This commit is contained in:
Samuel Ortion 2023-07-29 13:08:45 +02:00
parent 20e22e4e12
commit e4c820178e
5 changed files with 101 additions and 322 deletions

View File

@ -7,7 +7,6 @@

archive/2022/cv-en.pdf Executable file

Binary file not shown.

archive/2022/cv-fr.pdf Executable file

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -5,11 +5,10 @@
% Authors:
% Samuel ORTION
% Inspired by spidercv (ROMAINPC)
% From spidercv (
% License:
% The MIT License (see included LICENSE file)
@ -110,49 +109,49 @@
\draw[draw=#1, shift={(current page.north west)}, very thick]
(0,-\paperheight) --
(0,-\anglesize) --
(\anglesize,0) --
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(\sidewidth+2\margin,-\topheight-2\margin-\anglesize) --
(\sidewidth+2\margin,-\paperheight) --
(0,-\paperheight) --
(0,-\anglesize) --
(\anglesize,0) --
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(\paperwidth,-\topheight-2\margin) --
(\sidewidth+2\margin+\anglesize,-\topheight-2\margin) --
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(\paperwidth-0.5\margin,-\topheight-3\margin) --
(\paperwidth-0.5\margin,-\paperheight+0.5\margin+0.5\anglesize) --
(\paperwidth-0.5\margin-0.5\anglesize,-\paperheight+0.5\margin) --
% \TPmargin{}{}
\begin{textblock*}{\sidewidth}(\margin,\topheight + 3\margin -0.4cm)
% Please use vspace to verticaly align manually your content
% Please use vspace to verticaly align manually your content
\newenvironment{TopBar}[1]{ % Text color
\begin{textblock*}{\mainwidth}(\sidewidth+3\margin,\topheight + 3\margin-0.4cm)
@ -163,10 +162,10 @@
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
\node [rectangle, draw=#2, rounded corners=0.5mm, very thick,
shift={(current page.north west)}, xshift=\anglesize, yshift=-\anglesize,
shift={(current page.north west)}, xshift=\anglesize, yshift=-\anglesize,
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shift={(current page.north west)}, xshift=(\sidewidth+2\margin), yshift=-(\sidewidth+2\margin),
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(s1) -- (s2);
@ -179,10 +178,10 @@
minimum size=\profilesize,
path picture={
\node at (path picture bounding{
\node at (path picture bounding{
@ -199,9 +198,9 @@
\newcommand{\Name}[4]% Highlight color, Name, Profession, Age
%%%%%%%%% Side bar
@ -212,11 +211,11 @@
\seq_new:c { l_kees_list_#1_seq }
\seq_new:c { l_kees_list_#1_seq }
\seq_put_right:cn { l_kees_list_#1_seq } { #2 }
\seq_put_right:cn { l_kees_list_#1_seq } { #2 }
@ -242,31 +241,31 @@
\foreach \x in{1,2,...,\n}{
\ifthenelse{\thevar = 180 \OR \thevar = 360}{
\draw [draw=\nC, very thick] (0,0)--(\thevar:\N) node
color=\hC] {\small\getFromList{skilllist}{\x}}
\ifthenelse{\thevar = 180 \OR \thevar = 360}{
\draw [draw=\nC, very thick] (0,0)--(\thevar:\N) node
color=\hC] {\small\getFromList{skilllist}{\x}}
\draw [draw=\nC, very thick] (0,0)--(\thevar:\N) node
color=\hC] {\small\getFromList{skilllist}{\x}}
\draw [draw=\nC, very thick] (0,0)--(\thevar:\N) node
color=\hC] {\small\getFromList{skilllist}{\x}}
\foreach[count=\x] \y in{2,3,...,\n}{
\draw [draw=\hC, very thick]
\draw [draw=\hC, very thick]
(360/\n*\x:\thetemp) -- (360/\n*\x+360/\n:\thetempbis);
\draw [draw=\hC, very thick]
(360:\thetemp) -- (360+360/\n:\thetempbis);
(360:\thetemp) -- (360+360/\n:\thetempbis);
@ -280,7 +279,7 @@
\node[draw=#2,rounded corners,fill=#1,inner sep=3pt, very thick, anchor=west]
at (0,0) (box1)
\node[draw=#2,rounded corners,fill=#1,inner sep=3pt, very thick, anchor=east]
at (\textwidth,0) (square)
@ -289,10 +288,10 @@
\newcommand{\MainTitle}[3]{%Background color, Highlight color, Title text
\node[draw=#2,rounded corners,fill=#1,inner sep=3pt, very thick, anchor=west]
at (0,0) (box1)
\node at (\textwidth,0) [rectangle, draw=#2,rounded corners=0.5mm,fill=#1, anchor=east, very thick] (square) {};
\node[draw=#2,rounded corners,fill=#1,inner sep=3pt, very thick, anchor=west]
at (0,0) (box1)
\node at (\textwidth,0) [rectangle, draw=#2,rounded corners=0.5mm,fill=#1, anchor=east, very thick] (square) {};
\draw [very thick, draw=#2, inner sep=0pt] (box1) -- (square);
@ -303,9 +302,9 @@
\normalsize{#5}% Description
\normalsize{#5}% Description
@ -319,35 +318,35 @@
\newcommand{\TextSeparator}[2]% Highlight color, Text
\newcommand{\TextSeparatorBis}[3]% Highlight color, Left text, Right text
\newcommand{\SimpleSeparator}[1]% Highlight color
%%% ItemList
\newenvironment{ItemList}[1] % Bullet color
{ \renewcommand{\descriptionlabel}[1]{
\hspace\labelsep{\textbf{\color{#1}\tiny\faSquare}}% Default bullet
\hspace\labelsep{\textbf{\color{#1}\tiny\faSquare}}% Default bullet
%%% DoubleColumns
@ -355,22 +354,22 @@
%%%%%%%%% Use this command to split
%%% TripleColumns
%%%%%%%%% Use this command to split
%%% TripleColumns
%%%%%%%%% Use this command to split
@ -385,7 +384,7 @@
\newenvironment{SkillGauges}[1]{% Highlight color
\begin{tabular}{l l}
\newcommand{\addGauge}[3][\faSquareO]{% Optional fa symbol | Text | Number of symbols

View File

@ -1,219 +0,0 @@
% Spider CV
% LaTeX Class
% Version 1.1 (08/10/22)
% Name like this because of the spider chart widget.
% Authors:
% Inspired by developercv (Jan Vorisek)
% Inspired by developercv Doji variant (Stijn Dejongh)
% Inspired by limecv (Olivier Pieters)
% Inspired by altacv (LianTze Lim)
% License:
% The MIT License (see included LICENSE file)
\DeclareOption*{\PassOptionsToClass{\CurrentOption}{extarticle}} % Pass through any options to the base class
\ProcessOptions\relax % Process given options
\LoadClass{extarticle} % Load the baspidercvse class
\setlength{\parindent}{0mm} % Suppress paragraph indentation
\usepackage[hidelinks]{hyperref} % Required for links but hide the default boxes around links
\newcommand{\lorem}{Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec a diam lectus.} % Dummy text
\pagestyle{empty} % No headers or footers
\usepackage{moresize} % Provides more font size commands (\HUGE and \ssmall)
\usepackage{fontawesome} % fontawesomspidercv----------------------------------------------------
%%%%% color macros, use it at the beginning of your cv to quickly use the enterprise colors (Pro HRD tips)
\newcommand{\DefineColorMacros}[5]{% COLORS : TextSide / TextMain / HighLight / Background /Other
% Printable mode
\def\PM{} % PM command used in if statements
\def\ColorTextSide{\ColorTextMain} % Use same text color everywhere
\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % Required for inputting international characters
\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % Output font encoding for international characters
% \usepackage{roboto}
\renewcommand*\familydefault{\sfdefault} % Force the sans-serif version of any font used
\usepackage[absolute,overlay]{textpos} % option needed to use absolute positionning and to have text on front
\newenvironment{SideBar}[2]{% Background color, Text color
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]% put text anywhere
\ifx\PM\undefined % side and top background
\fill[fill=#1, shift={(current page.north west)}]
\draw[draw=#1, shift={(current page.north west)}, very thick]
% \fill[fill=#1, shift={(current page.north west)}]
(0,-\paperheight) --
(0,-\anglesize) --
(\anglesize,0Recherche stage en bioinformatique) --
(\paperwidth,0) --
(\paperwidth,-\topheight-2\margin) --
(\sidewidth+2\margin+\anglesize,-\topheight-2\margin) --
(\sidewidth+2\margin,-\topheight-2\margin-\anglesize) --
(\sidewidth+2\margin,-\paperheight) --
\draw [draw=#1, shift={(current page.north west)}, very thick]
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(\paperwidth-0.5\margin-0.5\anglesize,-\paperheight+0.5\margin) --
% \TPmargin{}{}
\begin{textblock*}{\sidewidth}(\margin,\topheight + 3\margin -0.4cm)
% Please use vspace to verticaly align manually your content
\newenvironment{TopBar}[1]{ % Text color
\begin{textblock*}{\mainwidth}(\sidewidth+3\margin,\topheight + 3\margin-0.4cm)
%%%%%%% Picture
\newcommand{\DefineProfile}[3]% Background color, Highlight color, Img path
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
\node [rectangle, draw=#2, rounded corners=0.5mm, very thick,
shift={(current page.north west)}, xshift=\anglesize, yshift=-\anglesize,
\node [rectangle, draw=#2, rounded corners=0.5mm, very thick,
shift={(current page.north west)}, xshift=(\sidewidth+2\margin), yshift=-(\sidewidth+2\margin),
\draw [draw=#2, very thick]
(s1) -- (s2);
\def\backcolor{\ifx\PM\undefined#1\else White\fi}
shift={(current page.north west)},
chamfered rectangle, draw=#2, very thick,
minimum size=\profilesize,
path picture={
\node at (path picture bounding{
%%%%%%% Top bar
%%% Name
\newcommand{\Name}[4]% Highlight color, Name, Profession, Age
%%%%%%%%% Side bar
%%% Spider chart
\seq_new:c { l_kees_list_#1_seq }