884 lines
29 KiB
884 lines
29 KiB
import {ParticipantRole} from "@/types/event.model";
<div class="container">
<b-loading :active.sync="$apollo.loading"></b-loading>
<transition appear name="fade" mode="out-in">
<div v-if="event">
<div class="header-picture" v-if="event.picture" :style="`background-image: url('${event.picture.url}')`" />
<div class="header-picture-default" v-else />
<div class="title-and-participate-button">
<div class="title-wrapper">
<div class="date-component">
<date-calendar-icon :date="event.beginsOn"></date-calendar-icon>
<div class="title-and-informations">
<h1 class="title">{{ event.title }}</h1>
<small v-if="event.participantStats.approved > 0 && !actorIsParticipant">
{{ $tc('One person is going', event.participantStats.approved, {approved: event.participantStats.approved}) }}
<small v-else-if="event.participantStats.approved > 0 && actorIsParticipant">
{{ $tc('You and one other person are going to this event', event.participantStats.participants, { approved: event.participantStats.participants }) }}
<small v-if="event.options.maximumAttendeeCapacity">
{{ $tc('All the places have already been taken', numberOfPlacesStillAvailable, { places: numberOfPlacesStillAvailable}) }}
<div class="event-participation has-text-right" v-if="new Date(endDate) > new Date()">
v-if="currentActor.id && !actorIsOrganizer && !event.draft && (eventCapacityOK || actorIsParticipant) && event.status !== EventStatus.CANCELLED"
@joinModal="isJoinModalActive = true"
<div v-else>
<button class="button is-primary" type="button" slot="trigger" disabled>
<span>{{ $t('Event already passed')}}</span>
<b-icon icon="menu-down"></b-icon>
<div class="metadata columns">
<div class="column is-three-quarters-desktop">
<p class="tags">
<b-tag type="is-warning" size="is-medium" v-if="event.draft">{{ $t('Draft') }}</b-tag>
<span class="event-status" v-if="event.status !== EventStatus.CONFIRMED">
<b-tag type="is-warning" v-if="event.status === EventStatus.TENTATIVE">{{ $t('Event to be confirmed') }}</b-tag>
<b-tag type="is-danger" v-if="event.status === EventStatus.CANCELLED">{{ $t('Event cancelled') }}</b-tag>
<span class="visibility" v-if="!event.draft">
<b-tag type="is-info" v-if="event.visibility === EventVisibility.PUBLIC">{{ $t('Public event') }}</b-tag>
<b-tag type="is-info" v-if="event.visibility === EventVisibility.UNLISTED">{{ $t('Private event') }}</b-tag>
<b-tag type="is-success" v-if="event.tags && event.tags.length > 0" v-for="tag in event.tags" :key="tag.title">{{ tag.title }}</b-tag>
<span v-if="event.tags > 0">⋅</span>
<div class="date-and-add-to-calendar">
<div class="date-and-privacy" v-if="event.beginsOn">
<b-icon icon="calendar-clock" />
<event-full-date :beginsOn="event.beginsOn" :show-start-time="event.options.showStartTime" :show-end-time="event.options.showEndTime" :endsOn="event.endsOn" />
<a class="add-to-calendar" @click="downloadIcsEvent()" v-if="!event.draft">
<b-icon icon="calendar-plus" />
{{ $t('Add to my calendar') }}
<p class="slug">
{{ event.slug }}
<div class="column sidebar">
<div class="field has-addons" v-if="currentActor.id">
<p class="control" v-if="actorIsOrganizer || event.draft">
:to="{ name: RouteName.EDIT_EVENT, params: {eventId: event.uuid}}"
{{ $t('Edit') }}
<p class="control" v-if="actorIsOrganizer || event.draft">
<a class="button is-danger" @click="openDeleteEventModalWrapper">
{{ $t('Delete') }}
<p class="control">
<a class="button is-danger" @click="isReportModalActive = true">
{{ $t('Report') }}
<div class="address-wrapper">
<b-icon icon="map" />
<span v-if="!event.physicalAddress">{{ $t('No address defined') }}</span>
<div class="address" v-if="event.physicalAddress">
<span class="addressDescription" :title="event.physicalAddress.description">{{ event.physicalAddress.description }}</span>
<span>{{ event.physicalAddress.floor }} {{ event.physicalAddress.street }}</span>
<span>{{ event.physicalAddress.postalCode }} {{ event.physicalAddress.locality }}</span>
<span class="map-show-button" @click="showMap = !showMap" v-if="event.physicalAddress && event.physicalAddress.geom">
{{ $t('Show map') }}
<b-modal v-if="event.physicalAddress && event.physicalAddress.geom" :active.sync="showMap" scroll="keep">
<div class="map">
<span class="online-address" v-if="event.onlineAddress && urlToHostname(event.onlineAddress)">
<b-icon icon="link"></b-icon>
<a :href="event.onlineAddress">{{ urlToHostname(event.onlineAddress) }}</a>
<div class="organizer">
<span v-if="event.organizerActor">
{{ $t('By {name}', {name: event.organizerActor.name ? event.organizerActor.name : event.organizerActor.preferredUsername}) }}
<figure v-if="event.organizerActor.avatar" class="image is-48x48">
:alt="event.organizerActor.avatar.alt" />
<div class="description">
<div class="description-container container">
<h3 class="title">
{{ $t('About this event') }}
<p v-if="!event.description">
{{ $t("The event organizer didn't add any description.") }}
<div class="columns" v-else>
<div class="column is-half description-content" v-html="event.description">
<section class="share" v-if="!event.draft">
<div class="container">
<div class="columns">
<div class="column is-half-desktop has-text-centered">
<h3 class="title">{{ $t('Share this event') }}</h3>
<small class="maximumNumberOfPlacesWarning" v-if="!eventCapacityOK">
{{ $t('All the places have already been taken') }}
<!-- <b-icon icon="mastodon" size="is-large" type="is-primary" />-->
<a :href="facebookShareUrl" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener"><b-icon icon="facebook" size="is-large" type="is-primary" /></a>
<a :href="twitterShareUrl" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener"><b-icon icon="twitter" size="is-large" type="is-primary" /></a>
<a :href="emailShareUrl" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener"><b-icon icon="email" size="is-large" type="is-primary" /></a>
<!-- TODO: mailto: links are not used anymore, we should provide a popup to redact a message instead -->
<a :href="linkedInShareUrl" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener"><b-icon icon="linkedin" size="is-large" type="is-primary" /></a>
<hr />
<div class="column is-half has-text-right add-to-calendar">
<h3 @click="downloadIcsEvent()">
{{ $t('Add to my calendar') }}
<section class="more-events container" v-if="event.relatedEvents.length > 0">
<h3 class="title has-text-centered">{{ $t('These events may interest you') }}</h3>
<div class="columns">
<div class="column is-one-third-desktop" v-for="relatedEvent in event.relatedEvents" :key="relatedEvent.uuid">
<EventCard :event="relatedEvent" />
<b-modal :active.sync="isReportModalActive" has-modal-card ref="reportModal">
<report-modal :on-confirm="reportEvent" :title="$t('Report this event')" :outside-domain="event.organizerActor.domain" @close="$refs.reportModal.close()" />
<b-modal :active.sync="isJoinModalActive" has-modal-card ref="participationModal">
<identity-picker v-model="identity">
<template v-slot:footer>
<footer class="modal-card-foot">
@click="isJoinModalActive = false">
{{ $t('Cancel') }}
class="button is-primary"
{{ $t('Confirm my particpation') }}
<script lang="ts">
import { Component, Prop } from 'vue-property-decorator';
import { CURRENT_ACTOR_CLIENT } from '@/graphql/actor';
import { EventStatus, EventVisibility, IEvent, IParticipant, ParticipantRole } from '@/types/event.model';
import { IPerson, Person } from '@/types/actor';
import { GRAPHQL_API_ENDPOINT } from '@/api/_entrypoint';
import DateCalendarIcon from '@/components/Event/DateCalendarIcon.vue';
import BIcon from 'buefy/src/components/icon/Icon.vue';
import EventCard from '@/components/Event/EventCard.vue';
import EventFullDate from '@/components/Event/EventFullDate.vue';
import ActorLink from '@/components/Account/ActorLink.vue';
import ReportModal from '@/components/Report/ReportModal.vue';
import { IReport } from '@/types/report.model';
import { CREATE_REPORT } from '@/graphql/report';
import EventMixin from '@/mixins/event';
import IdentityPicker from '@/views/Account/IdentityPicker.vue';
import ParticipationButton from '@/components/Event/ParticipationButton.vue';
import { GraphQLError } from 'graphql';
import { RouteName } from '@/router';
components: {
// tslint:disable:space-in-parens
'map-leaflet': () => import(/* webpackChunkName: "map" */ '@/components/Map.vue'),
// tslint:enable
apollo: {
event: {
variables() {
return {
uuid: this.uuid,
error({ graphQLErrors }) {
currentActor: {
participations: {
variables() {
return {
eventId: this.event.id,
actorId: this.currentActor.id,
update: (data) => {
if (data && data.person) return data.person.participations;
return [];
skip() {
return !this.currentActor || !this.event || !this.event.id || !this.currentActor.id;
metaInfo() {
return {
// if no subcomponents specify a metaInfo.title, this title will be used
// @ts-ignore
title: this.eventTitle,
// all titles will be injected into this template
titleTemplate: '%s | Mobilizon',
meta: [
// @ts-ignore
{ name: 'description', content: this.eventDescription },
export default class Event extends EventMixin {
@Prop({ type: String, required: true }) uuid!: string;
event!: IEvent;
currentActor!: IPerson;
identity: IPerson = new Person();
participations: IParticipant[] = [];
showMap: boolean = false;
isReportModalActive: boolean = false;
isJoinModalActive: boolean = false;
EventVisibility = EventVisibility;
EventStatus = EventStatus;
RouteName = RouteName;
get eventTitle() {
if (!this.event) return undefined;
return this.event.title;
get eventDescription() {
if (!this.event) return undefined;
return this.event.description;
mounted() {
this.identity = this.currentActor;
* Delete the event, then redirect to home.
async openDeleteEventModalWrapper() {
await this.openDeleteEventModal(this.event, this.currentActor);
async reportEvent(content: string, forward: boolean) {
this.isReportModalActive = false;
if (!this.event.organizerActor) return;
const eventTitle = this.event.title;
try {
await this.$apollo.mutate<IReport>({
mutation: CREATE_REPORT,
variables: {
eventId: this.event.id,
reporterActorId: this.currentActor.id,
reportedActorId: this.event.organizerActor.id,
message: this.$t('Event {eventTitle} reported', { eventTitle }) as string,
type: 'is-success',
position: 'is-bottom-right',
duration: 5000,
} catch (error) {
async joinEvent(identity: IPerson) {
this.isJoinModalActive = false;
try {
const { data } = await this.$apollo.mutate<{ joinEvent: IParticipant }>({
mutation: JOIN_EVENT,
variables: {
eventId: this.event.id,
actorId: identity.id,
update: (store, { data }) => {
if (data == null) return;
const participationCachedData = store.readQuery<{ person: IPerson }>({
variables: { eventId: this.event.id, actorId: identity.id },
if (participationCachedData == null) return;
const { person } = participationCachedData;
if (person === null) {
console.error('Cannot update participation cache, because of null value.');
variables: { eventId: this.event.id, actorId: identity.id },
data: { person },
const cachedData = store.readQuery<{ event: IEvent }>({ query: FETCH_EVENT, variables: { uuid: this.event.uuid } });
if (cachedData == null) return;
const { event } = cachedData;
if (event === null) {
console.error('Cannot update event participant cache, because of null value.');
if (data.joinEvent.role === ParticipantRole.NOT_APPROVED) {
event.participantStats.unapproved = event.participantStats.unapproved + 1;
} else {
event.participantStats.approved = event.participantStats.approved + 1;
event.participantStats.participants = event.participantStats.participants + 1;
store.writeQuery({ query: FETCH_EVENT, variables: { uuid: this.uuid }, data: { event } });
if (data) {
message: (data.joinEvent.role === ParticipantRole.NOT_APPROVED ? this.$t('Your participation has been requested') : this.$t('Your participation has been confirmed')) as string,
type: 'is-success',
position: 'is-bottom-right',
duration: 5000,
} catch (error) {
confirmLeave() {
title: this.$t('Leaving event "{title}"', { title: this.event.title }) as string,
message: this.$t('Are you sure you want to cancel your participation at event "{title}"?', { title: this.event.title }) as string,
confirmText: this.$t('Leave event') as string,
cancelText: this.$t('Cancel') as string,
type: 'is-danger',
hasIcon: true,
onConfirm: () => this.leaveEvent(),
async leaveEvent() {
try {
const { data } = await this.$apollo.mutate<{ leaveEvent: IParticipant }>({
mutation: LEAVE_EVENT,
variables: {
eventId: this.event.id,
actorId: this.currentActor.id,
update: (store, { data }) => {
if (data == null) return;
const participationCachedData = store.readQuery<{ person: IPerson }>({
variables: { eventId: this.event.id, actorId: this.currentActor.id },
if (participationCachedData == null) return;
const { person } = participationCachedData;
if (person === null) {
console.error('Cannot update participation cache, because of null value.');
const participation = person.participations[0];
person.participations = [];
variables: { eventId: this.event.id, actorId: this.currentActor.id },
data: { person },
const eventCachedData = store.readQuery<{ event: IEvent }>({ query: FETCH_EVENT, variables: { uuid: this.event.uuid } });
if (eventCachedData == null) return;
const { event } = eventCachedData;
if (event === null) {
console.error('Cannot update event cache, because of null value.');
if (participation.role === ParticipantRole.NOT_APPROVED) {
event.participantStats.unapproved = event.participantStats.unapproved - 1;
} else {
event.participantStats.approved = event.participantStats.approved - 1;
event.participantStats.participants = event.participantStats.participants - 1;
store.writeQuery({ query: FETCH_EVENT, variables: { uuid: this.uuid }, data: { event } });
if (data) {
message: this.$t('You have cancelled your participation') as string,
type: 'is-success',
position: 'is-bottom-right',
duration: 5000,
} catch (error) {
async downloadIcsEvent() {
const data = await (await fetch(`${GRAPHQL_API_ENDPOINT}/events/${this.uuid}/export/ics`)).text();
const blob = new Blob([data], { type: 'text/calendar' });
const link = document.createElement('a');
link.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);
link.download = `${this.event.title}.ics`;
async handleErrors(errors: GraphQLError) {
if (errors[0].message.includes('not found') || errors[0].message.includes('has invalid value $uuid')) {
await this.$router.push({ name: RouteName.PAGE_NOT_FOUND });
get actorIsParticipant() {
if (this.actorIsOrganizer) return true;
return this.participations.length > 0 && this.participations[0].role === ParticipantRole.PARTICIPANT;
get actorIsOrganizer() {
return this.participations.length > 0 && this.participations[0].role === ParticipantRole.CREATOR;
get endDate() {
return this.event.endsOn !== null && this.event.endsOn > this.event.beginsOn ? this.event.endsOn : this.event.beginsOn;
get twitterShareUrl(): string {
return `https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?url=${encodeURIComponent(this.event.url)}&text=${this.event.title}`;
get facebookShareUrl(): string {
return `https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=${encodeURIComponent(this.event.url)}`;
get linkedInShareUrl(): string {
return `https://www.linkedin.com/shareArticle?mini=true&url=${encodeURIComponent(this.event.url)}&title=${this.event.title}`;
get emailShareUrl(): string {
return `mailto:?to=&body=${this.event.url}${encodeURIComponent('\n\n')}${this.textDescription}&subject=${this.event.title}`;
get textDescription(): string {
const meta = document.querySelector("meta[property='og:description']");
if (!meta) return '';
const desc = meta.getAttribute('content') || '';
return desc.substring(0, 1000);
get eventCapacityOK(): boolean {
if (!this.event.options.maximumAttendeeCapacity) return true;
return this.event.options.maximumAttendeeCapacity > this.event.participantStats.participants;
get numberOfPlacesStillAvailable(): number {
return this.event.options.maximumAttendeeCapacity - this.event.participantStats.participants;
urlToHostname(url: string): string|null {
try {
return (new URL(url)).hostname;
} catch (e) {
return null;
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h3 {
margin: 0 auto 1rem;
font-weight: normal;
small.maximumNumberOfPlacesWarning {
margin: 0 auto 1rem;
display: block;
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h3 {
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margin-left: auto;
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