Commit Graph

  • b86113d72e feat: add cp and grep aliases swytch 2020-05-23 15:48:17 +0200
  • 8dd53770fa fix: update scripts header swytch 2020-05-23 15:47:21 +0200
  • 77aab67fca fix: optimize file management in scripts swy7ch 2020-05-20 19:24:34 +0200
  • a91ea4f87e feat: change neovim template plugin + update header of scripts swy7ch 2020-05-20 18:34:34 +0200
  • 30f254f6c3 cleanup: global files cleanup swy7ch 2020-05-20 17:03:00 +0200
  • 31981c9631 breaking: change screenlock utility swy7ch 2020-05-20 04:29:02 +0200
  • 84366cec8e feat: set default LaTeX flavor in neovim swy7ch 2020-05-19 16:07:08 +0200
  • b673dbc4d8 fix: update .local/bin/ with fetch entry swy7ch 2020-05-15 21:19:01 +0200
  • b0d1cc61dc feat: add fetch script swy7ch 2020-05-15 15:06:43 +0200
  • 0dad71d5b7 cleanup: [nvim] statusline config + update buffer mappings swy7ch 2020-05-13 15:54:07 +0200
  • e7dd076a68 feat: add vim-template plugin swy7ch 2020-05-12 17:49:05 +0200
  • 9e4cd125c2 fix: remove trailing space in statusline swy7ch 2020-05-12 17:48:28 +0200
  • b649716aff feat: tweak nvim colorscheme swy7ch 2020-05-12 17:47:43 +0200
  • 5be11c47dc feat: polish colorscheme swy7ch 2020-05-08 16:24:04 +0200
  • 6d890c08be feat: add flags to .local/bin/dot swy7ch 2020-05-07 19:10:32 +0200
  • e4539c77f9 cleanup: reorganize nvim colorscheme swy7ch 2020-05-07 19:04:24 +0200
  • a23217553a
    breaking: remove lightline plugin + add custom statusline swy7ch 2020-05-07 18:55:05 +0200
  • 1a03c0f1c1 fix: fix merge in .local/bin/dot swy7ch 2020-05-07 12:58:53 +0200
  • 8ede2ed945 feat: polyshing neovim colorscheme swy7ch 2020-05-07 12:52:19 +0200
  • 3c383a9199 fix: fix a typo in dmenuopen swy7ch 2020-05-06 03:46:37 +0200
  • fd6e1d2ce3 init repo swy7ch 2020-05-06 03:20:19 +0200