
575 lines
14 KiB

#include "easycsv_p.h"
#include "easycsv_error.h"
/*** Constructors ***/
easycsv_init(const char *fp,
easycsv *csv = NULL;
int csv_exist = -1;
csv = malloc(sizeof(easycsv));
csv->mode = mode;
csv->file = NULL;
csv->temp = NULL;
csv->fp = NULL;
csv->tmpfp = NULL;
csv->rows = 0;
csv->cols = 0;
/* Open file according to mode */
switch (csv->mode) {
csv->file = fopen(fp, "r");
csv->file = fopen(fp, "w");
return NULL;
if (csv->file == NULL) {
easycsv_error(EASYCSV_OPENFAIL, NULL);
return NULL;
csv_exist = access(csv->fp, F_OK);
size_t stfp = strlen(fp);
/* Allocate memory for char* */
csv->fp = malloc(stfp + 1); // + 1 for null
strcpy(csv->fp, fp);
/* Calculate rows and cols if file exists */
if (csv_exist) {
csv->rows = easycsv_rows(csv);
csv->cols = easycsv_columns(csv);
if (mode == EASYCSV_W) {
do {
/* Write to temporary file */
unsigned int i = 1;
char buffer[21] = "/tmp/easycsv-"; // 13 char, 3 for digits, 4 for .csv, 1 for NULL
if (i < 100)
strncat(buffer, "0", 1);
if (i < 10)
strncat(buffer, "0", 1);
sprintf(buffer + strlen(buffer), "%i", i);
strcat(buffer, ".csv");
if (access(buffer, F_OK) < 0) {
else {
csv->tmpfp = malloc(21);
strncpy(csv->tmpfp, buffer, 21);
} while (1);
csv->temp = fopen(csv->tmpfp, "w");
if (csv->temp == NULL) {
easycsv_error(EASYCSV_OPENFAIL, NULL);
return NULL;
return csv;
easycsv_free(easycsv *csv)
if (csv == NULL) free(csv);
/*** Acces, find ***/
/*** Acces, read ***/
easycsv_read_value(const easycsv *csv,
unsigned int col,
unsigned int row)
char str_row[BUFSIZ];
size_t st = 0;
char *pch, *pch_end, *val;
if (row == 0) {
easycsv_error(EASYCSV_ZEROROW, NULL);
return NULL;
if (col == 0) {
easycsv_error(EASYCSV_ZEROCOL, NULL);
return NULL;
/* Set file pointer to start */
for (unsigned int i = 1; i < row; i++) {
fscanf(csv->file, "%*[^\n]\n", NULL);
fscanf(csv->file, "%s\n", str_row);
/* Get first occurance of comma in str,
the first value is ommited but not the comma */
pch = str_row;
/* Repeat until desired col is found */
for (unsigned int i = 1; i < col; i++) {
pch = strpbrk(pch + 1, ",");
/* Get span from start of string to first occurence
of comma */
st = strcspn(pch, ",");
val = malloc(BUFSIZ);
// If 0, no string exists!
if (st == 0) {
val = "";
else {
strncpy(val, pch, st + 1);
val[st] = '\0';
return val;
/* char* */
/* easycsv_readcolumnvalue(const easycsv *csv, */
/* const char *col, */
/* const unsigned int row) */
/* { */
/* /\* ARGS CHECK *\/ */
/* if (_easycsv_checkcsvandstring_one(csv->csv, col) < 0) */
/* return NULL; */
/* if (row > csv->csv->rows) { */
/* _easycsv_printerror(csv->csv, EASYCSV_OVERMAXROW); */
/* return NULL; */
/* } */
/* /\* END ARGS CHECK *\/ */
/* int i = _easycsv_getcolumn(csv->csv, col); */
/* if (i < 1) { */
/* _easycsv_printerror(csv->csv, EASYCSV_COLNUMFAIL); */
/* return NULL; */
/* } */
/* return easycsv_readvalue(csv, i, row); */
/* } */
/*** Acces, print ***/
easycsv_print_rows(const easycsv *csv)
return csv->rows;
easycsv_print_columns(const easycsv *csv)
return csv->cols;
/*** Modifications, sort ***/
/*** Modifications, insert ***/
/* int */
/* easycsv_insertvalue(easycsv *csv, */
/* const char *val, */
/* const unsigned int col, */
/* const unsigned int row) */
/* { */
/* return easycsv_insertvaluemode(csv, val, col, row, EASYCSV_REPLACE); */
/* } */
/* int */
/* easycsv_insertvaluemode(easycsv *csv, */
/* const char *val, */
/* const unsigned int col, */
/* const unsigned int row, */
/* const EASYCSV_VALMODE valmode) */
/* { */
/* /\* ARGS CHECK *\/ */
/* if (_easycsv_checkcsvandstring_one(csv->csv, val) < 0) */
/* return -1; */
/* if (col == 0) { */
/* _easycsv_printerror(csv->csv, EASYCSV_ZEROCOL); */
/* return -1; */
/* } */
/* if (row == 0) { */
/* _easycsv_printerror(csv->csv, EASYCSV_ZEROROW); */
/* return -1; */
/* } */
/* /\* END ARGS CHECK *\/ */
/* /\* row extends max *\/ */
/* if (row > csv->csv->rows) { */
/* } */
/* char *rowstr = _easycsv_getrow(csv->csv, row); */
/* if (rowstr == NULL) */
/* return -1; */
/* size_t rowstrst = strlen(rowstr); */
/* size_t st = 0; */
/* size_t commas = 0; */
/* char *pch = NULL; */
/* char *newstr = NULL; */
/* /\* column is within limit *\/ */
/* if (col <= csv->csv->cols) { */
/* /\* Set pch to start of value in rowstr *\/ */
/* pch = _easycsv_setcharptovalue(csv->csv, rowstr, col); */
/* if (pch == NULL) */
/* return -1; */
/* /\* Calculate size of existing value *\/ */
/* st = strcspn(pch, ","); */
/* newstr = malloc(rowstrst - st + strlen(val) + 1); */
/* /\* Copy char to newstr before value (pch) *\/ */
/* strncpy(newstr, rowstr, pch - rowstr); */
/* /\* Insert value *\/ */
/* if (st != 0) { /\* Occupied cell *\/ */
/* switch (valmode) { */
/* case EASYCSV_CONCAT: { */
/* strncat(newstr, pch, st); */
/* strcat(newstr, val); */
/* break; */
/* } */
/* case EASYCSV_RCONCAT: { */
/* strcat(newstr, val); */
/* strncat(newstr, pch, st); */
/* break; */
/* } */
/* default: { */
/* strcat(newstr, val); */
/* break; */
/* } */
/* } */
/* } */
/* else { /\* Empty cell *\/ */
/* strcat(newstr, val); */
/* } */
/* /\* Set pch to after value *\/ */
/* pch = strchr(rowstr, ','); */
/* /\* Calculate length of rest of string *\/ */
/* st = strlen(pch); */
/* /\* Concentate rest of string including NULL char *\/ */
/* strcat(newstr, pch); */
/* } */
/* else { */
/* commas = col - csv->csv->cols; */
/* csv->csv->cols = col; */
/* newstr = malloc(rowstrst + commas + strlen(val) + 1); */
/* strncpy(newstr, rowstr, rowstrst); */
/* for (size_t i = 0; i < commas; i++) */
/* strncat(newstr, ",", 1); */
/* strcat(newstr, val); // append \0 */
/* } */
/* /\* UPDATE CSV *\/ */
/* char *str = NULL; */
/* /\* Row within limits *\/ */
/* if (row <= csv->csv->rows) { */
/* /\* Copy rows before newstr in csv to temp *\/ */
/* for (unsigned int i = 1; i < row; i++) { */
/* str = _easycsv_getrow(csv->csv, i); */
/* if (col > csv->csv->cols) { */
/* str = realloc(str, strlen(str) + commas + 1); */
/* for (size_t j = 0; j < commas; j++) { */
/* strncat(str, ",", 1); */
/* } */
/* } */
/* fputs(str, csv->csv->temp); */
/* free(str); */
/* } */
/* /\* Print newstr into temp *\/ */
/* fputs(newstr, csv->csv->temp); */
/* /\* Copy the rest of rows *\/ */
/* for (unsigned int i = row + 1; i <= csv->csv->rows; i++) { */
/* str = _easycsv_getrow(csv, i); */
/* if (col > csv->csv->cols) { */
/* str = realloc(str, strlen(str) + commas + 1); */
/* for (size_t j = 0; j < commas; j++) { */
/* strncat(str, ",", 1); */
/* } */
/* } */
/* fputs(str, csv->csv->temp); */
/* free(str); */
/* } */
/* } */
/* else { /\* Row exceeds limit *\/ */
/* /\* Copy entire file *\/ */
/* char buf[BUFSIZ]; */
/* size_t size; */
/* while (size = fread(buf, 1, BUFSIZ, csv->csv->file)) { */
/* fwrite(buf, 1, size, csv->csv->temp); */
/* } */
/* /\* Print out commas on rows before newstr *\/ */
/* for (size_t i = csv->csv->rows; i < row; i++) { */
/* for (size_t j = 0; j < csv->csv->cols; j++) */
/* fputc(',', csv->csv->temp); */
/* fputc('\n', csv->csv->temp); */
/* } */
/* fputs(newstr, csv->csv->temp); */
/* } */
/* /\* Update csv *\/ */
/* if (_easycsv_update(csv->csv) < 0) */
/* return -1; */
/* /\* END UPDATE CSV *\/ */
/* free(rowstr); // including pch */
/* free(newstr); */
/* return 0; */
/* } */
/* int */
/* easycsv_insertcolumnvalue(easycsv *csv, */
/* const char *col, */
/* const unsigned int row, */
/* const char *val) */
/* { */
/* return easycsv_insertcolumnvaluemode(csv, col, row, val, EASYCSV_REPLACE); */
/* } */
/* int */
/* easycsv_insertcolumnvaluemode(easycsv *csv, */
/* const char *col, */
/* const unsigned int row, */
/* const char *val, */
/* const EASYCSV_VALMODE valmode) */
/* { */
/* /\* ARGS CHECK *\/ */
/* if (_easycsv_checkcsvandstring_two(csv->csv, col, val) < 0) */
/* return -1; */
/* if (row == 0) { */
/* _easycsv_printerror(csv->csv, EASYCSV_ZEROROW); */
/* return -1; */
/* } */
/* /\* END ARGS CHECK *\/ */
/* int colnum = _easycsv_getcolumn(csv->csv, col); */
/* if (colnum < 0) { */
/* _easycsv_printerror(csv->csv, EASYCSV_COLNUMFAIL); */
/* return -1; */
/* } */
/* return easycsv_insertvaluemode(csv, val, colnum, row, valmode); */
/* } */
/*** Modifications, push ***/
/* int */
/* easycsv_pushcolumn(easycsv *csv, */
/* const char *col) */
/* { */
/* /\* ARGS CHECK *\/ */
/* if (_easycsv_checkcsvandstring_one(csv->csv, col) < 0) */
/* return -1; */
/* /\* END ARGS CHECK *\/ */
/* if (csv->mode == EASYCSV_R) { */
/* _easycsv_printerror(csv->csv, EASYCSV_UNWRITABLE); */
/* return -1; */
/* } */
/* if ((csv->mode == EASYCSV_W) && (access(csv->csv->fp, F_OK) < 0)) { */
/* /\* If the file doesn't exist, just put the col */
/* in the file *\/ */
/* if (fputs(col, csv->csv->file) < 0) { */
/* _easycsv_printerror(csv->csv, EASYCSV_PUSHCOLFAIL); */
/* return -1; */
/* } */
/* return 0; */
/* } */
/* /\* Grab first row *\/ */
/* char *str = _easycsv_getrow(csv->csv, 1); */
/* char *pch = NULL; */
/* size_t i; */
/* /\* Find empty column in first row *\/ */
/* for (i = 1; i < csv->csv->cols; i++) { */
/* if (strcspn(pch, ",") == 0) */
/* break; */
/* pch = strchr(str, ','); */
/* pch++; */
/* } */
/* /\* No empty columns in first row *\/ */
/* if (i == csv->csv->cols) */
/* i++; */
/* return easycsv_insertvalue(csv, col, i, 1); */
/* /\*size_t ststr = strlen(str); */
/* size_t stcol = strlen(col); */
/* realloc(str, ststr + stcol + 2); // 1 for null and 1 for comma */
/* strncat(str + ststr, ",", 1); */
/* strncat(str + ststr + 1, col, stcol); */
/* // Put str in temp file */
/* if (fputs(str, csv->csv->temp) < 0) { */
/* _easycsv_printerror(csv->csv, EASYCSV_PUSHCOLFAIL); */
/* return -1; */
/* } */
/* free(str); */
/* // Copy every row following the first into temp */
/* for (int i = 2; i <= csv->csv->rows; i++) { */
/* char *row = _easycsv_getrow(csv, i); */
/* fputs(row, csv->csv->temp); */
/* free(row); */
/* }*\/ */
/* } */
/* int */
/* easycsv_pushcolumnvalue(easycsv *csv, */
/* const char *col, */
/* const char *val) */
/* { */
/* /\* ARGS CHECK *\/ */
/* if (_easycsv_checkcsvandstring_two(csv->csv, col, val) < 0) */
/* return -1; */
/* /\* ARGS CHECK *\/ */
/* int colnum = _easycsv_getcolumn(csv->csv, col); */
/* if (colnum < 0) { */
/* _easycsv_printerror(csv->csv, EASYCSV_COLNUMFAIL); */
/* return -1; */
/* } */
/* /\* Find a free cell under col within csv->csv->cols limits, */
/* if there is none, generate a new row *\/ */
/* unsigned int row; */
/* EASYCSV_ERRORMSG temp_error = csv->csv->error; */
/* csv->csv->error = EASYCSV_ERROROFF; */
/* for (row = 2; row <= csv->csv->cols; row++) */
/* if (easycsv_readvalue(csv, colnum, row) != NULL) */
/* break; */
/* csv->csv->error = temp_error; */
/* /\* All rows are filled, generate new row *\/ */
/* if (row > csv->csv->cols) */
/* csv->csv->rows++; */
/* /\* ROW WILL NOT BE GENERATED \\ row < csv->csv->rows *\/ */
/* return easycsv_insertvalue(csv, val, colnum, row); */
/* } */
/*** Modifications, delete ***/
/* int */
/* easycsv_deletevalue(easycsv *csv, */
/* const unsigned int col, */
/* const unsigned int row) */
/* { */
/* return easycsv_insertvalue(csv, "", col, row); */
/* } */
/* int */
/* easycsv_deletecolumnint(easycsv *csv, */
/* const unsigned int col) */
/* { */
/* /\* ARGS CHECK *\/ */
/* if (csv == NULL) { */
/* _easycsv_printerror(csv->csv, EASYCSV_NULLCSV); */
/* return -1; */
/* } */
/* if (col == 0) { */
/* _easycsv_printerror(csv->csv, EASYCSV_ZEROCOL); */
/* return -1; */
/* } */
/* if (col > csv->csv->cols) { */
/* _easycsv_printerror(csv->csv, EASYCSV_OVERMAXCOL); */
/* return -1; */
/* } */
/* /\* END ARGS CHECK *\/ */
/* for (unsigned int i = 1; i <= csv->csv->cols; i++) { */
/* if (easycsv_readvalue(csv, col, i) == NULL) */
/* break; */
/* if (easycsv_deletevalue(csv, col, i) < 0) */
/* return -1; */
/* } */
/* return 0; */
/* } */
/* int */
/* easycsv_deletecolumnstr(easycsv *csv, */
/* const char *col) */
/* { */
/* /\* ARGS CHECK *\/ */
/* if (_easycsv_checkcsvandstring_one(csv->csv, col) < 0) */
/* return -1; */
/* /\* END ARGS CHECK *\/ */
/* int colnum = _easycsv_getcolumn(csv->csv, col); */
/* if (colnum < 0) */
/* return -1; */
/* return easycsv_deletecolumnint(csv, colnum); */
/* } */
/* int */
/* easycsV_deleterowint(easycsv *csv, */
/* const unsigned int row) */
/* { */
/* return 0; */
/* } */