197 lines
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197 lines
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% MyOwnCV
% @author Samuel ORTION
% 🄯 2022
% Some right reserved
% @version v0.0.1 (2022-09-29)
\Name{\ColorHighlight}{Samuel ORTION}{Student}{\myage\ years old}
%%% Contact
\item [\Large\faAt] \href{mailto:samuel@ortion.fr}{samuel@ortion.fr}
\item [\Large\faMobile] 06 21 58 03 48
\item [\Large\faMapMarker] France
\item [\Large\faGit] \href{https://framagit.org/UncleSamulus}{UncleSamulus}
% \item [\Large\faLinkedinSquare] \href{https://www.linkedin.com/}{linkedin}
%%% Interests
\item [] Ornithology
\item [] Biology
\item [] Computer Science
%%% Soft skills
\TextSeparatorBis{\ColorHighlight}{\faUser}{Soft skills}
\Label{\ColorHighlight}{Skill 1}
\Label{\ColorHighlight}{Skill 2}
\Label{\ColorHighlight}{Skill 3}
\Label{\ColorHighlight}{Skill 4}
\Label{\ColorHighlight}{Skill 5}
%%% Hard skills
\TextSeparatorBis{\ColorHighlight}{\faGears}{Hard skills}
\item [\faCode] C/C++, Python, JS, Java, OCaml
\item [\faFileCodeO] HTML, CSS, \LaTeX
% \item [\faCubes]
% \item [\faPencilSquareO] skill, skill, skill, skill
\item [\faVideoCamera] Photography, Video editing
% \item [\faGear]
%%% Languages
% Picture
% Main
%%% Education
% \Experience
% {\ColorHighlight}
% {Master of Bioinformatics}
% {Université d'Évry val d'Essonne -- Paris-Saclay}
% {2023}
% {
% Write here your description.\\
% }
{Licence Double Sciences de la Vie - Informatique}
{Université d'Évry val d'Essonne -- Paris-Saclay}
I will have my bachelor degree of both computer science and biology in 2023. I am currently in third year of this double cursus.
{Baccalauréat Scientifique, option Sciences de la Vie et de la Terre, mention Européenne}
{Lycée Notre-Dame, Le Mans}
I have got my scientific baccalaureate with "Very Good" mention, in 2020. I had the DNL euro option (I had some courses of biology in english).
%%% Activities
\item [] Bird Watching
\item [] Bat Recording
\item [] Taking Photographs
\item [] Development \& SysAdmin
%%% Experiences
{Computer Science Intern}
I did an internship during my second year of bachelor degree in the web agency Natural Solutions, during witch I documented and tested an IA that classify nocturnal bird sounds (flight call especially).
% \Experience
% {\ColorHighlight}
% {Teacher}
% {Nice School}
% {2004-2015}
% {
% Write here your description.\\
% }
% \Experience
% {\ColorHighlight}
% {Happiness manager}
% {Nowhere}
% {1968}
% {
% Write here your description.\\
% }
\end{document} |