require("dotenv").config(); const debug = require("debug")("soundbirder:api:region"); const cache = require("./cache"); const axios = require("axios"); const { lookUp } = require("geojson-places"); async function getRegion(lat, lon) { // Reverse geocoding to get the region info of Valladolid (Spain) const key = `region-${lat}-${lon}`; try { const cached = await cache.getCached(key); if (cached) { const { region } = cached; return region; } } catch (error) { throw error; } const result = lookUp(lat, lon); const region = result.country_a2; cache.cacheResponse(key, {region}); return region; } function getRegionCode({ country_code, country, state, county }) { return eBird.ref.region .list("subnational1", country_code)() .then((states) => { console.log(states); const regionCode = states.find((region) => === state).code; return regionCode; }) .catch((error) => { throw error; }); } module.exports = { getRegion, };