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7 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
bb41621afd Remove archive 2023-07-29 14:18:49 +02:00
60d3cdfd53 Remove archive 2023-07-29 14:18:30 +02:00
e4c820178e Archive 2023-07-29 13:08:45 +02:00
20e22e4e12 Is this an update ? 2023-07-29 13:05:51 +02:00
1ba207012d Merge branch 'dev' 2023-06-15 15:16:25 +02:00
5748e05ab2 pdf and an update for Pasteur institute internship 2023-06-15 15:13:42 +02:00
f985bfc91a fr: Updated slightly 2023-06-15 14:54:25 +02:00
17 changed files with 256 additions and 1318 deletions

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all: cv-en.pdf cv-fr.pdf
%.pdf: %.tex
pdflatex $<
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@echo "Publishing"
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archive: clean publish
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sync: publish
rsync -avzu ../doc/*.pdf

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@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
% MyOwnCV - English version
% @author Samuel ORTION
% 🄯 2022
% Some right reserved
% @version v0.0.1 (2022-09-29)
\Name{\ColorHighlight}{Samuel \textsc{Ortion}}{3rd year Bioinformatics Student}{\myage\ years old}
%%% Goal
\textbf{\em{Looking for a Computer Science Intership}} \\
%%% Contact
\item [\faAt]\href{}{}
\item [\Large\faMobile]\:06 21 58 03 48
\item [\Large\faMapMarker]
Appt. B020 Estudines le Parc \\
61 Bd. de L'Yerres \\
91000 Évry - Courcouronnes
%%% Interests
\item [] Ornithology \\
\& Bioacoustics
\item [] Biology, -omics \\
\& Evolution
\item [] Computer Science \\
\TextSeparatorBis{\ColorHighlight} {\faLink}{Liens}
\item [\Large\faGlobe] \:\href{}{}
\item [\Large\faGit] \href{}{UncleSamulus} (\href{}{\includegraphics[height=7pt]{../img/icons/gitea-wb.png}}, \href{}{\faGitlab}, \href{}{\faGithub})
\item [{$\includegraphics[height=13pt]{../img/icons/rosalind-green.png}$}] \href{}{Rosalind \faLink}
%%% Hard skills
\item [\faCode] C/C++, Python, R, JS, Java, \\
\item SHELL, PHP, OCaml
\item [\faFileCodeO] HTML, CSS, \LaTeX
\item [\faDatabase] SQL, MongoDB
\item [\faLinux] GNU/Linux, Docker, QEMU/KVM
\item [\faGit] Git
\item [{$\includegraphics[height=10pt]{../img/icons/UML-green.png}$}] UML2
% \item [\faCubes]
\item [\faFlask] \fboxrule=0pt \cooltooltip[0 0 0]{}{}{}{Laboratory technics practices during my bachelor degree}{Laboratory Technics}
\item [{$\includegraphics[height=12pt]{../img/icons/dna-green.png}$}] PCR, RT-PCR, Clone
\item [{$\includegraphics[height=10pt]{../img/icons/spectro-green.png}$}] Spectrophotometry
\item [{$\includegraphics[height=10pt]{../img/icons/bacille-green.png}$}] Microrganism culture
\item [{$\includegraphics[height=10pt]{../img/icons/microscope-green.png}$}] Microscopy
\item [{$\includegraphics[height=10pt]{../img/icons/electrophorese-green}$}] Electrophoresis
\item [\faCamera] Photography
\item [\faPencil] Vector Graphics (Inkscape/svg)
\item [{$\includegraphics[height=10pt]{../img/icons/brain-circuit-green.png}$}] Electronics
% %%% Spider
% \TextSeparatorBis{\ColorHighlight}{\faTerminal}{Spider}
% \begin{SpiderDiagram}{\ColorTextSide}{\ColorHighlight}
% \addSkill{A}{1}
% \addSkill{B}{2}
% \addSkill{C}{1}
% \addSkill{D}{3}
% \addSkill{E}{5}
% % \addSkill{F}{3}
% \end{SpiderDiagram}
% \vspace{1cm}
%%% Languages
\item [] French (native)
\item [] English (B2)
\item [] German (A2)
% Picture
% Main
%%% Education
% \Experience
% {\ColorHighlight}
% {Master of Bioinformatics}
% {Université d'Évry val d'Essonne -- Paris-Saclay}
% {2023}
% {
% Write here your description.\\
% }
{\href{}{Bachelor Degrees in Computer Science and Biology}}
{Évry -- Paris-Saclay University}
Courses on genetics, phylogenetics, physiology, biochemistry, microbiology, evolution, vegetal, animal and cell biology for the biology part, and on algorithms, imperative programming (C, Processing), object-oriented programming (Java), functional programming (OCaml), databases (SQL and relationnal algebra), networks, web development (HTML, CSS, JS), UNIX, scripting languages (Python, AWK) as well as language theory, logic and mathematics (not exhaustive).
Currently in third year.
{Scientific High School Diploma (Bac S) - Biology and Earth Sciences option - European mention}
{Lycée Notre-Dame, Le Mans}
Baccalaureate with highest honours, with a \cooltooltip[0 0 1][1 1 1]{}{}{}{Some Biology and Earth Science courses taught in English (Discipline Non Linguistique - Sciences de la vie et de la Terre)}{DNL SVT} european mention.\\
\cooltooltip[0 0 1][1 1 1]{}{}{}{Group work on a research topic with scientists, followed by an oral presentation at Angers University. We worked on tumor suppressor with two PhD from the CRCINA (Cancerology Reasearch Center of Angers). }{Research Passport}.
\textit{\href{}{Olympiades de la Chimie}} (1\textsuperscript{st} in departemental contest (Sarthe)).
%%% Experiences
{Computer Science Intership}
{January 2022}
A one-week internship in the \href{}{Natural-Solutions~\faLink} web development agence, based in Marseille.
Contributed to the development of an artificial intelligence involved in automatic nocturnal bird flight call detection and identification for the \href{}{NBM Challenge~\faLink}.
{Bird ringing session}
{\cooltooltip[0 0 1][1 1 1]{}{}{}{Sensible wet zone with reeds and ponds}{ENS de la prée d'amont}}
{August 2019}
Volunteer to help passerines ringing. Net installation, bird identification and ringing. \\
%%% Activities
\item [] Bird watching
\item [] Bat recording
\item [] \href{}{Wildlife Photography~\faLink}
\item [] \href{}{April Photo processing~\faLink}
\item [] Software development
\item [] SysAdmin GNU/Linux
\item [] \href{}{\textbf{Liness Linux User Group}~\faLink}
\item [] Contributions to \href{}{Bioinfo-fr~\faLink}

View File

@ -1,218 +0,0 @@
% MyOwnCV - French version
% @author Samuel ORTION
% 🄯 2022
% Some right reserved
% @version v0.0.1 (2022-09-29)
\Name{\ColorHighlight}{Samuel \textsc{Ortion}}{Étudiant en L3 de Bioinformatique}{\myage\ ans}
%%% Goal
\textbf{\em{Recherche de Stage}} \\
%%% Contact
\item [\Large\faAt] \href{}{}
\item [\Large\faMobile]\:\:06 21 58 03 48
\item [\Large\faMapMarker] \:\:\:Appt. B020 Estudines le Parc \\
61 Bd. de L'Yerres \\
91000 Évry - Courcouronnes
%%% Interests
\TextSeparator{\ColorHighlight}{Centres d'intérêts}
\item [] Ornithologie \\
\& Bioacoustique
\item [] Biologie \\
\& Évolution
\item [] Informatique \\
\TextSeparatorBis{\ColorHighlight} {\faLink}{Liens}
\item [\Large\faGlobe] \:\href{}{}
\item [\Large\faGit] \href{}{UncleSamulus} (\href{}{\includegraphics[height=7pt]{../img/icons/gitea-wb.png}}, \href{}{\faGitlab}, \href{}{\faGithub})
\item [{$\includegraphics[height=14pt]{../img/icons/rosalind-green.png}$}] \href{}{Rosalind \faLink}
%%% Hard skills
\item [\faCode] C/C++, Python, R, JS, Java \\
\item SHELL, PHP, OCaml
\item [\faFileCodeO] HTML, CSS, \LaTeX
\item [\faDatabase] SQL
\item [\faLinux] GNU/Linux, Docker
\item [\faGit] Git
\item [{$\includegraphics[height=10pt]{../img/icons/UML-green.png}$}] UML2
% \item [\faCubes]
\item [\faFlask] \fboxrule=0pt \cooltooltip[0 0 0]{}{}{}{Exemples de techniques pratiquées en TP lors de la licence}{Techniques de laboratoire}
\item [{$\includegraphics[height=12pt]{../img/icons/dna-green.png}$}] PCR, RT-PCR, Clonage
\item [{$\includegraphics[height=10pt]{../img/icons/spectro-green.png}$}] Spectrophotométrie
\item [{$\includegraphics[height=10pt]{../img/icons/bacille-green.png}$}] Culture microbienne
\item [{$\includegraphics[height=10pt]{../img/icons/microscope-green.png}$}] Microscopie optique
\item [{$\includegraphics[height=10pt]{../img/icons/electrophorese-green}$}] Électrophorèse
% %%% Spider
% \TextSeparatorBis{\ColorHighlight}{\faTerminal}{Spider}
% \begin{SpiderDiagram}{\ColorTextSide}{\ColorHighlight}
% \addSkill{A}{1}
% \addSkill{B}{2}
% \addSkill{C}{1}
% \addSkill{D}{3}
% \addSkill{E}{5}
% % \addSkill{F}{3}
% \end{SpiderDiagram}
% \vspace{1cm}
%%% Languages
\item [] Anglais (B2)
% Picture
% Main
%%% Education
% \Experience
% {\ColorHighlight}
% {Master of Bioinformatics}
% {Université d'Évry val d'Essonne -- Paris-Saclay}
% {2023}
% {
% Write here your description.\\
% }
{\href{}{Licence Double Sciences de la Vie - Informatique}}
{Université d'Évry val d'Essonne -- Paris-Saclay}
Double cursus en biologie et informatique à l'Université d'Évry val d'Essonne (formation de l'Université Paris-Saclay).\\
Actuellement en L3.
{Baccalauréat Scientifique, option Sciences de la Vie et de la Terre, mention européenne}
{Lycée Notre-Dame, Le Mans}
Baccalauréat série S - SVT, obtenu avec mention très bien.
Mention européenne anglais - \cooltooltip[0 0 1][1 1 1]{}{}{}{Option suivie de la seconde à la terminale - Sciences de la Vie et de la Terre en anglais}{DNL SVT}.\\
Participation au
\cooltooltip[0 0 1][1 1 1]{}{}{}{Travail en groupe de DNL autour du sujet de recherche d'une équipe de chercheur (ici en cancérologie au CRCINA d'Angers), et présentation (en anglais) en amphi à l'Université d'Angers.}{Passeport Recherche}.
Participation aux \href{}{Olympiades de la Chimie} (1\textsuperscript{er} aux épreuves départementales sarthoises).
%%% Experiences
{Stage d'informatique}
{Janvier 2022}
Stage d'une semaine chez \href{}{Natural-Solutions~\faLink}, une agence de développement web basée à Marseille.
Contribution à la mise en place d'une IA pour la reconnaissance des cris nocturnes d'oiseaux, dans le cadre du challenge \href{}{NBM~\faLink}.
% \Experience
% {\ColorHighlight}
% {Happiness manager}
% {Nowhere}
% {1968}
% {
% Write here your description.\\
% }
%%% Activities
\item [] Observation des oiseaux et partage des données sur Faune-France
\item [] Enregistrement des chauve-souris
\item [] \href{}{Photographie Naturaliste~\faLink}
\item [] Développement logiciel
\item [] Groupe d'Utilisateurs des Logiciels Libres \href{}{Linux Essonnes~\faLink}
\item [] Écriture d'articles sur \href{}{Bioinfo-fr~\faLink}

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@ -1,385 +0,0 @@
% MyCV
% LaTeX Class
% Version 1.0 (13/06/22)
% Authors:
% Samuel ORTION
% Inspired by spidercv (ROMAINPC)
% License:
% The MIT License (see included LICENSE file)
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%%%%%%% Top bar
%%% Name
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%%%%%%%%% Side bar
%%% Spider chart
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\ifthenelse{\thevar = 180 \OR \thevar = 360}{
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color=\hC] {\small\getFromList{skilllist}{\x}}
\draw [draw=\nC, very thick] (0,0)--(\thevar:\N) node
color=\hC] {\small\getFromList{skilllist}{\x}}
\foreach[count=\x] \y in{2,3,...,\n}{
\draw [draw=\hC, very thick]
(360/\n*\x:\thetemp) -- (360/\n*\x+360/\n:\thetempbis);
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%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Main part
%%%%%% Section title
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%%%%%%% Experience
\newcommand{\Experience}[5]{%Highlight color, Ttile, Left subtitle, Right subtitle, Description
\normalsize{#5}% Description
%%%%%% Common tools
%%% Text separators
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%%% ItemList
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%%% DoubleColumns
%%%%%%%%% Use this command to split
%%% TripleColumns
%%%%%%%%% Use this command to split
%%% Label
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\tikz[baseline]\node[anchor=base,draw=#1,rounded corners,inner xsep=1ex,inner ysep =0.75ex,text height=1.5ex,text depth=.25ex, thick]{#2};
%%% Skill Gauges
\newenvironment{SkillGauges}[1]{% Highlight color
\begin{tabular}{l l}
\newcommand{\addGauge}[3][\faSquareO]{% Optional fa symbol | Text | Number of symbols
#2 & \foreach \i in{1,...,#3}{\highlightColor#1\space} \\
%% Implements tooltip

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tex/cv-en.pdf Normal file

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@ -1,46 +1,49 @@
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% MyOwnCV - English version % MyOwnCV - English version
% %
% @author Samuel ORTION % Author Samuel ORTION
% %
% 🄯 2022 % 🄯 2022-2023
% Some right reserved % Some right reserved
% %
% @version v0.0.5 (2023-04-04) % Version v0.0.6 (2023-07-29)
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
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pdfauthor={Samuel ORTION},
pdftitle={Samuel ORTION's CV},
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\begin{document} \begin{document}
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% How old am I at compilation time ?
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%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
\begin{TopBar}{\ColorTextSide} \begin{TopBar}{\ColorTextSide}
\Name{\ColorHighlight}{Samuel \textsc{Ortion}}{Bio-Informatics Student}{\myage\ years old} \Name{\ColorHighlight}{Samuel \textsc{Ortion}}{Bioinformatics student}{\myage\ years old}
%%% Goal
\textbf{\em{Bio-Informatics master application}} \\
%%% Contact %%% Contact
\TextSeparator{\ColorHighlight}{Contact} \TextSeparator{\ColorHighlight}{Contact}
\begin{DoubleColumns} \begin{DoubleColumns}
@ -57,48 +60,55 @@
\end{ItemList} \end{ItemList}
\end{DoubleColumns} \end{DoubleColumns}
% %%% Interests %%% Interests
% \TextSeparator{\ColorHighlight}{Interests} \TextSeparator{\ColorHighlight}{Interests}
% \begin{TripleColumns} \begin{TripleColumns}
% \begin{ItemList}{\ColorHighlight} \begin{ItemList}{\ColorHighlight}
% \item [] Ornithology \\ \item [] Ornithology
% \& Bioacoustics \item [] Bioacoustics
% \end{ItemList} \end{ItemList}
% \nextcolumn \nextcolumn
% \begin{ItemList}{\ColorHighlight} \begin{ItemList}{\ColorHighlight}
% \item [] Biology, -omics \\ \item [] Biology
% \& Evolution \item [] Evolution
% \end{ItemList} \end{ItemList}
% \nextcolumn \nextcolumn
% \begin{ItemList}{\ColorHighlight} \begin{ItemList}{\ColorHighlight}
% \item [] Computer Science \\ \item [] Computer Science
% \&\:Machine\:Learning \item [] Machine learning
% \end{ItemList} \end{ItemList}
% \end{TripleColumns} \end{TripleColumns}
\end{TopBar} \end{TopBar}
%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
\begin{SideBar}{\ColorBackground}{\ColorTextSide} \begin{SideBar}{\ColorBackground}{\ColorTextSide}
%%% Goal
\textbf{\textit{Internship at Pasteur Institute}} \\
\TextSeparatorBis{\ColorHighlight} {\faLink}{Links} \TextSeparatorBis{\ColorHighlight} {\faLink}{Links}
\begin{ItemList}{\ColorHighlight} \begin{ItemList}{\ColorHighlight}
\item [\Large\faGlobe] \:\href{}{} \item [\Large\faGlobe] \:\href{}{}
\item [\Large\faGit] \href{}{UncleSamulus} (\href{}{\includegraphics[height=7pt]{../img/icons/Logo_Gitea.png}}, \href{}{\faGitlab}, \href{}{\faGithub}) \item [\Large\faGit] \href{}{sortion} (\href{}{\includegraphics[height=7pt]{../img/icons/Logo_Gitea.png}}, \href{}{\faGitlab}, \href{}{\faGithub})
\end{ItemList} \end{ItemList}
\vspace{1cm} \vspace{1cm}
%%% Hard skills %%% Hard skills
\TextSeparatorBis{\ColorHighlight}{\faGears}{Skills} \TextSeparatorBis{\ColorHighlight}{\faGears}{Skills}
\begin{ItemList}{\ColorHighlight} \begin{ItemList}{\ColorHighlight}
\item [\faCode] C/C++, Rust, Python, R, JavaScript, Java, SHELL, PHP, OCaml\ldots \item [\faCode] C/C++, Rust, Python, R, JS, Java, SHELL, PHP, OCaml\ldots
\item [\faFileCodeO] HTML, CSS, \LuaLaTeX \item [\faFileCodeO] HTML, CSS, \LuaLaTeX
\item [\faDatabase] SQL \item [\faDatabase] SQL
\item [\faLinux] GNU/Linux, Docker, QEMU/KVM \item [\faLinux] GNU/Linux, Docker
\item [\faGit] Git \item [\faGit] Git
\item [{$\includegraphics[height=10pt]{../img/icons/UML-green.png}$}] UML2 \item [{$\includegraphics[height=10pt]{../img/icons/UML-green.png}$}] UML2
% \item [\faCubes] % \item [\faCubes]
\item [\faFlask] \item [\faFlask]
\begin{itemize} \begin{itemize}
\item [{$\includegraphics[height=12pt]{../img/icons/dna-green.png}$}] PCR, RT-PCR, Clone \item [{$\includegraphics[height=12pt]{../img/icons/dna-green.png}$}] PCR, RT-PCR, Clone
\item [{$\includegraphics[height=10pt]{../img/icons/spectro-green.png}$}] Spectrophotometry \item [{$\includegraphics[height=10pt]{../img/icons/spectro-green.png}$}] Spectrophotometry
@ -106,24 +116,9 @@
\item [{$\includegraphics[height=10pt]{../img/icons/microscope-green.png}$}] Microscopy \item [{$\includegraphics[height=10pt]{../img/icons/microscope-green.png}$}] Microscopy
\item [{$\includegraphics[height=10pt]{../img/icons/electrophorese-green}$}] Electrophoresis \item [{$\includegraphics[height=10pt]{../img/icons/electrophorese-green}$}] Electrophoresis
\end{itemize} \end{itemize}
\item [\faCamera] Photography
\item [\faPencil] Vector Graphics (Inkscape/svg)
\end{ItemList} \end{ItemList}
\vspace{1cm} \vspace{1cm}
% %%% Spider
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%%% Languages %%% Languages
\TextSeparatorBis{\ColorHighlight}{\faLanguage}{Languages} \TextSeparatorBis{\ColorHighlight}{\faLanguage}{Languages}
\begin{ItemList}{\ColorHighlight} \begin{ItemList}{\ColorHighlight}
@ -164,8 +159,6 @@
{2020-\faUndo} {2020-\faUndo}
{ {
\begin{itemize} \begin{itemize}
\item Computer science theoretical courses and applications;
\item Biology general notions and lab practices;
\item Introduction to computational biology through little projects along the cursus; \item Introduction to computational biology through little projects along the cursus;
\item Participation to the Digital for Genomics Hackathon 2023 edition. \item Participation to the Digital for Genomics Hackathon 2023 edition.
\end{itemize} \end{itemize}
@ -178,16 +171,28 @@
{ {
\begin{itemize} \begin{itemize}
\item Baccalaureate with highest honours, with a DNL SVT European \item Baccalaureate with highest honours, with a DNL SVT European
mention (biology and earth sciences in English); mention (biology and earth sciences in English);
\item \textquote{\href{}{Research Passport}}: Group work on a research topic with scientists. We \item \textquote{\href{}{Research Passport}}.
worked on tumor suppressors with two PhDs from the CRCINA \item \href{}{Olympiades de la Chimie} (qualified 1\textsuperscript{st} in departmental contest, Sarthe, 2020).
(Cancerology Research Center of Angers);
\item \href{}{Olympiades de la Chimie} (qualified 1\textsuperscript{st} in departmental contest, Sarthe, 2020).
\end{itemize} \end{itemize}
} }
%%% Experiences %%% Experiences
\MainTitleBis{\ColorHighlight}{\ColorTextMain}{Work Experiences}{\faSuitcase} \MainTitleBis{\ColorHighlight}{\ColorTextMain}{Work Experiences}{\faSuitcase}
{Neurosciences Internship}
{Centre de Recherche en Neurosciences de Lyon}
{May-June 2023}
\item Electrophysiological (LFP, respiration and whisking) signals analysis in rats;
\item Python scripting for data analysis and visualization.
\Experience \Experience
{\ColorHighlight} {\ColorHighlight}
{Computer Science Intership} {Computer Science Intership}
@ -197,22 +202,21 @@
\begin{itemize} \begin{itemize}
\item One-week internship in the \href{}{Natural-Solutions} web development agence, based in Marseille~\faLink. \item One-week internship in the \href{}{Natural-Solutions} web development agence, based in Marseille~\faLink.
\item Contributed to the development of an artificial intelligence involved in automatic nocturnal bird flight call detection and identification for the \href{}{NBM Challenge~\faLink}. \item Contributed to the development of an artificial intelligence involved in automatic nocturnal bird flight call detection and identification for the \href{}{NBM Challenge~\faLink}.
\item Discovery of the SCRUM software development method.
\end{itemize} \end{itemize}
} }
%%% Activities %%% Activities
\MainTitleBis{\ColorHighlight}{\ColorTextMain}{Interests}{\faUsers} \MainTitleBis{\ColorHighlight}{\ColorTextMain}{Activities}{\faUsers}
\vspace*{0.5cm} \vspace*{0.5cm}
\begin{ItemList}{\ColorHighlight} \begin{ItemList}{\ColorHighlight}
\item [] Bird watching, sighting data sharing on crowd sourced database; \item [] Bird watching, sighting data sharing on crowd sourced database;
\item [] Bat ultrasound recording and analyzis (Vigie-Chiro); \item [] Bat ultrasound recording and analyzis (Vigie-Chiro);
\item [] \href{}{Wildlife Photography~\faLink}; \item [] \href{}{Wildlife Photography~\faLink};
\item [] Software development \& GNU/Linux system administration; \item [] Software development \& GNU/Linux system administration;
\item [] \href{}{Liness Linux User Group~\faLink}; \item [] \href{}{Liness Linux User Group~\faLink};
\item [] I published two articles on \href{}{ blog~\faLink}; \item [] Contributor to \url{} blog~\faLink;
\item [{$\includegraphics[height=14pt]{../img/icons/rosalind-green.png}$}] Bioinformatics through problem solving at \href{}{\faLink}. \item [] Bioinformatics learning through problem solving at \href{}{{\includegraphics[height=14pt]{../img/icons/rosalind-green.png}}}.
\end{ItemList} \end{ItemList}
\end{MainPart} \end{MainPart}
\end{document} \end{document}

tex/cv-fr.pdf Normal file

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -3,21 +3,19 @@
% %
% @author Samuel ORTION % @author Samuel ORTION
% %
% 🄯 2022 % 🄯 2022-2023
% Some right reserved % Some right reserved
% %
% @version v0.0.3 (2023-02-19) % @version v0.0.6 (2023-07-29)
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\documentclass[11pt]{mycv} \documentclass[11pt]{mycv}
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pdfauthor={Samuel ORTION}, pdfauthor={Samuel ORTION},
@ -28,21 +26,22 @@
\begin{document} \begin{document}
% \PrintableMode % Make the CV printable \PrintableMode % Make the CV printable
% How old am I at compilation time ?
\newcounter{dateone}% \newcounter{dateone}%
\newcounter{datetwo}% \newcounter{datetwo}%
\setmydatenumber{dateone}{2003}{01}{21}% \setmydatenumber{dateone}{2003}{01}{21}%
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%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
\begin{TopBar}{\ColorTextSide} \begin{TopBar}{\ColorTextSide}
\Name{\ColorHighlight}{Samuel \textsc{Ortion}}{Étudiant en L3}{\myage\ ans} \Name{\ColorHighlight}{Samuel \textsc{Ortion}}{Étudiant en bioinformatique}{\myage\ ans}
%%% Contact %%% Contact
\TextSeparator{\ColorHighlight}{Contact} \TextSeparator{\ColorHighlight}{Contact}
\begin{DoubleColumns} \begin{DoubleColumns}
@ -82,26 +81,26 @@
%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
\begin{SideBar}{\ColorBackground}{\ColorTextSide} \begin{SideBar}{\ColorBackground}{\ColorTextSide}
%%% Goal %%% Goal
\begin{center} \begin{center}
\Large \Large
\textbf{\em{Candidature en master de bioinformatique}} \\ \textbf{\textit{Stage à l'Institut Pasteur}} \\
\end{center} \end{center}
\vspace{1cm} \vspace{1cm}
\TextSeparatorBis{\ColorHighlight} {\faLink}{Liens} \TextSeparatorBis{\ColorHighlight} {\faLink}{Liens}
\begin{ItemList}{\ColorHighlight} \begin{ItemList}{\ColorHighlight}
\item [\Large\faGlobe] \:\href{}{} \item [\Large\faGlobe] \:\href{}{}
\item [\Large\faGit] \href{}{UncleSamulus} (\href{}{\includegraphics[height=7pt]{../img/icons/Gitea_Logo.png}}, \href{}{\faGitlab}, \href{}{\faGithub}) \item [\Large\faGit] \href{}{sortion} (\href{}{\includegraphics[height=7pt]{../img/icons/Gitea_Logo.png}}, \href{}{\faGitlab}, \href{}{\faGithub})
\end{ItemList} \end{ItemList}
\vspace{1cm} \vspace{1cm}
%%% Hard skills %%% Hard skills
\TextSeparatorBis{\ColorHighlight}{\faGears}{Compétences} \TextSeparatorBis{\ColorHighlight}{\faGears}{Compétences}
\begin{ItemList}{\ColorHighlight} \begin{ItemList}{\ColorHighlight}
\item [\faCode] C/C++, Python, R, JS, Java, \\SHELL, PHP, OCaml \item [\faCode] C/C++, Rust, Python, R, JS, Java, SHELL, PHP, OCaml\ldots
\item [\faFileCodeO] HTML, CSS, \LaTeX \item [\faFileCodeO] HTML, CSS, \LuaLaTeX
\item [\faDatabase] SQL \item [\faDatabase] SQL
\item [\faLinux] GNU/Linux, Docker \item [\faLinux] GNU/Linux, Docker
\item [\faGit] Git \item [\faGit] Git
@ -122,7 +121,8 @@
\TextSeparatorBis{\ColorHighlight}{\faLanguage}{Langues} \TextSeparatorBis{\ColorHighlight}{\faLanguage}{Langues}
\begin{ItemList}{\ColorHighlight} \begin{ItemList}{\ColorHighlight}
\item [] Anglais (B2) \item [] Anglais (B2, Score 870 au TOEIC)
\item [] Allemand (A2)
\end{ItemList} \end{ItemList}
\vspace{1cm} \vspace{1cm}
@ -141,24 +141,27 @@
%%% Education %%% Education
\MainTitleBis{\ColorHighlight}{\ColorTextMain}{Études}{\faGraduationCap} \MainTitleBis{\ColorHighlight}{\ColorTextMain}{Études}{\faGraduationCap}
% \Experience % \Experience
% {\ColorHighlight} % {\ColorHighlight}
% {Master of Bioinformatics} % {Master \textit{Genomics, Informatics and Mathematics for Health and Environment}}
% {Université d'Évry val d'Essonne -- Paris-Saclay} % {Université Paris-Saclay}
% {2023} % {2023-\faUndo}
% { % {
% Write here your description.\\ % % \begin{itemize}
% % % \item Master de bioinformatique de l'Université Paris-Saclay.
% % % \end{itemize}
% } % }
\Experience \Experience
{\ColorHighlight} {\ColorHighlight}
{\href{}{Licence Double Sciences de la Vie - Informatique}} {\href{}{Licence Double Informatique -- Sciences de la vie}}
{Université d'Évry val d'Essonne -- Paris-Saclay} {Université d'Évry -- Université Paris-Saclay}
{2020-\faUndo} {2020-2023}
{ {
Double cursus en biologie et informatique à l'Université d'Évry val d'Essonne (formation de l'Université Paris-Saclay).\\ \begin{itemize}
\item Introduction à la bioinformatique par le biais de projets interdisciplinaires;
\item Participation au hackathon Digital for Genomics (édition 2023).
} }
\Experience \Experience
{\ColorHighlight} {\ColorHighlight}
@ -166,45 +169,52 @@
{Lycée Notre-Dame, Le Mans} {Lycée Notre-Dame, Le Mans}
{2017-2020} {2017-2020}
{ {
Baccalauréat série S - SVT, obtenu avec mention très bien. \begin{itemize}
\item Baccalauréat série S - SVT, obtenu avec mention très bien;
Mention européenne anglais - SVT, et Participation au Passeport Recherche. \item Mention européenne anglais - SVT, et Participation au \textquote{\href{}{Passeport Recherche}};
\item Participation aux \href{}{Olympiades de la Chimie} (1\textsuperscript{er} aux épreuves départementales sarthoises).
Participation aux \href{}{Olympiades de la Chimie} (1\textsuperscript{er} aux épreuves départementales sarthoises). \end{itemize}
} }
%%% Experiences %%% Experiences
\MainTitleBis{\ColorHighlight}{\ColorTextMain}{Expériences}{\faSuitcase} \MainTitleBis{\ColorHighlight}{\ColorTextMain}{Expériences}{\faSuitcase}
{Stage de recherche en Neurosciences}
{Centre de Recherche en Neurosciences de Lyon}
{Mai-Juin 2023}
\item Analyse de données électrophysiologiques chez le rat, signaux LFP (potentiel de champs local), respiration et \textit{whisking};
\item Manipulation des bibliothèques Python de traitement du signal, d'analyse et représentation des données.
\Experience \Experience
{\ColorHighlight} {\ColorHighlight}
{Stage d'informatique} {Stage d'informatique}
{\href{}{Natural-Solutions}} {\href{}{Natural-Solutions}}
{Janvier 2022} {Janvier 2022}
{ {
Stage d'une semaine chez \href{}{Natural-Solutions~\faLink}, une agence de développement web basée à Marseille. \begin{itemize}
\item Court stage chez \href{}{Natural-Solutions~\faLink}, une agence de développement logiciel basée à Marseille;
Contribution à la mise en place d'une IA pour la reconnaissance des cris nocturnes d'oiseaux, dans le cadre du challenge \href{}{NBM~\faLink}. \item Contribution à la mise en place d'une IA pour la reconnaissance des cris nocturnes d'oiseaux, dans le cadre du challenge \href{}{NBM~\faLink}.
} }
% \Experience
% {\ColorHighlight}
% {Happiness manager}
% {Nowhere}
% {1968}
% {
% Write here your description.\\
% }
%%% Activities %%% Activities
\MainTitleBis{\ColorHighlight}{\ColorTextMain}{Activités}{\faUsers} \MainTitleBis{\ColorHighlight}{\ColorTextMain}{Activités}{\faUsers}
\vspace*{0.5cm} \vspace*{0.5cm}
\begin{ItemList}{\ColorHighlight} \begin{ItemList}{\ColorHighlight}
\item [] Observation des oiseaux et partage des données sur Faune-France \item [] Observation des oiseaux et partage des données sur Faune-France;
\item [] Enregistrement des chauve-souris \item [] Enregistrement des chauve-souris;
\item [] \href{}{Photographie Naturaliste~\faLink} \item [] \href{}{Photographie Naturaliste~\faLink};
\item [] Développement logiciel \item [] Développement logiciel et adminsys GNU/Linux;
\item [] Groupe d'Utilisateurs des Logiciels Libres \href{}{Linux Essonnes~\faLink} \item [] Groupe d'Utilisateurs des Logiciels Libres \href{}{Linux Essonnes~\faLink};
\item [] Écriture d'articles sur \href{}{\faLink} \item [] Écriture d'articles sur \href{}{\faLink};
\end{ItemList} \item [] Résolutions de problèmes bioinformatiques via \href{}{{\includegraphics[height=14pt]{../img/icons/rosalind-green.png}}}.
\end{MainPart} \end{MainPart}
\end{document} \end{document}

View File

@ -5,11 +5,10 @@
% %
% Authors: % Authors:
% Samuel ORTION % Samuel ORTION
% Inspired by spidercv (ROMAINPC) % From spidercv (
% %
% License: % License:
% The MIT License (see included LICENSE file) % The MIT License (see included LICENSE file)
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}\\ }\\
\normalsize{#5}% Description \normalsize{#5}% Description
\end{flushleft} \end{flushleft}
} }
@ -319,35 +318,35 @@
\newcommand{\TextSeparator}[2]% Highlight color, Text \newcommand{\TextSeparator}[2]% Highlight color, Text
{ {
\noindent\makebox[\linewidth]{{\color{#1}\hrulefill} \noindent\makebox[\linewidth]{{\color{#1}\hrulefill}
\hspace{1ex}\raisebox{-.4ex}{\textbf{\large{#2}}} \hspace{1ex}\raisebox{-.4ex}{\textbf{\large{#2}}}
\hspace{1ex}{\color{#1}\hrulefill}} \hspace{1ex}{\color{#1}\hrulefill}}
} }
\newcommand{\TextSeparatorBis}[3]% Highlight color, Left text, Right text \newcommand{\TextSeparatorBis}[3]% Highlight color, Left text, Right text
{ {
\noindent\makebox[\linewidth]{\raisebox{-.4ex}{\textbf{\large{#2}}}\hspace{1ex} \noindent\makebox[\linewidth]{\raisebox{-.4ex}{\textbf{\large{#2}}}\hspace{1ex}
{\color{#1}\hrulefill} {\color{#1}\hrulefill}
\hspace{1ex}\raisebox{-.4ex}{\textbf{\large{#3}}}} \hspace{1ex}\raisebox{-.4ex}{\textbf{\large{#3}}}}
} }
\newcommand{\SimpleSeparator}[1]% Highlight color \newcommand{\SimpleSeparator}[1]% Highlight color
{ {
\noindent\makebox[\linewidth]{ \noindent\makebox[\linewidth]{
{\color{#1}\hrulefill}} {\color{#1}\hrulefill}}
} }
%%% ItemList %%% ItemList
\usepackage{enumerate} \usepackage{enumerate}
\newenvironment{ItemList}[1] % Bullet color \newenvironment{ItemList}[1] % Bullet color
{ \renewcommand{\descriptionlabel}[1]{ { \renewcommand{\descriptionlabel}[1]{
\def\temp{##1}\ifx\temp\empty \def\temp{##1}\ifx\temp\empty
\hspace\labelsep{\textbf{\color{#1}\tiny\faSquare}}% Default bullet \hspace\labelsep{\textbf{\color{#1}\tiny\faSquare}}% Default bullet
\else \else
\hspace\labelsep{\textbf{\color{#1}##1}} \hspace\labelsep{\textbf{\color{#1}##1}}
\fi \fi
}% }%
\begin{description}} \begin{description}}
{\end{description}} {\end{description}}
%%% DoubleColumns %%% DoubleColumns
@ -355,22 +354,22 @@
%%%%%%%%% Use this command to split %%%%%%%%% Use this command to split
\newcommand{\nextcolumn}{\end{center}\end{minipage}\hfill\begin{minipage}[t]{0.5\textwidth-0.5\margin}\begin{center}} \newcommand{\nextcolumn}{\end{center}\end{minipage}\hfill\begin{minipage}[t]{0.5\textwidth-0.5\margin}\begin{center}}
\begin{minipage}[t]{0.5\textwidth-0.5\margin} \begin{minipage}[t]{0.5\textwidth-0.5\margin}
\begin{center} \begin{center}
}{ }{
\end{center} \end{center}
\end{minipage}\\\vspace*{0.15cm} \end{minipage}\\\vspace*{0.15cm}
} }
%%% TripleColumns
%%%%%%%%% Use this command to split
%%% TripleColumns
%%%%%%%%% Use this command to split
\begin{minipage}[t]{0.3333\textwidth-0.5\margin} \begin{minipage}[t]{0.3333\textwidth-0.5\margin}
\begin{center} \begin{center}
}{ }{
\end{center} \end{center}
\end{minipage}\\\vspace*{0.15cm} \end{minipage}\\\vspace*{0.15cm}
} }
@ -385,7 +384,7 @@
\newenvironment{SkillGauges}[1]{% Highlight color \newenvironment{SkillGauges}[1]{% Highlight color
\def\highlightColor{\color{#1}} \def\highlightColor{\color{#1}}
\begin{tabular}{l l} \begin{tabular}{l l}
}{ }{
\end{tabular} \end{tabular}
} }
\newcommand{\addGauge}[3][\faSquareO]{% Optional fa symbol | Text | Number of symbols \newcommand{\addGauge}[3][\faSquareO]{% Optional fa symbol | Text | Number of symbols

View File

@ -1,219 +0,0 @@
% Spider CV
% LaTeX Class
% Version 1.1 (08/10/22)
% Name like this because of the spider chart widget.
% Authors:
% Inspired by developercv (Jan Vorisek)
% Inspired by developercv Doji variant (Stijn Dejongh)
% Inspired by limecv (Olivier Pieters)
% Inspired by altacv (LianTze Lim)
% License:
% The MIT License (see included LICENSE file)
\DeclareOption*{\PassOptionsToClass{\CurrentOption}{extarticle}} % Pass through any options to the base class
\ProcessOptions\relax % Process given options
\LoadClass{extarticle} % Load the baspidercvse class
\setlength{\parindent}{0mm} % Suppress paragraph indentation
\usepackage[hidelinks]{hyperref} % Required for links but hide the default boxes around links
\newcommand{\lorem}{Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec a diam lectus.} % Dummy text
\pagestyle{empty} % No headers or footers
\usepackage{moresize} % Provides more font size commands (\HUGE and \ssmall)
\usepackage{fontawesome} % fontawesomspidercv----------------------------------------------------
%%%%% color macros, use it at the beginning of your cv to quickly use the enterprise colors (Pro HRD tips)
\newcommand{\DefineColorMacros}[5]{% COLORS : TextSide / TextMain / HighLight / Background /Other
% Printable mode
\def\PM{} % PM command used in if statements
\def\ColorTextSide{\ColorTextMain} % Use same text color everywhere
\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % Required for inputting international characters
\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % Output font encoding for international characters
% \usepackage{roboto}
\renewcommand*\familydefault{\sfdefault} % Force the sans-serif version of any font used
\usepackage[absolute,overlay]{textpos} % option needed to use absolute positionning and to have text on front
\newenvironment{SideBar}[2]{% Background color, Text color
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]% put text anywhere
\ifx\PM\undefined % side and top background
\fill[fill=#1, shift={(current page.north west)}]
\draw[draw=#1, shift={(current page.north west)}, very thick]
% \fill[fill=#1, shift={(current page.north west)}]
(0,-\paperheight) --
(0,-\anglesize) --
(\anglesize,0Recherche stage en bioinformatique) --
(\paperwidth,0) --
(\paperwidth,-\topheight-2\margin) --
(\sidewidth+2\margin+\anglesize,-\topheight-2\margin) --
(\sidewidth+2\margin,-\topheight-2\margin-\anglesize) --
(\sidewidth+2\margin,-\paperheight) --
\draw [draw=#1, shift={(current page.north west)}, very thick]
(\paperwidth-0.5\margin,-\topheight-3\margin) --
(\paperwidth-0.5\margin,-\paperheight+0.5\margin+0.5\anglesize) --
(\paperwidth-0.5\margin-0.5\anglesize,-\paperheight+0.5\margin) --
% \TPmargin{}{}
\begin{textblock*}{\sidewidth}(\margin,\topheight + 3\margin -0.4cm)
% Please use vspace to verticaly align manually your content
\newenvironment{TopBar}[1]{ % Text color
\begin{textblock*}{\mainwidth}(\sidewidth+3\margin,\topheight + 3\margin-0.4cm)
%%%%%%% Picture
\newcommand{\DefineProfile}[3]% Background color, Highlight color, Img path
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
\node [rectangle, draw=#2, rounded corners=0.5mm, very thick,
shift={(current page.north west)}, xshift=\anglesize, yshift=-\anglesize,
\node [rectangle, draw=#2, rounded corners=0.5mm, very thick,
shift={(current page.north west)}, xshift=(\sidewidth+2\margin), yshift=-(\sidewidth+2\margin),
\draw [draw=#2, very thick]
(s1) -- (s2);
\def\backcolor{\ifx\PM\undefined#1\else White\fi}
shift={(current page.north west)},
chamfered rectangle, draw=#2, very thick,
minimum size=\profilesize,
path picture={
\node at (path picture bounding{
%%%%%%% Top bar
%%% Name
\newcommand{\Name}[4]% Highlight color, Name, Profession, Age
%%%%%%%%% Side bar
%%% Spider chart
\seq_new:c { l_kees_list_#1_seq }