cleanup: reorganize nvim settings

This commit is contained in:
swytch 2020-08-26 13:06:21 +02:00
parent 0a2719ca8f
commit 90e36ef8aa

View File

@ -50,12 +50,6 @@ set updatetime=250
" Detect filetypes plugins and indent rules " Detect filetypes plugins and indent rules
filetype plugin indent on filetype plugin indent on
" To recognize groff filetype
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.mom set filetype=groff
" Always use LaTeX flavor
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.tex set filetype=tex
" Defining the <leader> " Defining the <leader>
let mapleader = " " let mapleader = " "
@ -95,6 +89,10 @@ set termguicolors
set background=dark set background=dark
colorscheme polyjuice colorscheme polyjuice
" Change cursor behaviour when entering insert mode
let &t_SI.="\e[6 q" "SI = INSERT mode // steady bar
let &t_SR.="\e[4 q" "SR = REPLACE mode // underline
"" Text, tab and indent "" Text, tab and indent
"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
" Do not use spaces instead of tabs " Do not use spaces instead of tabs
@ -111,9 +109,6 @@ set wrap
" Stop auto-commenting new line " Stop auto-commenting new line
autocmd FileType * setlocal formatoptions-=c formatoptions-=r formatoptions-=o autocmd FileType * setlocal formatoptions-=c formatoptions-=r formatoptions-=o
" Change cursor behaviour when entering insert mode
let &t_SI.="\e[6 q" "SI = INSERT mode // steady bar
let &t_SR.="\e[4 q" "SR = REPLACE mode // underline
" Enable autocompletion " Enable autocompletion
set wildmode=longest,full set wildmode=longest,full
@ -121,6 +116,12 @@ set wildmode=longest,full
" Automatically remove all trailing whitespaces on save " Automatically remove all trailing whitespaces on save
autocmd BufWritePre * %s/\s\+$//e autocmd BufWritePre * %s/\s\+$//e
" To recognize groff filetype
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.mom set filetype=groff
" Always use LaTeX flavor
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.tex set filetype=tex
"" Status line "" Status line
""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
"Don't show editor mode "Don't show editor mode