2018-02-06 19:59:07 -06:00

118 lines
2.6 KiB

* xeno-canto
* Copyright (c) 2013 Patrick De Marta
* Licensed under the GNU GPL license.
'use strict';
/** @dependencies */
var request = require('request');
/** @constructor */
function XenoCanto(){
this.entity = {};
/** Search for name of advanced options*/
XenoCanto.prototype.search = function(query, success){
if (!!query) {
var url = 'http://www.xeno-canto.org/api/2/recordings?query=';
// Duck-typing args
if (typeof(query) === 'string') {
// Normal query search name in English, Latin, Family latin
url = url + query;
} else if (typeof(query) === 'object') {
Advanced search parameters:
Genus gen:zonotrichia
Recordist rec:John
Country cnt:brazil.
Location loc:tambopata.
Recordist Remarks rmk:playback
Geographic Coordinates
lat, lon
Background Species also:formicariidae
Sound type type:song
Catalog number nr:76967 or range: nr:88888-88890
Recording Quality
q:A will return recordings with a quality rating of A.
q<:C will return recordings with a quality rating of D or E.
World area area:africa (, america, asia, australia, europe)
var getCoords = function() {
if (!!query.coords) {
if (!!query.coords.lat && !! query.coords.lon) {
return 'lat:' + query.coords.lat + 'lon:' + query.coords.lon
} else if (!!query.coords.box) {
/** TODO box coordinates*/
var params_string = '';
var params = [
{ name:"" },
{ genus: 'gen:' },
{ recordist: 'rec:' },
{ country: 'cnt:' },
{ location: 'loc:' },
{ remarks: 'rmk:' },
{ coords: getCoords() },
{ also:'also:' },
{ type: 'type:' },
{ nr: "nr:" },
{ quality: 'q:' },
{ qualitylt: 'q<:' },
{ area: 'area:' }
var key = Object.keys(p)[0];
if (!!query[key]) {
params_string = params_string + p[key] + query[key] + " ";
url = url + params_string;
// Make the request
get(this, url, success);
} else {
throw("Null Query Error.")
function get(that, url, success){
var opts = {
url: url,
method: 'GET',
timeout: (10*1000),
'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.2; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/61.0.3163 Safari/537.36'
request(opts, function (err, res, url) {
// store response in instance var
that.entity = JSON.parse(res.body);
module.exports = XenoCanto;