cleanup: formatting displayselect

space -> tab
make default config more robust
This commit is contained in:
David 2020-12-13 20:14:42 +01:00
parent d0710eb249
commit 4dd0a71bda
1 changed files with 29 additions and 30 deletions

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@ -15,42 +15,41 @@ twoscreen() { # If multi-monitor is selected and there are two screens.
# Mirror displays using native resolution of external display and a scaled
# version for the internal display
if [ "$mirror" = "yes" ]; then
external=$(echo "$screens" | dmenu -i -p "Optimize resolution for:")
internal=$(echo "$screens" | grep -v "$external")
external=$(echo "$screens" | dmenu -i -p "Optimize resolution for:")
internal=$(echo "$screens" | grep -v "$external")
res_external=$(xrandr --query | sed -n "/^$external/,/\+/p" | \
tail -n 1 | awk '{print $1}')
res_internal=$(xrandr --query | sed -n "/^$internal/,/\+/p" | \
tail -n 1 | awk '{print $1}')
res_external=$(xrandr --query | sed -n "/^$external/,/\+/p" | \
tail -n 1 | awk '{print $1}')
res_internal=$(xrandr --query | sed -n "/^$internal/,/\+/p" | \
tail -n 1 | awk '{print $1}')
res_ext_x=$(echo $res_external | sed 's/x.*//')
res_ext_y=$(echo $res_external | sed 's/.*x//')
res_int_x=$(echo $res_internal | sed 's/x.*//')
res_int_y=$(echo $res_internal | sed 's/.*x//')
res_ext_x=$(echo $res_external | sed 's/x.*//')
res_ext_y=$(echo $res_external | sed 's/.*x//')
res_int_x=$(echo $res_internal | sed 's/x.*//')
res_int_y=$(echo $res_internal | sed 's/.*x//')
scale_x=$(echo "$res_ext_x / $res_int_x" | bc -l)
scale_y=$(echo "$res_ext_y / $res_int_y" | bc -l)
scale_x=$(echo "$res_ext_x / $res_int_x" | bc -l)
scale_y=$(echo "$res_ext_y / $res_int_y" | bc -l)
xrandr --output "$external" --auto --scale 1.0x1.0 \
--output "$internal" --auto --same-as "$external" \
--scale "$scale_x"x"$scale_y"
xrandr --output "$external" --auto --scale 1.0x1.0 \
--output "$internal" --auto --same-as "$external" \
--scale "$scale_x"x"$scale_y"
default=$(printf "yes\\nno" | dmenu -i -p "Default settings?")
if [ $default = "no" ]; then
primary=$(echo "$screens" | dmenu -i -p "Select primary display:")
secondary=$(echo "$screens" | grep -v "$primary")
direction=$(printf "left\\nright" | dmenu -i -p "What side of $primary should $secondary be on?")
rotation=$(printf "normal\\nleft\\nright" | dmenu -i -p "Rotate $secondary?")
xrandr --output "$primary" --auto --scale 1.0x1.0 \
--output "$secondary" --"$direction"-of "$primary" --auto --scale 1.2x1.2 --rotate $rotation
default=$(printf "yes\\nno" | dmenu -i -p "Default settings?")
if [ $default = "no" ]; then
primary=$(echo "$screens" | dmenu -i -p "Select primary display:")
secondary=$(echo "$screens" | grep -v "$primary")
direction=$(printf "left\\nright" | dmenu -i -p "What side of $primary should $secondary be on?")
rotation=$(printf "normal\\nleft\\nright" | dmenu -i -p "Rotate $secondary?")
xrandr --output "$primary" --auto --scale 1.0x1.0 \
--output "$secondary" --"$direction"-of "$primary" --auto --scale 1.2x1.2 --rotate $rotation
xrandr --fb 4224x2376 \
--output eDP1 --auto --mode 1920x1080 --pos 2304x0 \
--output HDMI2 --auto --scale 1.2x1.2
xrandr --fb 4224x2376 \
--output "eDP-1" --mode 1920x1080 --pos 2304x0\
--output "HDMI-2" --scale 1.2x1.2 --pos 0x0
morescreen() { # If multi-monitor is selected and there are more than two screens.
primary=$(echo "$screens" | dmenu -i -p "Select primary display:")