formatter.zone_gmt(@start_date) %><% end %><% true -> %><%= gettext "From the %{start} to the %{end}", start: datetime_to_string(@start_date, @locale, :short), end: datetime_to_string(@end_date, @locale, :short) %><%= if @event.options.timezone != @timezone do %> <%= gettext "🌐 %{timezone} %{offset}", timezone: @event.options.timezone, offset: Cldr.DateTime.Formatter.zone_gmt(@start_date) %><% end %><% end %>