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#include "easycsv_p.h"
#include "easycsv_error.h"
/* int */
/* _easycsv_update(_easycsv *csv) */
/* { */
/* /\* ARGS CHECK *\/ */
/* if (csv == NULL) { */
/* _easycsv_printerror(csv, EASYCSV_NULLCSV); */
/* return -1; */
/* } */
/* /\* ARGS CHECK *\/ */
/* /\* Set temp file to read binary *\/ */
/* if (freopen(csv->tmpfp, "rb", csv->temp) == NULL) { */
/* _easycsv_printerror(csv, EASYCSV_REOPENFAIL); */
/* easycsv_free(csv); */
/* return -1; */
/* } */
/* /\* Set file to write binary *\/ */
/* if (freopen(csv->fp, "wb", csv->file) == NULL) { */
/* _easycsv_printerror(csv, EASYCSV_REOPENFAIL); */
/* easycsv_free(csv); */
/* return -1; */
/* } */
/* /\* Copy entire file *\/ */
/* char buf[BUFSIZ]; */
/* size_t size; */
/* while (size = fread(buf, 1, BUFSIZ, csv->temp)) { */
/* fwrite(buf, 1, size, csv->file); */
/* } */
/* /\* Set temp file back to write *\/ */
/* if (freopen(csv->tmpfp, "w", csv->temp) == NULL) { */
/* _easycsv_printerror(csv, EASYCSV_REOPENFAIL); */
/* easycsv_free(csv); */
/* return -1; */
/* } */
/* /\* Set file back to read *\/ */
/* if (freopen(csv->fp, "r", csv->file) == NULL) { */
/* _easycsv_printerror(csv, EASYCSV_REOPENFAIL); */
/* easycsv_free(csv); */
/* return -1; */
/* } */
/* return 0; */
/* } */
/*** Accès ***/
easycsv_rows(const easycsv *csv)
if (easycsv_rewind(csv) < 0) return -1;
int rows = 1;
char c;
/* Go through each character in the file and count the number of new lines */
while ((c = fgetc(csv->file)) != EOF) {
if (c == '\n') rows++;
return rows;
easycsv_columns(const easycsv *csv)
if (easycsv_rewind(csv) < 0) return -1;
1. check if empty file
2. check if only one column -> 0 commas
3. if >1 column, n commas = n+1 columns
int col = 1;
char c;
while ((c = fgetc(csv->file)) != '\n') {
if (c == ',') col++;
return col;
/* char* */
/* _easycsv_getrow(const _easycsv *csv, */
/* const unsigned int row) */
/* { */
/* /\* ARGS CHECK *\/ */
/* if (csv == NULL) { */
/* _easycsv_printerror(csv, EASYCSV_NULLCSV); */
/* return NULL; */
/* } */
/* if (row > csv->rows) { */
/* _easycsv_printerror(csv, EASYCSV_OVERMAXROW); */
/* return NULL; */
/* } */
/* if (row == 0) { */
/* _easycsv_printerror(csv, EASYCSV_ZEROROW); */
/* return NULL; */
/* } */
/* /\* END ARGS CHECK *\/ */
/* /\* Allocate memory *\/ */
/* char *str = malloc(BUFSIZ); */
/* /\* Set file pointer to start *\/ */
/* rewind(csv->file); */
/* for (int i = 1; i < row; i++) */
/* { */
/* /\* skip until row is reached *\/ */
/* fscanf(csv->file, "%*[^\n]\n", NULL); */
/* } */
/* /\* Grab the row and store it in str *\/ */
/* fscanf(csv->file, "%s\n", str); */
/* // printf("row: %s\n", str); */
/* return str; */
/* } */
easycsv_rewind(const easycsv *csv)
/* Check if empty file */
if (fscanf(csv->file, "\n") == EOF) {
easycsv_error(EASYCSV_EMPTYCSV, NULL);
return -1;
/* Check if file is readable */
if (csv->mode != EASYCSV_R) {
return -1;
/* Set file pointer to the start */
return 0;
/* int */
/* _easycsv_getcolumn(const _easycsv *csv, */
/* const char *col) */
/* { */
/* /\* ARGS CHECK *\/ */
/* if (_easycsv_checkcsvandstring_one(csv, col) < 0) */
/* return -1; */
/* /\* ARGS CHECK *\/ */
/* /\* Grab str of row 1 *\/ */
/* char *firstrow = _easycsv_getrow(csv, 1); */
/* if (firstrow == NULL) { */
/* _easycsv_printerror(csv, EASYCSV_ROWNOTEXIST); */
/* return -1; */
/* } */
/* unsigned int commas = 0; */
/* // printf("FIRST COLUMN: %s\n", firstrow); */
/* /\* Find first occurance of col in firstrow *\/ */
/* char *str = strstr(firstrow, col); */
/* if (str == NULL) { */
/* _easycsv_printerror(csv, EASYCSV_COLNOTEXIST); */
/* return -1; */
/* } */
/* /\* Count numbers of commas following str *\/ */
/* char *c = strpbrk(str, ","); */
/* while (c != NULL) { */
/* commas++; */
/* c = strpbrk(c + 1, ","); */
/* } */
/* /\* no need to free c as it is already NULL at this point *\/ */
/* // free((char*) str); apparently invalid pointer */
/* // printf("ROW: %i\nCOL: %i\n", row, csv->cols - commas); */
/* /\* */
/* #ifdef EASYCSV_DEBUG */
/* printf("[%i] rcv_commas: %i\n", clock() - csv->start, commas); */
/* #endif */
/* *\/ */
/* free(firstrow); */
/* return csv->cols - commas; */
/* } */
int _easycsv_checkifvalue(struct easycsv *csv, const int col, const int row)
const char *rowstr = _easycsv_getrow(csv, row);
return 0;
/* char* */
/* _easycsv_getvalueinrow(const _easycsv *_priv, */
/* const char *row, */
/* const unsigned int col) */
/* { */
/* size_t st; */
/* char *pch = NULL; */
/* /\* If not first column *\/ */
/* if (col != 1) { */
/* /\* Get first occurance of comma in str, */
/* the first value is ommited but not the comma *\/ */
/* char *pch = strpbrk(row, ","); */
/* /\* Repeat until desired col is found *\/ */
/* for (int i = 2; i < col; i++) { */
/* pch = strpbrk(pch + 1, ","); */
/* } */
/* } */
/* /\* Get span from start of string to first occurence */
/* of comma *\/ */
/* st = strcspn(pch + 1, ","); */
/* /\* If 0, no string exists! *\/ */
/* if (st == 0) { */
/* _easycsv_printerror(_priv, EASYCSV_EMPTYVALUE); */
/* return NULL; */
/* } */
/* char *val = malloc(st + 1); */
/* strncpy(val, pch + 1, st); */
/* strncat(val, "\0", 1); */
/* return val; */
/* } */
/* char* */
/* _easycsv_setcharptovalue(const _easycsv *_priv, */
/* const char *rowstr, */
/* const unsigned int col) */
/* { */
/* char *pch = rowstr; */
/* for (unsigned int i = 1; i < col; i++) { */
/* pch = strchr(rowstr, ','); */
/* if (pch == NULL) { */
/* _easycsv_printerror(_priv, EASYCSV_NULLPTR); */
/* return NULL; */
/* } */
/* pch++; */
/* } */
/* return pch; */
/* } */
/* int */
/* _easycsv_checkcsvandstring_one(const _easycsv *csv, */
/* const char *one) */
/* { */
/* if (csv == NULL) { */
/* _easycsv_printerror(csv, EASYCSV_NULLCSV); */
/* return -1; */
/* } */
/* if (one == NULL) { */
/* _easycsv_printerror(csv, EASYCSV_EMPTYSTRING); */
/* return -1; */
/* } */
/* return 0; */
/* } */
/* int */
/* _easycsv_checkcsvandstring_two(const _easycsv *csv, */
/* const char *one, */
/* const char *two) */
/* { */
/* if (_easycsv_checkcsvandstring_one(csv, one) < 0) */
/* return -1; */
/* if (two == NULL) { */
/* _easycsv_printerror(csv, EASYCSV_EMPTYSTRING); */
/* return -1; */
/* } */
/* return 0; */
/* } */