
28 lines
733 B

{% extends "base.html.twig" %}
{% block content %}
{% set today = "now" | date("Y-m-d") %}
{% if today == date %}
{{ "Today's detected species" | trans }}
{% else %}
{{ "Detected species on" | trans }}
{{ date | format_datetime("full", "none") }}
{% endif %}
{# Display a list of records if any, else, print message #}
{% if results[0] is defined and results[0] | length > 0 %}
{% for sp in results %}
<li class="species">
<a href="./species/{{ sp['taxon_id'] }}">
<span class="scientific-name">{{ sp["scientific_name"] }}
<span class="common-name">{{ sp["common_name"] }}</span>)
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}