#! /usr/bin/env python3 import sqlite3 import os verbose = False """Load config""" def load_conf(): with open("./config/analyzer.conf", "r") as f: conf = f.readlines() res = dict(map(str.strip, sub.split('=', 1)) for sub in conf if '=' in sub) return res # Singleton database instance database = None def get_database(): global database if database is None: database = sqlite3.connect(CONFIG["DATABASE"]) return database """Create the database if it doesn't exist""" def create_database(): # Create the database database = database = get_database() cursor = database.cursor() with open("./daemon/database/structure.sql", "r") as f: cursor.executescript(f.read()) database.commit() """Insert an observation into the database""" def insert_observation(observation): database = get_database() cursor = database.cursor() cursor.execute(f"INSERT INTO observation (taxon_id, locality_id, date, time, confidence) VALUES ({observation['taxon_id']}, {observation['locality_id']}, {observation['date']}, {observation['time']}, {observation['confidence']});") database.commit() """Insert a taxon in database""" def insert_taxon(taxon): database = get_database() cursor = database.cursor() cursor.execute(f"INSERT INTO taxon (scientific_name, common_name) VALUES ('{taxon['scientific_name']}', '{taxon['common_name']}');") database.commit() """Insert a location into database""" def insert_locality(locality): database = get_database() cursor = database.cursor() cursor.execute(f"INSERT INTO locality (name, latitude, longitude) VALUES ('{locality['name']}', {locality['latitude']}, {locality['longitude']});") database.commit() """Insert all species from list into database""" def insert_all_species(species): database = get_database() cursor = database.cursor() for sp in species: # Check if the species already exists in the database cursor.execute(f"SELECT * FROM taxon WHERE scientific_name = '{sp[0]}';") # If it doesn't exist, insert it if cursor.fetchone() is None: cursor.execute(f"INSERT INTO taxon (scientific_name, common_name) VALUES ('{sp[0]}', '{sp[1]}');") database.commit() CONFIG = load_conf() def main(): # Create the database if it doesn't exist if not os.path.exists(CONFIG["DATABASE"]): create_database() else: print("Database already exists") # Open species list file with open(CONFIG["SPECIES_LIST"], "r") as f: species = f.readlines() species = [sp.split("_") for sp in species] if __name__ == "__main__": main() database.close()