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% MyOwnCV - English version
% Author Samuel Ortion
% 🄯 2022-2023
% Some right reserved
% Version v0.0.6 (2023-09-08)
pdfauthor={Samuel Ortion},
pdftitle={CV - Samuel Ortion},
pdfkeywords={Computer Science, Biology}
\PrintableMode % Make the CV printable
% How old am I at compilation time ?
\Name{\ColorHighlight}{\textbf{Samuel Ortion}}{Bioinformatics student}{\myage\ years old}
%%% Contact
\item [\faAt]\href{}{}
\item [\faMobile]+33 6 21 58 03 48
\item [\faMapMarker] Appt. B020 Estudines le Parc \\
61 Bd. de L'Yerres \\
91000 Évry - Courcouronnes
%%% Interests
\item [] Ornithology
\item [] Bioacoustics
\item [] Biology
\item [] Evolution
\item [] Computer Science
\item [] Machine learning
%%% Goal
\textbf{\textit{Looking for a Computational Biology Internship}} \\
\TextSeparatorBis{\ColorHighlight} {\faLink}{Links}
\item [\Large\faGlobe] \href{}{}
\item [\Large\faGitlab] \href{}{}
\item [${\includegraphics[height=15pt]{../img/icons/rosalind_logo_green.png}}$] \href{}{Samulus.i.n on}
%%% Hard skills
\item [\faCode] C/C++, Rust, Python, R, shell \\
JS, Java, PHP, OCaml\ldots
\item [\faFileCode] HTML, CSS, \LuaLaTeX
\item [\faDatabase] SQL
\item [\faLinux] GNU/Linux, Docker, Slurm
\item [\faGit*] Git
\item [{$\includegraphics[height=15pt]{../img/icons/UML-green.png}$}] UML2
\item [\faFlask] Basic Laboratory Technics
\item [\faDna] PCR, RT-PCR, Cloning
\item [{$\includegraphics[height=15pt]{../img/icons/spectro-green.png}$}] Spectrophotometry
\item [{$\includegraphics[height=15pt]{../img/icons/bacille-green.png}$}] Microrganism culture
\item [{$\includegraphics[height=15pt]{../img/icons/microscope-green.png}$}] Microscopy
\item [{$\includegraphics[height=15pt]{../img/icons/electrophorese-green}$}] Electrophoresis
%%% Languages
\item [] French (native)
\item [] English (B2, TOEIC Score 870)
\item [] German (A2)
% Picture
% Main
%%% Education
{Master Genomics, Informatics and Mathematics for Health and Environment}
{Université d'Évry val d'Essonne -- Université Paris-Saclay}
{Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science and Biology}
{Université d'Évry val d'Essonne -- Université Paris-Saclay}
{ \hfill 2020-2023}
\item [] Participation to the Digital for Genomics Hackathon 2023 at Évry Genopole with the \textit{DeepContact} Team (Institut Pasteur).
\item [] A bit of bioinformatics with the iGEM 2023 Évry - Paris-Saclay Team.
%%% Experiences
\MainTitleBis{\ColorHighlight}{\ColorTextMain}{Work Experiences}{\faSuitcase}
{Bioinformatics Internship}
{Institut Pasteur - Spatial Regulation of Genomes}
{July-August 2023}
\item [] Development of a Python script attempting to shortcut the too heavy
Hi-C reads mapping (\texttt{bowtie2}) on genomes with numerous repeated sequences, with a rough approximation based on previously annotated repeats positions (\texttt{RepeatMasker}).
{Neurosciences Internship}
{Lyon Neurosciences Research Center}
{May-July 2023}
\item [] Electrophysiological signals analysis in rats (LFP and respiration);
\item [] Signal processing with Python libraries.
{Computer Science Intership}
{January 2022}
\item [] Contribution to a deep learning project aiming at automatic detection and identification of nocturnal bird flight calls: \href{}{NBM Challenge}.
%%% Activities
\item [] Bird watching;
\item [] Bat recording (Vigie-Chiro);
\item [] \href{}{Wildlife Photography};
\item [] Software development;
\item [] \href{}{Liness Linux User Group};
\item [] Wrote on \href{}{} blog.