# Setting up the database There is two database managment systems available: sqlite or mariadb (mysql). ## sqlite To use sqlite, simply install the sqlite3 package, if it is not already installed on the machine that runs BirdNET-stream. ```bash sudo apt-get install sqlite3 ``` Then fill `config/birdnet.conf` with the proper DATABASE value (you may use any database location): ```bash DATABASE="./var/db.sqlite" ``` ## mariadb To use mariadb, you need to install the mariadb-server package. ```bash sudo apt-get install mariadb-server ``` Then, populate the `config/birdnet.conf` file with the proper DATABASE uri: ```bash DATABASE="mysql://user:password@localhost/birdnet_observations" ``` ## Symfony configuration For both method you need to adapt the file `www/.env.local` to suit your new configuration. ```bash cd www # If .env.local does not exists: cp .env.local.example .env.local ``` ```text # .env.local # for sqlite (example) DATABASE_DEFAULT_URL=sqlite:///%kernel.project_dir%/./var/db-default.sqlite DATABASE_OBSERVATIONS_URL=sqlite:///%kernel.project_dir%/../var/db.sqlite # for mariadb (example) DATABASE_DEFAULT_URL=mysql://user:password@localhost/birdnet_default DATABASE_OBSERVATIONS_URL=mysql://user:password@localhost/birdnet_observations ``` ## PHP modules For symfony to work, make sure you have the required modules according to each method: - pdo_sqlite - pdo_mysql