fix for advanced search

This commit is contained in:
tripitakit 2013-11-12 16:30:41 +01:00
parent 9263914d7e
commit 2ecaa58904
5 changed files with 285 additions and 36 deletions

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
# xeno-canto
# xeno-canto.js
Node.js implementation of Xeno-canto API 2.0
Node.js implementation of xeno-canto API 2.0
Easy simple/advanced searches against xeno-canto database.
"The service provides a database of bird song and sound recordings contributed
and maintained by enthusiasts worldwide.It provides access to search the
@ -14,7 +15,7 @@ maintained by the service for that species, either with or without URLs for
audio and still image files, or optionally a request can retrieve a single
representative recording. Methods also provide summary statistics about
listings relevant to the species named in the request."
(Source: [Xeno-canto website](
## Installation
@ -27,13 +28,13 @@ $ npm install xeno-canto
var XenoCanto = require('xeno-canto');
/** A simple search with English common name*/
var xeno_canto = new XenoCanto();
/** A simple search with English common name */
var beardedBellbird = new XenoCanto();
/* the callback is passed a reference of the instance, when search is complete;
the response json object is stored in the instance's property .entity */"bearded bellbird", function(self){"bearded bellbird", function(self){
console.log(self.entity.numRecordings == "28");
console.log(self.entity.numSpecies == "1");
// inspect more properties ..
@ -66,10 +67,48 @@"bearded bellbird", function(self){
- url: the URL specifying the details of this recording
/** Advanced search */
var orthonyxPaupuaTari = new XenoCanto();
var query = {
country: 'papua',
location: 'tari'
};, function(self){
// inspect the response object
**Advanced search parameters**
* name [string] commong english name, scientific name, or family latin name
* genus [string]
* recordist [string] recordist name
* country [string]
* location: [string]
* remarks: [string]
* coords: [object] {lat [string], lon [string]}
* also: [string]
* type: [string]
* nr: [string] catalog number
* quality: [string]
* qualitylt: [string] quality less than
* area: [string]
## Reference
### Release History
12/11/13 xeno-canto inception, basic search 0.0.1
* 0.0.2 Implements advanced searches.
* 12/11/13 xeno-canto inception, basic search 0.0.1
### License

View File

@ -19,38 +19,77 @@ function XenoCanto(){
/** Search for name of advanced options*/ = function(query, success){
if (!!query) {
var url = '';
var url = '';
// Duck-typing args
if (typeof(query) === 'string') {
// Duck-typing args
if (typeof(query) === 'string') {
// Normal query search name in English, Latin, Family latin
url = url + query;
// Normal query search name in English, Latin, Family latin
url = url + query;
} else if (typeof(query) === 'object') {
Advanced search parameters:
Genus gen:zonotrichia
Recordist rec:John
Country cnt:brazil.
Location loc:tambopata.
Recordist Remarks rmk:playback
Geographic Coordinates
lat, lon
Background Species also:formicariidae
Sound type type:song
Catalog number nr:76967 or range: nr:88888-88890
Recording Quality
q:A will return recordings with a quality rating of A.
q<:C will return recordings with a quality rating of D or E.
World area area:africa (, america, asia, australia, europe)
var getCoords = function() {
if (!!query.coords) {
if (!! && !! query.coords.lon) {
return 'lat:' + + 'lon:' + query.coords.lon
} else if (!! {
/** TODO box coordinates*/
var params_string = '';
var params = [
{ name:"" },
{ genus: 'gen:' },
{ recordist: 'rec:' },
{ country: 'cnt:' },
{ location: 'loc:' },
{ remarks: 'rmk:' },
{ coords: getCoords() },
{ also:'also:' },
{ type: 'type:' },
{ nr: "nr:" },
{ quality: 'q:' },
{ qualitylt: 'q<:' },
{ area: 'area:' }
var key = Object.keys(p)[0];
if (!!query[key]) {
params_string = params_string + p[key] + query[key] + " ";
url = url + params_string;
// Make the request
get(this, url, success);
} else {
// Genus gen:zonotrichia
// Recordist rec:John
// Country cnt:brazil.
// Location loc:tambopata.
// Recordist Remarks rmk:playback
// Geographic Coordinates
// lat, lon
// Background Species also:formicariidae
// Sound type type:song
// Catalog number nr:76967 or range: nr:88888-88890
// Recording Quality
// q:A will return recordings with a quality rating of A.
// q<:C will return recordings with a quality rating of D or E.
// World area area:africa (, america, asia, australia, europe)
throw("Null Query Error.")
console.log("GET", url);
get(this, url, success);
function get(that, url, success){

npm-debug.log Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
0 info it worked if it ends with ok
1 verbose cli [ 'node', '/usr/local/bin/npm', 'publish' ]
2 info using npm@1.3.2
3 info using node@v0.10.13
4 verbose publish [ '.' ]
5 verbose cache add [ '.', null ]
6 verbose cache add name=undefined spec="." args=[".",null]
7 verbose parsed url { protocol: null,
7 verbose parsed url slashes: null,
7 verbose parsed url auth: null,
7 verbose parsed url host: null,
7 verbose parsed url port: null,
7 verbose parsed url hostname: null,
7 verbose parsed url hash: null,
7 verbose parsed url search: null,
7 verbose parsed url query: null,
7 verbose parsed url pathname: '.',
7 verbose parsed url path: '.',
7 verbose parsed url href: '.' }
8 silly lockFile 3a52ce78- .
9 verbose lock . /Users/patrick/.npm/3a52ce78-.lock
10 verbose tar pack [ '/var/folders/y3/qmpj3l297qd1pjj3w8rw6l8r0000gn/T/npm-54001/1384268315117-0.34858209593221545/tmp.tgz',
10 verbose tar pack '.' ]
11 verbose tarball /var/folders/y3/qmpj3l297qd1pjj3w8rw6l8r0000gn/T/npm-54001/1384268315117-0.34858209593221545/tmp.tgz
12 verbose folder .
13 info prepublish xeno-canto@0.0.1
14 silly lockFile 1f1177db-tar tar://.
15 verbose lock tar://. /Users/patrick/.npm/1f1177db-tar.lock
16 silly lockFile e8631359-5117-0-34858209593221545-tmp-tgz tar:///var/folders/y3/qmpj3l297qd1pjj3w8rw6l8r0000gn/T/npm-54001/1384268315117-0.34858209593221545/tmp.tgz
17 verbose lock tar:///var/folders/y3/qmpj3l297qd1pjj3w8rw6l8r0000gn/T/npm-54001/1384268315117-0.34858209593221545/tmp.tgz /Users/patrick/.npm/e8631359-5117-0-34858209593221545-tmp-tgz.lock
18 silly lockFile 1f1177db-tar tar://.
19 silly lockFile 1f1177db-tar tar://.
20 silly lockFile e8631359-5117-0-34858209593221545-tmp-tgz tar:///var/folders/y3/qmpj3l297qd1pjj3w8rw6l8r0000gn/T/npm-54001/1384268315117-0.34858209593221545/tmp.tgz
21 silly lockFile e8631359-5117-0-34858209593221545-tmp-tgz tar:///var/folders/y3/qmpj3l297qd1pjj3w8rw6l8r0000gn/T/npm-54001/1384268315117-0.34858209593221545/tmp.tgz
22 verbose tar unpack /var/folders/y3/qmpj3l297qd1pjj3w8rw6l8r0000gn/T/npm-54001/1384268315117-0.34858209593221545/tmp.tgz
23 silly lockFile 5ffbb325-5117-0-34858209593221545-package tar:///var/folders/y3/qmpj3l297qd1pjj3w8rw6l8r0000gn/T/npm-54001/1384268315117-0.34858209593221545/package
24 verbose lock tar:///var/folders/y3/qmpj3l297qd1pjj3w8rw6l8r0000gn/T/npm-54001/1384268315117-0.34858209593221545/package /Users/patrick/.npm/5ffbb325-5117-0-34858209593221545-package.lock
25 silly lockFile e8631359-5117-0-34858209593221545-tmp-tgz tar:///var/folders/y3/qmpj3l297qd1pjj3w8rw6l8r0000gn/T/npm-54001/1384268315117-0.34858209593221545/tmp.tgz
26 verbose lock tar:///var/folders/y3/qmpj3l297qd1pjj3w8rw6l8r0000gn/T/npm-54001/1384268315117-0.34858209593221545/tmp.tgz /Users/patrick/.npm/e8631359-5117-0-34858209593221545-tmp-tgz.lock
27 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '755', '644' ]
28 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
29 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .npmignore
30 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
31 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry Gruntfile.js
32 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .jshintrc
33 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry LICENSE-GNU-GPL
34 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/xeno-canto.js
35 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/xeno-canto_test.js
36 silly lockFile 5ffbb325-5117-0-34858209593221545-package tar:///var/folders/y3/qmpj3l297qd1pjj3w8rw6l8r0000gn/T/npm-54001/1384268315117-0.34858209593221545/package
37 silly lockFile 5ffbb325-5117-0-34858209593221545-package tar:///var/folders/y3/qmpj3l297qd1pjj3w8rw6l8r0000gn/T/npm-54001/1384268315117-0.34858209593221545/package
38 silly lockFile e8631359-5117-0-34858209593221545-tmp-tgz tar:///var/folders/y3/qmpj3l297qd1pjj3w8rw6l8r0000gn/T/npm-54001/1384268315117-0.34858209593221545/tmp.tgz
39 silly lockFile e8631359-5117-0-34858209593221545-tmp-tgz tar:///var/folders/y3/qmpj3l297qd1pjj3w8rw6l8r0000gn/T/npm-54001/1384268315117-0.34858209593221545/tmp.tgz
40 verbose tar pack [ '/Users/patrick/.npm/xeno-canto/0.0.1/package.tgz',
40 verbose tar pack '/var/folders/y3/qmpj3l297qd1pjj3w8rw6l8r0000gn/T/npm-54001/1384268315117-0.34858209593221545/package' ]
41 verbose tarball /Users/patrick/.npm/xeno-canto/0.0.1/package.tgz
42 verbose folder /var/folders/y3/qmpj3l297qd1pjj3w8rw6l8r0000gn/T/npm-54001/1384268315117-0.34858209593221545/package
43 silly lockFile 5ffbb325-5117-0-34858209593221545-package tar:///var/folders/y3/qmpj3l297qd1pjj3w8rw6l8r0000gn/T/npm-54001/1384268315117-0.34858209593221545/package
44 verbose lock tar:///var/folders/y3/qmpj3l297qd1pjj3w8rw6l8r0000gn/T/npm-54001/1384268315117-0.34858209593221545/package /Users/patrick/.npm/5ffbb325-5117-0-34858209593221545-package.lock
45 silly lockFile db808752-npm-xeno-canto-0-0-1-package-tgz tar:///Users/patrick/.npm/xeno-canto/0.0.1/package.tgz
46 verbose lock tar:///Users/patrick/.npm/xeno-canto/0.0.1/package.tgz /Users/patrick/.npm/db808752-npm-xeno-canto-0-0-1-package-tgz.lock
47 silly lockFile 5ffbb325-5117-0-34858209593221545-package tar:///var/folders/y3/qmpj3l297qd1pjj3w8rw6l8r0000gn/T/npm-54001/1384268315117-0.34858209593221545/package
48 silly lockFile 5ffbb325-5117-0-34858209593221545-package tar:///var/folders/y3/qmpj3l297qd1pjj3w8rw6l8r0000gn/T/npm-54001/1384268315117-0.34858209593221545/package
49 silly lockFile db808752-npm-xeno-canto-0-0-1-package-tgz tar:///Users/patrick/.npm/xeno-canto/0.0.1/package.tgz
50 silly lockFile db808752-npm-xeno-canto-0-0-1-package-tgz tar:///Users/patrick/.npm/xeno-canto/0.0.1/package.tgz
51 silly lockFile 09ee0fd3-ick-npm-xeno-canto-0-0-1-package /Users/patrick/.npm/xeno-canto/0.0.1/package
52 verbose lock /Users/patrick/.npm/xeno-canto/0.0.1/package /Users/patrick/.npm/09ee0fd3-ick-npm-xeno-canto-0-0-1-package.lock
53 silly lockFile 09ee0fd3-ick-npm-xeno-canto-0-0-1-package /Users/patrick/.npm/xeno-canto/0.0.1/package
54 silly lockFile 09ee0fd3-ick-npm-xeno-canto-0-0-1-package /Users/patrick/.npm/xeno-canto/0.0.1/package
55 verbose tar unpack /Users/patrick/.npm/xeno-canto/0.0.1/package.tgz
56 silly lockFile 5fbf9c15-ick-npm-xeno-canto-0-0-1-package tar:///Users/patrick/.npm/xeno-canto/0.0.1/package
57 verbose lock tar:///Users/patrick/.npm/xeno-canto/0.0.1/package /Users/patrick/.npm/5fbf9c15-ick-npm-xeno-canto-0-0-1-package.lock
58 silly lockFile db808752-npm-xeno-canto-0-0-1-package-tgz tar:///Users/patrick/.npm/xeno-canto/0.0.1/package.tgz
59 verbose lock tar:///Users/patrick/.npm/xeno-canto/0.0.1/package.tgz /Users/patrick/.npm/db808752-npm-xeno-canto-0-0-1-package-tgz.lock
60 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '755', '644' ]
61 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
62 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .npmignore
63 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
64 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry Gruntfile.js
65 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .jshintrc
66 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry LICENSE-GNU-GPL
67 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/xeno-canto.js
68 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/xeno-canto_test.js
69 silly lockFile 5fbf9c15-ick-npm-xeno-canto-0-0-1-package tar:///Users/patrick/.npm/xeno-canto/0.0.1/package
70 silly lockFile 5fbf9c15-ick-npm-xeno-canto-0-0-1-package tar:///Users/patrick/.npm/xeno-canto/0.0.1/package
71 silly lockFile db808752-npm-xeno-canto-0-0-1-package-tgz tar:///Users/patrick/.npm/xeno-canto/0.0.1/package.tgz
72 silly lockFile db808752-npm-xeno-canto-0-0-1-package-tgz tar:///Users/patrick/.npm/xeno-canto/0.0.1/package.tgz
73 verbose chmod /Users/patrick/.npm/xeno-canto/0.0.1/package.tgz 644
74 verbose chown /Users/patrick/.npm/xeno-canto/0.0.1/package.tgz [ 501, 20 ]
75 silly lockFile 3a52ce78- .
76 silly lockFile 3a52ce78- .
77 silly publish { name: 'xeno-canto',
77 silly publish description: 'Node.js API for xeno-canto database webservices',
77 silly publish version: '0.0.1',
77 silly publish homepage: '',
77 silly publish author: { name: 'tripitakit', email: '' },
77 silly publish repository: { type: 'git', url: '' },
77 silly publish bugs: { url: '' },
77 silly publish licenses: [ { type: 'GNU GPL', url: '' } ],
77 silly publish main: 'lib/xeno-canto',
77 silly publish engines: { node: '>= 0.8.0' },
77 silly publish scripts: { test: 'grunt nodeunit' },
77 silly publish devDependencies:
77 silly publish { 'grunt-contrib-jshint': '~0.6.4',
77 silly publish 'grunt-contrib-nodeunit': '~0.2.0',
77 silly publish 'grunt-contrib-watch': '~0.5.3',
77 silly publish grunt: '~0.4.1' },
77 silly publish dependencies: { rest: '~1.0.0' },
77 silly publish directories: [ 'lib', 'test' ],
77 silly publish keywords:
77 silly publish [ 'bird',
77 silly publish 'sound',
77 silly publish 'database',
77 silly publish 'webservice',
77 silly publish 'api',
77 silly publish 'science',
77 silly publish 'biology',
77 silly publish 'zoology',
77 silly publish 'bioinformatics' ],
77 silly publish readme: '# xeno-canto.js\n\nNode.js implementation of xeno-canto API 2.0\nEasy simple/advanced searches against xeno-canto database.\n\n"The service provides a database of bird song and sound recordings contributed \nand maintained by enthusiasts worldwide.It provides access to search the\nconnection and play or download recordings and to submit new recordings.\nDiscussion forums encourage interactions among members of the birding community \nto exchange information about bird song and related topics.\n\nAPI methods support search against the database by specifying the formal Latin \nname of a bird species. Returned data provide listings of all recordings \nmaintained by the service for that species, either with or without URLs for\naudio and still image files, or optionally a request can retrieve a single\nrepresentative recording. Methods also provide summary statistics about\nlistings relevant to the species named in the request." \n\n\n## Installation\n```\n$ npm install xeno-canto\n```\n## Usage\n```javascript\n\n/** Dependencies */\nvar XenoCanto = require(\'xeno-canto\');\n\n\n/** A simple search with English common name */\nvar beardedBellbird = new XenoCanto();\n\n/* the callback is passed a reference of the instance, when search is complete;\n the response json object is stored in the instance\'s property .entity */\n\t \"bearded bellbird", function(self){\n\tconsole.log(self.entity.numRecordings == "28");\n\tconsole.log(self.entity.numSpecies == "1");\n\t// inspect more properties ..\n});\n\n```\n**Response Properties**\n\n- numRecordings: the total number of recordings found for this query\n- numSpecies: the total number of species found for this query\n- page: the page number of the results page that is being displayed\n- numPages: the total number of pages available for this query\n- recordings: an array of recording objects, described in detail below\n\n\n**Recording object properties**\n\n- id: the catalogue number of the recording on xeno-canto\n- gen: the generic name of the species\n- sp: the specific name of the species\n- en: the English name of the species\n- rec: the name of the recordist\n- cnt: the country where the recording was made\n- loc: the name of the locality\n- lat: the latitude of the recording in decimal coordinates\n- lng: the longitude of the recording in decimal coordinates\n- type: the sound type of the recording (e.g. \'call\', \'song\', etc). This is generally a comma-separated list of sound types.\n- file: the URL to the audio file\n- lic: the URL describing the license of this recording\n- url: the URL specifying the details of this recording\n\n\n```javascript\n/** Advanced search */\n\nvar orthonyxPaupuaTari = new XenoCanto();\n\nvar query = {\n\tname:\'orthonyx\',\n\tcountry: \'papua\',\n\tlocation: \'tari\'\n};\n\, function(self){\n\tconsole.log(self.entity.numRecordings);\n\tconsole.log(self.entity.numSpecies);\n\t// inspect more properties ..\n});\n \n```\n**Advanced search parameters**\n\n* name [string] commong english name, scientific name, or family latin name\n* genus [string] \n* recordist [string] recordist name\n* country [string] \n* location: [string]\n* remarks: [string]\n* coords: [object] {lat [string], lon [string]}\n* also: [string]\n* type: [string]\n* nr: [string] catalog number \n* quality: [string]\n* qualitylt: [string] quality less than\n* area: [string]\n```\n\n## Reference\n####[](\n\n\n### Release History\n\n* 0.0.2 Implements advanced searches.\n* 12/11/13 xeno-canto inception, basic search 0.0.1\n\n\n### License\nCopyright (c) 2013 Patrick De Marta \nLicensed under the [GNU GPL license]( .\n',
77 silly publish readmeFilename: '',
77 silly publish _id: 'xeno-canto@0.0.1',
77 silly publish dist: { shasum: '4f3e6b4ab0abc06ae99aa55abe211d7bc471be51' },
77 silly publish _from: '.' }
78 verbose url raw xeno-canto
79 verbose url resolving [ '', './xeno-canto' ]
80 verbose url resolved
81 info trying registry request attempt 1 at 15:58:42
82 http PUT
83 http 409
84 verbose url raw xeno-canto
85 verbose url resolving [ '', './xeno-canto' ]
86 verbose url resolved
87 info trying registry request attempt 1 at 15:58:43
88 http GET
89 http 200
90 error publish fail Cannot publish over existing version.
90 error publish fail Update the 'version' field in package.json and try again.
90 error publish fail
90 error publish fail If the previous version was published in error, see:
90 error publish fail npm help unpublish
90 error publish fail
90 error publish fail To automatically increment version numbers, see:
90 error publish fail npm help version
91 error System Darwin 12.5.0
92 error command "node" "/usr/local/bin/npm" "publish"
93 error cwd /Users/patrick/projects/nodes/xeno-canto
94 error node -v v0.10.13
95 error npm -v 1.3.2
97 verbose exit [ 1, true ]

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"name": "xeno-canto",
"description": "Node.js API for xeno-canto database webservices",
"version": "0.0.1",
"version": "0.0.2",
"homepage": "",
"author": {
"name": "tripitakit",

View File

@ -34,8 +34,29 @@ exports['xeno-canto-api'] = {
test.equal(typeof(self), 'object');
test.equal(typeof(self.entity), 'object');
test.equal(self.entity.numRecordings, "28");
test.equal(self.entity.numRecordings, 28);
'advanced search bearded bellbird cnt:spain': function(test) {
var xeno_canto = new XenoCanto();
var query = {
country: 'papua',
location: 'tari'
};, function(self){
test.equal(typeof(self), 'object');
test.equal(typeof(self.entity), 'object');
test.equal(self.entity.numRecordings, 3);