 * This file is part of Zwii.
 * For full copyright and license information, please see the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.
 * @author Rémi Jean <remi.jean@outlook.com>
 * @copyright Copyright (C) 2008-2018, Rémi Jean
 * @license GNU General Public License, version 3
 * @author Frédéric Tempez <frederic.tempez@outlook.com>
 * @copyright Copyright (C) 2018-2020, Frédéric Tempez
 * @link http://zwiicms.fr/

 * Aperçu en direct
$("input, select").on("change", function() {
	// Import des polices de caractères
	var footerFont = $("#themeFooterFont").val();
	var css = "@import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=" + footerFont + "');";	
	// Couleurs du pied de page
	var colors = core.colorVariants($("#themeFooterBackgroundColor").val());
	var textColor = $("#themeFooterTextColor").val();
	var css = "footer {background-color:" + colors.normal + ";color:" + textColor + "}";	
	css += "footer a{color:" + textColor + "}";
	// Couleur de l'éditeur
	css += ".editorWysiwyg{background-color:" + colors.normal + " !important; color:" + textColor + " !important;}";
	// Hauteur du pied de page
	//css += "#footersiteLeft, #footersiteCenter, #footersiteRight, #footerbodyLeft, #footerbodyCenter, #footerbodyRight {margin:" + $("#themeFooterHeight").val() + " 0}";
	css += "footer #footersite > div{margin:" + $("#themeFooterHeight").val() + " 0}";		
	css += "footer #footerbody > div{margin:" + $("#themeFooterHeight").val() + " 0}";		
	// Alignement du contenu
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	css += "#footerText > p {text-align:" + $("#themeFooterTextAlign").val() + "}";
	css += "#footerCopyright{text-align:" + $("#themeFooterCopyrightAlign").val() + "}";
	// Taille, couleur, épaisseur et capitalisation du titre de la bannière
	css += "footer span, #footerText > p {color:" + $("#themeFooterTextColor").val() + ";font-family:'" + footerFont.replace(/\+/g, " ") + "',sans-serif;font-weight:" + $("#themeFooterFontWeight").val() + ";font-size:" + $("#themeFooterFontSize").val() + ";text-transform:" + $("#themeFooterTextTransform").val() + "}";
	// Marge
	if($("#themeFooterMargin").is(":checked")) {
		css += 'footer{padding: 0 20px;}';
	else {
		css += 'footer{padding:0}';
	// Ajout du css au DOM
		.attr("type", "text/css")
		.attr("id", "themePreview")
	// Position du pied de page
	switch($("#themeFooterPosition").val()) {
		case 'hide':
		case 'site':
            $("footer > div:first-child").removeAttr("class");
            $("footer > div:first-child").addClass("container");
		case 'body':
            $("footer > div:first-child").removeAttr("class");
            $("footer > div:first-child").addClass("container-large");
    // Réduire la marge du paragraphe de la zone de texte enrichie
    $("#footerText > p").css("margin-top","0");
    $("#footerText > p").css("margin-bottom","0");

// Position dans les blocs
// Bloc texte personnalisé
$(".themeFooterContent").on("change",function() {
	// Position site ou body
	var footerPosition = $("#themeFooterPosition").val();		
	switch($("#themeFooterTextPosition").val()) {
			case "hide":
				// Choix de la position du bloc
				textPosition = $("#themeFooterTextPosition").val();
				textPosition = textPosition.substr(0,1).toUpperCase()+textPosition.substr(1);
				$("#footerText").show().appendTo("#footer" + footerPosition + textPosition);
				//console.log("#footer" + footerPosition + textPosition);
	switch($("#themeFooterSocialsPosition").val()) {
			case 'hide':
				// Choix de la position du bloc
				socialsPosition = $("#themeFooterSocialsPosition").val();
				socialsPosition = socialsPosition.substr(0,1).toUpperCase()+socialsPosition.substr(1);
				$("#footerSocials").show().appendTo("#footer" + footerPosition + socialsPosition);
				//console.log("#footer" + footerPosition + socialsPosition);
	switch($("#themeFooterCopyrightPosition").val()) {
			case 'hide':
				// Choix de la position du bloc
				copyrightPosition = $("#themeFooterCopyrightPosition").val();
				copyrightPosition = copyrightPosition.substr(0,1).toUpperCase()+copyrightPosition.substr(1);
				$("#footerCopyright").show().appendTo("#footer" + footerPosition + copyrightPosition);
				//console.log("#footer" + footerPosition + copyrightPosition);


// Fin Position dans les blocs

// Modification dynamique de la mise en page 
$("#themeFooterTemplate").on("change",function() {
	// Nettoyage des sélecteurs des contenus
	var newOptions = {
		4:  {'hide' : 'Masqué', 'left' : 'En haut', 'center' : 'Au milieu', 'right' : 'En bas'} , 
		3:  {'hide': 'Masqué', 'left':  'A gauche',	'center': 'Au centre',	'right': 'A droite'} ,
		2:  {'hide': 'Masqué', 'left':  'A gauche',	'right': 'A droite'} ,
		1:  {'hide': 'Masqué', 'center': 'Affiché'} 
	var $el = $(".themeFooterContent");
	// Eléments des position de contenus
	$.each(newOptions[$("#themeFooterTemplate").val()], function(key,value) {
			.attr("value", key).text(value));
	var position = $("#themeFooterPosition").val();
	// Masquer les contenus 
	// Dimension des blocs
	switch($("#themeFooterTemplate").val()) {
		case "1":
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			$("#footer" + position + "Center").removeAttr('class').addClass("col12").css("display","");
			$("#footer" + position + "Right").css("display","none");
		case "2":	
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			$("#footer" + position + "Center").css("display","none").removeAttr('class');
			$("#footer" + position + "Right").removeAttr('class').addClass('col6').css("display","");
		case "3":			
			$("#footer" + position + "Left").removeAttr('class').addClass('col4').css("display","");
			$("#footer" + position + "Center").removeAttr('class').addClass('col4').css("display","");
			$("#footer" + position + "Right").removeAttr('class').addClass('col4').css("display","");
		case "4":
			$("#footer" + position + "Left").removeAttr('class').addClass('col12').css("display","");
			$("#footer" + position + "Center").removeAttr('class').addClass('col12').css("display","");
			$("#footer" + position + "Right").removeAttr('class').addClass('col12').css("display","");


// Désactivation des sélections multiples
$("#themeFooterSocialsPosition").on("change", function() {
	if ($(this).prop('selectedIndex') >= 1 ) {			
		if ( $("#themeFooterTextPosition").prop('selectedIndex') === $(this).prop('selectedIndex') ) {
		if ( $("#themeFooterCopyrightPosition").prop('selectedIndex') === $(this).prop('selectedIndex') ) {				
$("#themeFooterTextPosition").on("change", function() {
	if ($(this).prop('selectedIndex') >= 1 ) {
		if ( $("#themeFooterSocialsPosition").prop('selectedIndex') === $(this).prop('selectedIndex') ) {
		if ( $("#themeFooterCopyrightPosition").prop('selectedIndex') === $(this).prop('selectedIndex') ) {				

$("#themeFooterCopyrightPosition").on("change", function() {
		if ($(this).prop('selectedIndex') >= 1 ) {
			if ( $("#themeFooterTextPosition").prop('selectedIndex') === $(this).prop('selectedIndex') ) {
			if ( $("#themeFooterSocialsPosition").prop('selectedIndex') === $(this).prop('selectedIndex') ) {				
// Affiche / Cache les options du footer fixe
$("#themeFooterPosition").on("change", function() {
	if($(this).val() === 'body') {
	else {
		$("#themeFooterPositionFixed").slideUp(function() {
			$("#themeFooterFixed").prop("checked", false).trigger("change");

// Lien de connexion
$("#themeFooterLoginLink").on("change", function() {
	if($(this).is(":checked")) {
	else {
// Numéro de version
$("#themefooterDisplayVersion").on("change", function() {
	if($(this).is(":checked")) {
	else {

// Numéro de version
$("#themefooterDisplayCopyright").on("change", function() {
	if($(this).is(":checked")) {
	else {

// Site Map
$("#themefooterDisplaySiteMap").on("change", function() {
	if($(this).is(":checked")) {
	else {

// Rechercher
$("#themeFooterDisplaySearch").on("change", function() {
	if($(this).is(":checked")) {
	else {

// Affiche / Cache les options de la position
$("#themeFooterPosition").on("change", function() {
	if($(this).val() === 'site') {
	else {
		$("#themeFooterPositionOptions").slideUp(function() {
			$("#themeFooterMargin").prop("checked", false).trigger("change");