Signed-off-by: Thomas Citharel <tcit@tcit.fr>
403 lines
12 KiB
403 lines
12 KiB
<section class="hero is-light is-bold" v-if="config && (!currentUser.id || !currentActor.id)">
<div class="hero-body">
<div class="container">
<h1 class="title">{{ $t("Gather ⋅ Organize ⋅ Mobilize") }}</h1>
<p>{{ $t("Join {instance}, a Mobilizon instance", { instance: config.name }) }}</p>
<p class="instance-description">{{ config.description }}</p>
<!-- We don't invite to find other instances yet -->
<!-- <p v-if="!config.registrationsOpen">
{{ $t("This instance isn't opened to registrations, but you can register on other instances.") }}
<b-message type="is-danger" v-if="!config.registrationsOpen">{{
$t("Unfortunately, this instance isn't opened to registrations")
<div class="buttons">
:to="{ name: RouteName.REGISTER }"
>{{ $t("Create an account") }}</b-button
<!-- We don't invite to find other instances yet -->
<!-- <b-button v-else type="is-link" tag="a" href="https://joinmastodon.org">{{ $t('Find an instance') }}</b-button> -->
<b-button type="is-text" tag="router-link" :to="{ name: RouteName.ABOUT }">
{{ $t("Learn more about Mobilizon") }}
<div class="container section" v-if="config && (!currentUser.id || !currentActor.id)">
<section class="events-featured">
<h3 class="title">{{ $t("Featured events") }}</h3>
<b-loading :active.sync="$apollo.loading" />
<div v-if="filteredFeaturedEvents.length > 0" class="columns is-multiline">
class="column is-one-third-desktop"
v-for="event in filteredFeaturedEvents.slice(0, 6)"
<EventCard :event="event" />
<b-message v-else type="is-danger">{{ $t("No events found") }}</b-message>
<div class="container section" v-if="config && loggedUser && loggedUser.settings">
<section v-if="currentActor.id">
<b-message type="is-info" v-if="welcomeBack">{{
$t("Welcome back {username}!", { username: currentActor.displayName() })
<b-message type="is-info" v-if="newRegisteredUser">{{
$t("Welcome to Mobilizon, {username}!", { username: currentActor.displayName() })
<section v-if="currentActor.id && goingToEvents.size > 0" class="container">
<h3 class="title">{{ $t("Upcoming") }}</h3>
<b-loading :active.sync="$apollo.loading" />
<div v-for="row of goingToEvents" class="upcoming-events" :key="row[0]">
<span class="date-component-container" v-if="isInLessThanSevenDays(row[0])">
<date-component :date="row[0]" />
<subtitle v-if="isToday(row[0])">{{
$tc("You have one event today.", row[1].length, { count: row[1].length })
<subtitle v-else-if="isTomorrow(row[0])">{{
$tc("You have one event tomorrow.", row[1].length, { count: row[1].length })
<subtitle v-else-if="isInLessThanSevenDays(row[0])">
$tc("You have one event in {days} days.", row[1].length, {
count: row[1].length,
days: calculateDiffDays(row[0]),
v-for="participation in row[1]"
<span class="view-all">
<router-link :to="{ name: RouteName.MY_EVENTS }"
>{{ $t("View everything") }} >></router-link
<section v-if="currentActor && lastWeekEvents.length > 0">
<h3 class="title">{{ $t("Last week") }}</h3>
<b-loading :active.sync="$apollo.loading" />
v-for="participation in lastWeekEvents"
:options="{ hideDate: false }"
<section class="events-featured">
<h3 class="title">{{ $t("Featured events") }}</h3>
<b-loading :active.sync="$apollo.loading" />
<div v-if="filteredFeaturedEvents.length > 0" class="columns is-multiline">
class="column is-one-third-desktop"
v-for="event in filteredFeaturedEvents.slice(0, 6)"
<EventCard :event="event" />
<b-message v-else type="is-danger">{{ $t("No events found") }}</b-message>
<settings-onboard v-else-if="config && loggedUser && loggedUser.settings == undefined" />
<script lang="ts">
import { Component, Vue } from "vue-property-decorator";
import { FETCH_EVENTS } from "../graphql/event";
import EventListCard from "../components/Event/EventListCard.vue";
import EventCard from "../components/Event/EventCard.vue";
import { CURRENT_ACTOR_CLIENT, LOGGED_USER_PARTICIPATIONS } from "../graphql/actor";
import { IPerson, Person } from "../types/actor";
import { ICurrentUser } from "../types/current-user.model";
import { CURRENT_USER_CLIENT, USER_SETTINGS } from "../graphql/user";
import RouteName from "../router/name";
import { IEvent, IParticipant, Participant, ParticipantRole } from "../types/event.model";
import DateComponent from "../components/Event/DateCalendarIcon.vue";
import { CONFIG } from "../graphql/config";
import { IConfig } from "../types/config.model";
import Subtitle from "../components/Utils/Subtitle.vue";
apollo: {
events: {
fetchPolicy: "no-cache", // Debug me: https://github.com/apollographql/apollo-client/issues/3030
currentActor: {
update: (data) => new Person(data.currentActor),
loggedUser: {
fetchPolicy: "no-cache",
config: CONFIG,
currentUserParticipations: {
fetchPolicy: "network-only",
variables() {
const lastWeek = new Date();
lastWeek.setDate(new Date().getDate() - 7);
return {
afterDateTime: lastWeek.toISOString(),
update: (data) =>
(participation: IParticipant) => new Participant(participation)
skip() {
return this.currentUser.isLoggedIn === false;
components: {
"settings-onboard": () => import("./User/SettingsOnboard.vue"),
metaInfo() {
return {
// if no subcomponents specify a metaInfo.title, this title will be used
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment
// @ts-ignore
title: this.instanceName,
// all titles will be injected into this template
titleTemplate: "%s | Mobilizon",
export default class Home extends Vue {
events: IEvent[] = [];
locations = [];
city = { name: null };
country = { name: null };
currentUser!: ICurrentUser;
loggedUser!: ICurrentUser;
currentActor!: IPerson;
config!: IConfig;
RouteName = RouteName;
currentUserParticipations: IParticipant[] = [];
// get displayed_name() {
// return this.loggedPerson && this.loggedPerson.name === null
// ? this.loggedPerson.preferredUsername
// : this.loggedPerson.name;
// }
get instanceName(): string | undefined {
if (!this.config) return undefined;
return this.config.name;
// eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this
get welcomeBack(): boolean {
return window.localStorage.getItem("welcome-back") === "yes";
// eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this
get newRegisteredUser(): boolean {
return window.localStorage.getItem("new-registered-user") === "yes";
// eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this
mounted(): void {
if (window.localStorage.getItem("welcome-back")) {
if (window.localStorage.getItem("new-registered-user")) {
// eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this
isToday(date: Date): boolean {
return new Date(date).toDateString() === new Date().toDateString();
isTomorrow(date: string): boolean {
return this.isInDays(date, 1);
isInDays(date: string, nbDays: number): boolean {
return this.calculateDiffDays(date) === nbDays;
isBefore(date: string, nbDays: number): boolean {
return this.calculateDiffDays(date) < nbDays;
isAfter(date: string, nbDays: number): boolean {
return this.calculateDiffDays(date) >= nbDays;
isInLessThanSevenDays(date: string): boolean {
return this.isBefore(date, 7);
// eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this
calculateDiffDays(date: string): number {
return Math.ceil((new Date(date).getTime() - new Date().getTime()) / 1000 / 60 / 60 / 24);
get goingToEvents(): Map<string, Map<string, IParticipant>> {
const res = this.currentUserParticipations.filter(
({ event, role }) =>
event.beginsOn != null &&
this.isAfter(event.beginsOn.toDateString(), 0) &&
this.isBefore(event.beginsOn.toDateString(), 7) &&
role !== ParticipantRole.REJECTED
(a: IParticipant, b: IParticipant) => a.event.beginsOn.getTime() - b.event.beginsOn.getTime()
return res.reduce(
(acc: Map<string, Map<string, IParticipant>>, participation: IParticipant) => {
const day = new Date(participation.event.beginsOn).toDateString();
const participations: Map<string, IParticipant> = acc.get(day) || new Map();
participations.set(`${participation.event.uuid}${participation.actor.id}`, participation);
acc.set(day, participations);
return acc;
new Map()
get lastWeekEvents(): IParticipant[] {
const res = this.currentUserParticipations.filter(
({ event, role }) =>
event.beginsOn != null &&
this.isBefore(event.beginsOn.toDateString(), 0) &&
role !== ParticipantRole.REJECTED
(a: IParticipant, b: IParticipant) => a.event.beginsOn.getTime() - b.event.beginsOn.getTime()
return res;
* Return all events from server excluding the ones shown as participating
get filteredFeaturedEvents(): IEvent[] {
return this.events.filter(
({ id }) =>
.filter((participation) => participation.role === ParticipantRole.CREATOR)
.map(({ event: { id: eventId } }) => eventId)
eventDeleted(eventid: string): void {
this.currentUserParticipations = this.currentUserParticipations.filter(
(participation) => participation.event.id !== eventid
viewEvent(event: IEvent): void {
this.$router.push({ name: RouteName.EVENT, params: { uuid: event.uuid } });
<style lang="scss" scoped>
@import "@/variables.scss";
main > div > .container {
background: $white;
.search-autocomplete {
border: 1px solid #dbdbdb;
color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.87);
.events-featured {
& > h3 {
padding-left: 0.75rem;
.columns {
margin: 1rem auto 3rem;
.date-component-container {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
margin: 1.5rem auto;
h3.subtitle {
margin-left: 7px;
section.container {
margin: auto auto 3rem;
span.view-all {
display: block;
margin-top: 2rem;
text-align: right;
a {
text-decoration: underline;
section.hero {
margin-top: -3px;
background: lighten($secondary, 20%);
.title {
color: $background-color;
.column figure.image img {
max-width: 400px;
.instance-description {
margin-bottom: 1rem;