# TensorBird A project aiming to perform auto identification of bird species from pictures taken by [PiCameraTrap](https://forge.ortion.xyz/UncleSamulus/PiCameraTrap) using machine learning. ## Inspiration I have been inprired by following ressource : * [darenjhsu birdid repository](https://github.com/darrenjhsu/birdid) * [This A.I. Birdwatcher Lets You ‘See’ Through the Eyes of a Machine](https://today.duke.edu/2019/10/ai-birdwatcher-lets-you-see-through-eyes-machine) * [Is Machine Learning for the Birds?](https://www.openhealthnews.com/story/2019-01-24/machine-learning-birds) * [Image Classification of bird species using deep learning with PyTorch, Captum and ONNX](https://towardsdatascience.com/adventures-in-pytorch-image-classification-with-caltech-birds-200-part-1-the-dataset-6e5433e9897c) * [Github Repository of previous article](https://github.com/ecm200/caltech_birds) ## Environmnent Set Up ### Create and Activate virtual env ```bash python -m venv tb-venv source tb-venv/bin/activate ``` ### Install Tensorflow in container ```bash docker pull tensorflow/tensorflow:latest # Download latest stable image docker run -it -p 8888:8888 tensorflow/tensorflow:latest-jupyter # Start Jupyter server ``` ### Install Tensorflow using pip ```bash python -m pip install tensorflow ``` ### Launch Jupyter Notebook #### Make the virtual env accessible from Jupyter Notebook ```bash pip install ipykernel python -m ipykernel install --user --name=tb-venv ``` #### Launch Jupyter ```bash jupyter notebook ```