-- Author : swytch -- Created : Friday Oct. 22, 2021 22:04:40 CET -- License : GPLv3 -- Description : scheme loading file -- local config = require("astronomy.config") local M = {} local g = vim.g local static = { coq_checked ="#36704f", coq_sent ="#4b4b4b", } -- Load terminal colors --@param tab table: scheme colors to apply local function terminal_colors(tab) g.terminal_color_0 = tab.black g.terminal_color_1 = tab.darkred g.terminal_color_2 = tab.darkgreen g.terminal_color_3 = tab.orange g.terminal_color_4 = tab.darkblue g.terminal_color_5 = tab.darkmagenta g.terminal_color_6 = tab.darkcyan g.terminal_color_7 = tab.grey g.terminal_color_8 = tab.darkgrey g.terminal_color_9 = tab.red g.terminal_color_10 = tab.green g.terminal_color_11 = tab.yellow g.terminal_color_12 = tab.blue g.terminal_color_13 = tab.magenta g.terminal_color_14 = tab.cyan g.terminal_color_15 = tab.white end -- load colorscheme elements --@param scheme table: colors to apply --@param settings table: custom options to be applied to the scheme --@return colors table: all groups and its respectives colors function M.load_colors(scheme) -- local opts = config.get_options() local colors = { --------------------- -- EDITOR COLORS -- --------------------- Normal = { fg = scheme.foreground, bg = scheme.background, scheme.none }, NormalFloat = { fg = scheme.foreground, bg = scheme.background_alt, scheme.none }, Terminal = { link = "Normal" }, Visual = { fg = scheme.yellow, bg = scheme.background_alt, scheme.none }, VisualNOS = { link = "Visual" }, Cursor = { fg = scheme.background, bg = scheme.foreground, scheme.none }, CursorLine = { fg = scheme.none, bg = scheme.background_alt, scheme.none }, CursorColumn = { link = "CursorLine" }, CursorLineNr = { fg = scheme.orange, bg = scheme.none, scheme.none }, LineNr = { fg = scheme.grey, bg = scheme.none, scheme.none }, VertSplit = { fg = scheme.grey, bg = scheme.none, scheme.none }, SignColumn = { fg = scheme.yellow, bg = scheme.none, scheme.none }, Folded = { fg = scheme.orange, bg = scheme.background_alt, scheme.none }, --------------------- ---- STATUSLINE ----- --------------------- StatusLine = { fg = scheme.none, bg = scheme.background, scheme.none }, StatusLineTerm = { fg = scheme.none, bg = scheme.green, scheme.none }, StatusLineNF = { fg = scheme.foreground, bg = scheme.background_alt, scheme.none }, StatusLineNC = { fg = scheme.none, bg = scheme.none, scheme.none }, Top = { fg = scheme.background, bg = scheme.foreground_alt, scheme.none }, Middle = { fg = scheme.foreground, bg = scheme.background_alt, scheme.none }, Bottom = { fg = scheme.darkcyan, bg = scheme.background, scheme.none }, NormalMode = { fg = scheme.black, bg = scheme.green, style = "bold" }, VisualMode = { fg = scheme.black, bg = scheme.magenta, style = "bold" }, InsertMode = { fg = scheme.black, bg = scheme.cyan, style = "bold" }, ReplaceMode = { fg = scheme.black, bg = scheme.orange, style = "bold" }, CommandMode = { fg = scheme.black, bg = scheme.yellow, style = "bold" }, --------------------- ----- MESSAGES ------ --------------------- Title = { fg = scheme.orange, bg = scheme.none, style = "bold" }, ErrorMsg = { fg = scheme.yellow, bg = scheme.darkred, style = "bold" }, ModeMsg = { fg = scheme.none, bg = scheme.none, style = "bold" }, MoreMsg = { fg = scheme.green, bg = scheme.none, style = "bold" }, WarningMsg = { fg = scheme.red, bg = scheme.none, style = "bold" }, --------------------- ------- MENUS ------- --------------------- Pmenu = { fg = scheme.foreground, bg = scheme.background_alt, scheme.none }, PmenuSel = { fg = scheme.background, bg = scheme.darkgreen, style = "bold" }, PmenuSbar = { fg = scheme.none, bg = scheme.background_alt, scheme.none }, PmenuThumb = { link = "PmenuSbar" }, WildMenu = { link = "PmenuSel" }, --------------------- ------- MENUS ------- --------------------- Conceal = { fg = scheme.grey, bg = scheme.background_alt, scheme.none }, Directory = { fg = scheme.magenta, bg = scheme.none, style = "bold" }, NonText = { fg = scheme.blue, bg = scheme.none, scheme.none }, EndOfBuffer = { link = "Nontext" }, Question = { fg = scheme.green, bg = scheme.none, style = "bold" }, Search = { fg = scheme.background, bg = scheme.grey, scheme.none }, QuickFixLine = { link = "Search" }, IncSearch = { fg = scheme.none, bg = scheme.none, style = "reverse" }, SpecialKey = { fg = scheme.green, bg = scheme.none, scheme.none }, --------------------- ---- IDENTFIERS ----- --------------------- MatchParen = { fg = scheme.background, bg = scheme.blue, style = "bold" }, Comment = { fg = scheme.grey, bg = scheme.none, scheme.none }, Ignore = { link = "Comment" }, Whitespace = { link = "Comment" }, Constant = { fg = scheme.green, bg = scheme.none, scheme.none }, Boolean = { link = "Constant" }, Character = { link = "Constant" }, Number = { link = "Constant" }, Float = { link = "Constant" }, String = { link = "Constant" }, Error = { link = "ErrorMsg" }, Identifier = { fg = scheme.blue, bg = scheme.none, style = "bold" }, Function = { link = "Identifier" }, PreProc = { fg = scheme.red, bg = scheme.none, scheme.none }, Define = { link = "PreProc" }, Include = { link = "PreProc" }, Macro = { link = "PreProc" }, PreCondit = { link = "PreProc" }, Special = { fg = scheme.orange, bg = scheme.none, scheme.none }, SpecialChar = { link = "Special" }, SpecialComment = { link = "Special" }, Debug = { link = "Special" }, Delimiter = { link = "Special" }, Tag = { link = "Special" }, Statement = { fg = scheme.magenta, bg = scheme.none, scheme.none }, Conditional = { link = "Statement" }, Exception = { link = "Statement" }, Keyword = { link = "Statement" }, Label = { link = "Statement" }, Operator = { link = "Statement" }, Repeat = { link = "Statement" }, Todo = { fg = scheme.black, bg = scheme.yellow, style = "bold" }, Type = { fg = scheme.yellow, bg = scheme.none, style = "bold" }, StorageClass = { link = "Type" }, Structure = { link = "Type" }, Typedef = { link = "Type" }, Underlined = { fg = scheme.darkblue, bg = scheme.none, style = "underline" }, --------------------- -- LANGUAGE COLORS -- --------------------- --------- -- GIT -- --------- signifySignAdd = { fg = scheme.green, bg = scheme.none, scheme.none }, signifySignChange = { fg = scheme.yellow, bg = scheme.none, scheme.none }, signifySignDelete = { fg = scheme.red, bg = scheme.none, scheme.none }, gitcommitComment = { fg = scheme.grey, bg = scheme.none, scheme.none }, gitcommitDiscardedType = { fg = scheme.red, bg = scheme.none, scheme.none }, gitcommitSelectedType = { fg = scheme.green, bg = scheme.none, scheme.none }, gitcommitHeader = { fg = scheme.none, bg = scheme.none, scheme.none }, gitcommitUntrackedFile = { fg = scheme.cyan, bg = scheme.none, scheme.none }, gitcommitDiscardedFile = { fg = scheme.red, bg = scheme.none, scheme.none }, gitcommitSelectedFile = { fg = scheme.green, bg = scheme.none, scheme.none }, gitcommitUnmergedFile = { fg = scheme.yellow, bg = scheme.none, scheme.none }, gitcommitUnmerged = { fg = scheme.green, bg = scheme.none, scheme.none }, gitcommitOnBranch = { fg = scheme.none, bg = scheme.none, scheme.none }, gitcommitBranch = { fg = scheme.magenta, bg = scheme.none, scheme.none }, ---------- -- diff -- ---------- diffAdded = { fg = scheme.green, bg = scheme.none, scheme.none }, diffFile = { fg = scheme.orange, bg = scheme.none, scheme.none }, diffNewFile = { fg = scheme.yellow, bg = scheme.none, scheme.none }, diffChanged = { fg = scheme.cyan, bg = scheme.none, scheme.none }, diffRemoved = { fg = scheme.red, bg = scheme.none, scheme.none }, diffLine = { fg = scheme.blue, bg = scheme.none, scheme.none }, ---------------- -- LSP COLORS -- ---------------- DiagnosticVirtualTextWarn = { fg = scheme.orange, bg = scheme.none, scheme.none }, DiagnosticUnderlineWarn = { fg = scheme.orange, bg = scheme.none, style = "underline" }, DiagnosticFloatingWarn = { link = "DiagnosticVirtualTextWarn" }, DiagnosticSignWarn = { link = "DiagnosticVirtualTextWarn" }, DiagnosticVirtualTextError = { fg = scheme.red, bg = scheme.none, scheme.none }, DiagnosticUnderlineError = { fg = scheme.red, bg = scheme.none, style = "underline" }, DiagnosticFloatingError = { link = "DiagnosticVirtualTextError" }, DiagnosticSignError = { link = "DiagnosticVirtualTextError" }, DiagnosticVirtualTextInfo = { fg = scheme.blue, bg = scheme.none, scheme.none }, DiagnosticUnderlineInfo = { fg = scheme.blue, bg = scheme.none, style = "underline" }, DiagnosticFloatingInfo = { link = "DiagnosticVirtualTextInfo" }, DiagnosticSignInfo = { link = "DiagnosticVirtualTextInfo" }, DiagnosticVirtualTextHint = { fg = scheme.yellow, bg = scheme.none, scheme.none }, DiagnosticUnderlineHint = { fg = scheme.yellow, bg = scheme.none, style = "underline" }, DiagnosticFloatingHint = { link = "DiagnosticVirtualTextHint" }, DiagnosticSignHint = { link = "DiagnosticVirtualTextHint" }, ---------------- -- COQ COLORS -- ---------------- CoqtailChecked = { fg = scheme.none, bg = static.coq_checked, scheme.none }, CoqtailSent = { fg = scheme.none, bg = static.coq_sent, scheme.none }, } terminal_colors(scheme) return colors end return M