
814 lines
34 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2021-07-23 17:35:29 +02:00
# encoding: utf-8
import csv
from datetime import datetime
from importlib import import_module, invalidate_caches
from io import StringIO
from flask import current_app, g, request, redirect, url_for
from flask_admin import BaseView, expose
from slugify import slugify
from sqlalchemy import or_
from app.form.admin import ImportForm
from app import model
2021-07-23 17:35:29 +02:00
def default_import(headers):
g.form = ImportForm()
g.errors = []
g.messages = []
reader = None
if g.form.validate_on_submit():
reader = csv.reader(
for index, row in enumerate(next(reader, [])):
for header in headers:
if row.lower() == header:
headers[header] = index
for header in headers:
if headers[header] is None:
g.errors.append(f"Column {header} not found.")
for header in headers:
if headers[header] == "optional":
headers[header] = None
return reader
class ImportAddressView(BaseView):
@expose("/", methods=["GET", "POST"])
def index(self):
headers = {
"name": None,
"country_code": None,
"number": "optional",
"street": "optional",
"miscellaneous": "optional",
"city": None,
"zipcode": None,
"building": "optional",
"floor": "optional",
"stair": "optional",
"office": "optional",
"latitude": "optional",
"longitude": "optional",
reader = default_import(headers)
g.what = {
"title": "Import addresses",
"description": "Importing addresses will add unknown ones and update known"
" ones. If an address is not present in imported file it will not be"
" deleted.",
"endpoint": "addresses.index",
"formats": [
"File format accepted is CSV (Comma Separated Values).",
"First line chould be column headers.",
"Other lines are values.",
"One column MUST be 'name' and be the unique name of the address.",
"One column MUST be 'country_code'.",
"One column MUST be 'city' and be the name of a city.",
"One column MUST be 'zipcode' and be the zipcode of this city.",
"examples": [
"Assemblée Nationale,FR,Paris,75000,,",
"Victor's Office,BE,Bruxelles,1000,A,2",
"White House,US,Washington DC,20500-0003,,",
if len(g.errors) == 0 and reader is not None:
for row in reader:
address_country = model.CountryModel.query.filter_by(
2021-07-23 17:35:29 +02:00
address = model.AddressModel.query.filter_by(
2021-07-23 17:35:29 +02:00
if address is None:
address = model.AddressModel(
2021-07-23 17:35:29 +02:00
name = row[headers["name"]],
slug = slugify(row[headers["name"]]),
country = address_country,
number = row[headers["number"]],
street = row[headers["street"]],
miscellaneous = row[headers["miscellaneous"]],
city = row[headers["city"]],
zipcode = row[headers["zipcode"]],
building = row[headers["building"]],
floor = row[headers["floor"]],
stair = row[headers["stair"]],
office = row[headers["office"]],
latitude = row[headers["latitude"]],
longitude = row[headers["longitude"]],
g.messages.append(f"{row[headers['name']]} added.")
updated = False
if address.country != country:
address.country = address_country
updated = True
if address.number != row[headers["number"]]:
address.number = row[headers["number"]]
updated = True
if address.street != row[headers["street"]]:
address.street = row[headers["street"]]
updated = True
if address.miscellaneous != row[headers["miscellaneous"]]:
address.miscellaneous = row[headers["miscellaneous"]]
updated = True
if address.city != row[headers["city"]]:
address.city = row[headers["city"]]
updated = True
if address.zipcode != row[headers["zipcode"]]:
address.zipcode = row[headers["zipcode"]]
updated = True
if address.building != row[headers["building"]]:
address.building = row[headers["building"]]
updated = True
if address.floor != row[headers["floor"]]:
address.floor = row[headers["floor"]]
updated = True
if address.stair != row[headers["stair"]]:
address.stair = row[headers["stair"]]
updated = True
if address.office != row[headers["office"]]:
address.office = row[headers["office"]]
updated = True
if address.latitude != row[headers["latitude"]]:
address.latitude = row[headers["latitude"]]
updated = True
if address.longitude != row[headers["longitude"]]:
address.longitude = row[headers["longitude"]]
updated = True
if updated:
g.messages.append(f"{row[headers['name']]} updated.")
return self.render("admin/import.html")
class ImportContactView(BaseView):
@expose("/", methods=["GET", "POST"])
def index(self):
headers = {
"representative_slug": None,
"address_slug": "optional",
"name": None,
"value": None,
reader = default_import(headers)
g.what = {
"title": "Import contacts",
"description": "Importing contacts will add unknown ones and update known"
" ones. If a contact is not present in imported file it will not be"
" deleted.",
"endpoint": "contacts.index",
"formats": [
"File format accepted is CSV (Comma Separated Values).",
"First line chould be column headers.",
"Other lines are values.",
"One column MUST be 'name' and be the name of the contact.",
"One column MUST be 'value' and be the value of this contact.",
"One column MUST be 'representative_slug' and be the slug identifying one representative.",
"One column COULD be 'address_slug' and be the slug identifying an address.",
"examples": [
if len(g.errors) == 0 and reader is not None:
for row in reader:
contact_representative = model.RepresentativeModel.query.filter_by(
2021-07-23 17:35:29 +02:00
if headers["addres_slug"] is not None:
contact_address = model.AddressModel.query.filter_by(
2021-07-23 17:35:29 +02:00
contact_address = None
contact = model.ContactModel.query.filter_by(
2021-07-23 17:35:29 +02:00
if contact is None:
contact = model.ContactModel(
2021-07-23 17:35:29 +02:00
representative = contact_representative,
address = contact_address,
name = row[headers["name"]],
slug = slugify(row[headers["name"]]),
value = row[headers["value"]],
g.messages.append(f"{row[headers['name']]} added.")
updated = False
if contact.address != contact_address:
contact.address = contact_address
updated = True
if contact.value != row[headers["value"]]:
contact.value = row[headers["value"]]
updated = True
if updated:
g.messages.append(f"{row[headers['name']]} updated.")
return self.render("admin/import.html")
class ImportDecisionView(BaseView):
@expose("/", methods=["GET", "POST"])
def index(self):
headers = {
"representative_slug": None,
"recommendation_slug": None,
"value": None,
reader = default_import(headers)
g.what = {
"title": "Import decisions",
"description": "Importing decisions will add unknown ones and update known"
" ones. If a decision is not present in imported file it will not be"
" deleted.",
"endpoint": "decisions.index",
"formats": [
"File format accepted is CSV (Comma Separated Values).",
"First line chould be column headers.",
"Other lines are values.",
"One column MUST be 'value' and be the value of the decision.",
"One column MUST be 'representative_slug' and be the slug identifying one representative.",
"One column MUST be 'recommendation_slug' and be the slug identifying one recommendation.",
"examples": [
if len(g.errors) == 0 and reader is not None:
for row in reader:
decision_representative = model.RepresentativeModel.query.filter_by(
2021-07-23 17:35:29 +02:00
decision_recommendation = model.RecommendationModel.query.filter_by(
2021-07-23 17:35:29 +02:00
decision = model.DecisionModel.query.filter_by(
2021-07-23 17:35:29 +02:00
if decision is None:
decision = model.DecisionModel(
2021-07-23 17:35:29 +02:00
representative = decision_representative,
recommendation = decision_recommendation,
value = value,
g.messages.append(f"Decision for {row[headers['recommendation_slug']]} by {row[headers['representative_slug']]} added.")
if decision.value != value:
decision.value = value
g.messages.append(f"Decision for {row[headers['recommendation_slug']]} by {row[headers['representative_slug']]} updated.")
return self.render("admin/import.html")
class ImportEntityView(BaseView):
@expose("/", methods=["GET", "POST"])
def index(self):
headers = {
"type_code": None,
"country_code": None,
"name": None,
"code": None,
"picture": "optional",
"start": None,
"end": None,
reader = default_import(headers)
g.what = {
"title": "Import entities",
"description": "Importing entities will add unknown ones and update known"
" ones. If an entity is not present in imported file it will not be"
" deleted.",
"endpoint": "entities.index",
"formats": [
"File format accepted is CSV (Comma Separated Values).",
"First line chould be column headers.",
"Other lines are values.",
"One column MUST be 'name' and be the name of the entity.",
"One column MUST be 'code' and be the unique code of this entity.",
"One column COULD be 'picture' and be a link to the logo of the entity.",
"One column MUST be 'start' and be a 'YYYY-MM-DD' date.",
"One column MUST be 'end' and be null or a 'YYYY-MM-DD' date.",
"One column COULD be 'type_code' and be a known type code.",
"One column COULD be 'country_code' and be a known country code.",
"examples": [
if len(g.errors) == 0 and reader is not None:
for row in reader:
entity_type = model.TypeModel.query.filter_by(
2021-07-23 17:35:29 +02:00
entity_country = model.CountryModel.query.filter_by(
2021-07-23 17:35:29 +02:00
entity = model.EntityModel.query.filter_by(
2021-07-23 17:35:29 +02:00
if row[headers["start"]] != "":
start_date = datetime.strptime(row[headers["start"]], "%Y-%m-%d")
start_date = None
if row[headers["end"]] != "":
end_date = datetime.strptime(row[headers["end"]], "%Y-%m-%d")
end_date = None
if headers["picture"] is not None:
picture = row[headers["picture"]]
picture = None
if entity is None:
entity = model.EntityModel(
2021-07-23 17:35:29 +02:00
type = entity_type,
country = entity_country,
name = row[headers["name"]],
slug = slugify(row[headers["name"]]),
code = row[headers["code"]],
picture = picture,
start = start_date,
end = end_date,
g.messages.append(f"{row[headers['name']]} added.")
updated = False
if entity.type != entity_type:
entity.type = entity_type
updated = True
if entity.country != entity_country:
entity.country = entity_country
updated = True
if entity.name != row[headers["name"]]:
entity.name = row[headers["name"]]
entity.slug = slugify(row[headers["name"]])
updated = True
if entity.picture != picture:
entity.picture = picture
updated = True
if entity.start != start_date:
entity.start = start_date
updated = True
if entity.end != end_date:
entity.end = end_date
updated = True
if updated:
g.messages.append(f"{row[headers['name']]} updated.")
return self.render("admin/import.html")
class ImportMatterView(BaseView):
@expose("/", methods=["GET", "POST"])
def index(self):
headers = {
"name": None,
"description": "optional",
reader = default_import(headers)
g.what = {
"title": "Import matters",
"description": "Importing matters will add unknown ones and update known"
" ones. If a matter is not present in imported file it will not be"
" deleted.",
"endpoint": "matters.index",
"formats": [
"File format accepted is CSV (Comma Separated Values).",
"First line chould be column headers.",
"Other lines are values.",
"One column MUST be 'name' and be the unique name of the matter.",
"One column COULD be 'descrpition' and be the description of the matter.",
"examples": [
"How to ?,Well an how-to is a strange case bla bla bla.",
if len(g.errors) == 0 and reader is not None:
for row in reader:
matter = model.MatterModel.query.filter_by(
2021-07-23 17:35:29 +02:00
if headers["description"] is not None:
description = row[headers["description"]]
description = None
if matter is None:
matter = model.DecisionModel(
2021-07-23 17:35:29 +02:00
name = row[headers["name"]],
slug = slugify(row[headers["name"]]),
description = description,
g.messages.append(f"Matter {row[headers['name']]} added.")
if matter.description != value:
matter.description = value
g.messages.append(f"Matter {row[headers['name']]} updated.")
return self.render("admin/import.html")
class ImportMembershipView(BaseView):
@expose("/", methods=["GET", "POST"])
def index(self):
headers = {
"representative_slug": None,
"entity_code": None,
"role_code": None,
"start": None,
"end": None,
reader = default_import(headers)
g.what = {
"title": "Import memberships",
"description": "Importing memberships will add unknown ones and update"
" known ones. If a membership is not present in imported file it"
" will not be deleted.",
"endpoint": "memberships.index",
"formats": [
"File format accepted is CSV (Comma Separated Values).",
"First line chould be column headers.",
"Other lines are values.",
"One column MUST be 'representative_slug'.",
"One column MUST be 'entity_code'.",
"One column MUST be 'role_code'.",
"One column MUST be 'start'.",
"One column MUST be 'end'.",
"examples": [
"United States of America,US,USA",
if len(g.errors) == 0 and reader is not None:
for row in reader:
representative = model.RepresentativeModel.query.filter_by(
2021-07-23 17:35:29 +02:00
entity = model.EntityModel.query.filter_by(
2021-07-23 17:35:29 +02:00
role = model.RoleModel.query.filter_by(
2021-07-23 17:35:29 +02:00
if row[headers["start"]] != "":
start_date = datetime.strptime(row[headers["start"]], "%Y-%m-%d")
start_date = None
if row[headers["end"]] != "":
end_date = datetime.strptime(row[headers["end"]], "%Y-%m-%d")
end_date = None
membership = model.MembershipModel.query.filter_by(
2021-07-23 17:35:29 +02:00
if membership is None:
membership = model.MembershipModel(
2021-07-23 17:35:29 +02:00
representative = representative,
entity = entity,
role = role,
start = start_date,
end = end_date,
g.messages.append(f"Membership of {row[headers['representative_slug']]} added.")
if membership.end != end_date:
membership.end = end_date
g.messages.append(f"Membership of {row[headers['representative_slug']]} updated.")
return self.render("admin/import.html")
class ImportRecommendationView(BaseView):
@expose("/", methods=["GET", "POST"])
def index(self):
headers = {
"matter_slug": None,
"entity_code": None,
"name": None,
"code": None,
"date": None,
"description": "optional",
"value": None,
"weight": "optional",
reader = default_import(headers)
g.what = {
"title": "Import recommendations",
"description": "Importing recommendations will add unknown ones and update"
" known ones. If a recommendation is not present in imported file it"
" will not be deleted.",
"endpoint": "recommendations.index",
"formats": [
"File format accepted is CSV (Comma Separated Values).",
"First line chould be column headers.",
"Other lines are values.",
"One column MUST be 'matter_slug'.",
"One column MUST be 'entity_code'.",
"One column MUST be 'name'.",
"One column MUST be 'code'.",
"One column MUST be 'date'.",
"One column COULD be 'description'.",
"One column MUST be 'value'.",
"One column COULD be 'weight'.",
"examples": [
"United States of America,US,USA",
if len(g.errors) == 0 and reader is not None:
for row in reader:
matter = model.MatterModel.query.filter_by(
2021-07-23 17:35:29 +02:00
entity = model.EntityModel.query.filter_by(
2021-07-23 17:35:29 +02:00
if row[headers["date"]] != "":
recommendation_date = datetime.strptime(row[headers["date"]], "%Y-%m-%d")
recommendation_date = None
if row[headers["description"]] is not None:
description = row[headers["description"]]
description = None
if row[headers["weight"]] != "":
weight = int(row[headers["weight"]])
weight = 1
recommendation = model.RecommendationModel.query.filter_by(
2021-07-23 17:35:29 +02:00
if recommendation is None:
recommendation = model.RecommendationModel(
2021-07-23 17:35:29 +02:00
matter = matter,
entity = entity,
name = row[headers["name"]],
slug = slugify(row[headers["name"]]),
code = row[headers["code"]],
date = recommendation_date,
description = description,
value = row[headers["value"]],
weight = weight,
g.messages.append(f"{row[headers['name']]} added.")
updated = False
if recommendation.name != row[headers["name"]]:
recommendation.name = row[headers["name"]]
recommendation.slug = slugify(row[headers["name"]])
updated = True
if recommendation.date != recommendation_date:
recommendation.date = recommendation_date
updated = True
if recommendation.description != description:
recommendation.description = description
updated = True
if recommendation.value != row[headers["value"]]:
recommendation.value = row[headers["value"]]
updated = True
if recommendation.weight != weight:
recommendation.weight = weight
updated = True
if updated:
g.messages.append(f"{row[headers['name']]} updated.")
return self.render("admin/import.html")
class ImportRoleView(BaseView):
@expose("/", methods=["GET", "POST"])
def index(self):
headers = {"name": None, "code": None}
reader = default_import(headers)
g.what = {
"title": "Import roles",
"description": "Importing roles will add unknown ones and update known"
" ones. If a role is not present in imported file it will not be"
" deleted.",
"endpoint": "roles.index",
"formats": [
"File format accepted is CSV (Comma Separated Values).",
"First line chould be column headers.",
"Other lines are values.",
"One column MUST be 'name'.",
"One column MUST be 'code'.",
"examples": [
"GP,Groupe parlementaire",
"CEO,Chief Executive Officer",
if len(g.errors) == 0 and reader is not None:
# Values
for row in reader:
role = model.RoleModel.query.filter_by(code=row[headers["code"]]).first()
2021-07-23 17:35:29 +02:00
if role is None:
role = model.RoleModel(
2021-07-23 17:35:29 +02:00
name = row[headers["name"]],
slug = slugify(row[headers["name"]]),
code = row[headers["code"]],
g.messages.append(f"{row[headers['name']]} added.")
if role.name != row[headers["name"]]:
role.name = row[headers["name"]]
role.slug = slugify(row[headers["name"]])
g.messages.append(f"{row[headers['name']]} updated.")
return self.render("admin/import.html")
class ImportStanceView(BaseView):
@expose("/", methods=["GET", "POST"])
def index(self):
headers = {
"name": None,
"slug": None,
"matter": None,
"subject": None,
"date": None,
"extract": None,
"source_url": None,
reader = default_import(headers)
g.what = {
"title": "Import stances",
"description": "Importing stances will add unknown ones and update"
" known ones. If a stance is not present in imported file it"
" will not be deleted.",
"endpoint": "stances.index",
"formats": [
"File format accepted is CSV (Comma Separated Values).",
"First line chould be column headers.",
"Other lines are values.",
"One column MUST be 'name'.",
"One column MUST be 'iso2' and be two characters long.",
"examples": [
"United States of America,US,USA",
if len(g.errors) == 0 and reader is not None:
# Values
for row in reader:
# Representative
representative = model.RepresentativeModel.query.filter_by(
2021-07-23 17:35:29 +02:00
if representative is None:
representative = model.RepresentativeModel(
2021-07-23 17:35:29 +02:00
name = row[headers["name"]],
slug = row[headers["slug"]],
# Matter
matter = model.MatterModel.query.filter_by(
2021-07-23 17:35:29 +02:00
if matter is None:
matter = model.MatterModel(
2021-07-23 17:35:29 +02:00
name = row[headers["matter"]],
slug = slugify(row[headers["matter"]]),
if row[headers["date"]] != "":
stance_date = datetime.strptime(row[headers["date"]], "%Y-%m-%d")
stance_date = None
# Stance
stance = model.StanceModel.query.filter_by(
2021-07-23 17:35:29 +02:00
if stance is None:
stance = model.StanceModel(
2021-07-23 17:35:29 +02:00
representative = representative,
matter = matter,
subject = row[headers["subject"]],
date = stance_date,
extract = row[headers["extract"]],
source_url = row[headers["source_url"]],
g.messages.append(f"Stance for {row[headers['name']]} added.")
updated = False
if stance.subject != row[headers["subject"]]:
stance.subject = row[headers["subject"]]
updated = True
if stance.date != stance_date:
stance.date = stance_date
updated = True
if stance.extract != row[headers["extract"]]:
stance.extract = row[headers["extract"]]
updated = True
if stance.source_url != row[headers["source_url"]]:
stance.source_url = row[headers["source_url"]]
updated = True
if updated:
g.messages.append(f"{row[headers['name']]} updated.")
return self.render("admin/import.html")
class ImportTypeView(BaseView):
@expose("/", methods=["GET", "POST"])
def index(self):
headers = {"name": None, "code": None}
reader = default_import(headers)
g.what = {
"title": "Import types",
"description": "Importing types will add unknown ones and update known"
" ones. If a type is not present in imported file it will not be"
" deleted.",
"endpoint": "types.index",
"formats": [
"File format accepted is CSV (Comma Separated Values).",
"First line chould be column headers.",
"Other lines are values.",
"One column MUST be 'name'.",
"One column MUST be 'code'.",
"examples": [
"GP,Groupe parlementaire",
"CEO,Chief Executive Officer",
if len(g.errors) == 0 and reader is not None:
# Values
for row in reader:
type_ = model.TypeModel.query.filter_by(code=row[headers["code"]]).first()
2021-07-23 17:35:29 +02:00
if type_ is None:
type_ = model.TypeModel(
2021-07-23 17:35:29 +02:00
name = row[headers["name"]],
slug = slugify(row[headers["name"]]),
code = row[headers["code"]],
g.messages.append(f"{row[headers['name']]} added.")
if type_.name != row[headers["name"]]:
type_.name = row[headers["name"]]
type_.slug = slugify(row[headers["name"]])
g.messages.append(f"{row[headers['name']]} updated.")
return self.render("admin/import.html")