{% extends "base.html.twig" %} {% block content %} {% if results is defined and results | length > 0 %} {% set taxon = results.taxon %}

{% set today = "now" | date("Y-m-d") %} {% if today == date %} {{ "Today's contacts for" | trans }} {% else %} {{ "Contacts on " | trans }} {{ date | format_datetime("full", "none") }} {{ " for " | trans }} {% endif %} {{ taxon.scientific_name }} ( {{ taxon.common_name }} )

{% set stat = results.stat[0] %}

{{ "Stats" | trans }}

{{ "Contact count:" | trans }} {{ stat.contact_count }}
{{ "Max confidence" | trans }} {{ stat.max_confidence }}
{% set records = results.records %}

{{ "Contact records" | trans }}

{% if records is defined and records | length > 0 %} {% include "today/manage.html.twig" %} {% for record in records %} {% endfor %}
{{ "Filename" | trans }} {{ "Time" | trans }} {{ "Confidence" | trans }} {{ "Audio" | trans }}
{{ record.audio_file }} {{ record.date | date("H:m") }} {{ record.confidence }} {% include "records/player.html.twig" with { "filename": record.audio_file } only %} {% include "records/delete_button.html.twig" with { "filename": record.audio_file } only %}
{% else %}

{{ "No records this day for this species" | trans }}

{% endif %}
{% endif %} {% endblock %}