# Swy7ch' personnal dotfiles **Hello, world!** This is my dotfiles directory. Feel free to use it at your convenience :) I'm David. I'm a Computer Science student from France, and a *huge* fan of Linux, especially Arch and Gentoo. I also like making things simple and neat, and this is the sole purpose of this directory: keeping my needed files in a safe place, so that I can reinstall Gentoo easily without much tinkering. Everything common to my machines is in the `dev` branch. The `venus` branch provides the config for my Gentoo-based desktop, which has finally reached a stable state. The `mercury` branch provides the config for my Gentoo-based laptop. Both are up-to-date as I use them as my daily drivers. Everything is bleeding edge. ## Installation Clone the repo : ```sh $ git clone --bare --recurse-submodules ~/.dotfiles.git ``` then after setting an alias like ```sh $ alias dotfiles='/usr/bin/git --git-dir=$HOME/.dotfiles.git/ --work-tree=$HOME' ``` just run ```sh $ dotfiles checkout ``` Note: the repo already provides an alias file (`~/.config/aliasrc`) which sets this alias up. For this alias to work, you need to source `~/.config/zsh/.zprofile` before. ## ~/ Contains the files that I haven't been able to put in `~/.config`. ## Programs whose config files can be found in ~/.config/ - `beets` - `dunst` - `git` - `htop` - `mpd` - `ncmpcpp` - `neovim v0.8+` - `neomutt` - `portage` - `redshift` - `sxhkd` - `tmux` - `transmission` - `X11` - `zathura` - `zsh` - `.old` - `fish-shell` - `i3-gaps` - `neofetch` - `neovim v0.4.4` - `pacman` **(hooks only)** - `paru` - `polybar` - `termite` - `ranger` - `vim` ### ~/.config/root/ [deprecated] Where I keep the files I have to copy into the `/` folder. It is sensible so it is not called in a setup script. ## ~/.local/bin My personnal scripts that I wrote (or stole) to make things easier. Some of them are used by programs I use, like my WM for instance. ## Window manager and terminal emulator I currently use [suckless](https://suckless.org/)' programs, i.e. `dmenu` (binary launcher), `dwm` (window manager) and `st` (terminal emulator), so my files are set accordingly. My statusbar is set through [dwmblocks](https://github.com/torrinfail/dwmblocks). All my forks are available on this account! ## Submodules Since commit `93440b9`, those forks are provided as submodules, provided in `~/.local/src`. To retrieve them, run ```sh $ git submodule update --init ``` ## GPLv3 License This repo is, since commit `60fc3ce`, licensed under the GPLv3. Depending on your situation, it might not change anything. This is what is required: 0. For your personnal usage, do what you want. 1. If you ever wanted to re-publish it, you can. 2. If you ever want to modify it, you can. 3. If you want to melt any part of this repo into your project, this project **must** be licensed under the GPLv3. More informations: * The GNU webpage regarding the license: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html * The Choose A License page about GPLv3: https://choosealicense.com/licenses/gpl-3.0/