#! /bin/sh # Create a LaTeX document with genereic metadata, then open it with neovim (or vim as a fallback) if [ -z "$1" ]; then echo "Please provide a name for your file" elif [ -e $1 ]; then echo "This filename is already taken, please provide a different name" else touch "$1" echo '% metadata' >> "$1" read -p "Which type is your document? (def: article) " class if [ -z "$class" ]; then class='article' fi echo "\\documentclass[a4paper, 12pt]{$class}" >> "$1" echo '' >> "$1" read -p "Do you want colors?(y/N) " colors if [ "$colors" = "y" ]; then echo '\usepackage[dvipsname]{xcolor}' >> "$1" fi read -p "Do you want hyperlinks management?(y/N) " links if [ "$links" = "y" ]; then if [ "$colors" != "y" ]; then echo '\usepackage[dvipsname]{xcolor}' >> "$1" fi echo '\usepackage[colorlinks=true, urlcolor=BrickRed]{hyperref}' >> "$1" fi read -p "Do you want bibliography management?(y/N) " bibliography if [ "$bibliography" = "y" ]; then read -p "Do you want to use apacite?(y/N) " apacite if [ $apacite = "y" ]; then echo '\usepackage{apacite}' >> "$1" bibstyle="apacite" else bibstyle="unsrt" echo 'The default style is _unsrt_ (you may change it at the end of the document)' fi bibfile="$(basename "$(find $HOME/documents/bibliographies/ -type f -not -path '*/\.*' | dmenu -l 20 -p "which bibliography?")")" # the -not -path allows find to ignore hidden files if [ -z "$bibfile" ]; then echo '' echo '##################################################' echo "Don't forget to specify the .bib file (\\bibliography{.bib}) at the end of the file " | fold -w 46 | sed "s/$/\ \#/g" | sed "s/^/\#\ /g" echo '##################################################' echo '' fi fi read -p "Do you want to use another package? If so, please provide a package name; else, just press : " package while [ -n "$package" ]; do echo "\usepackage{"$package"}" >> "$1" package='' read -p "Do you want to use another package? If so, please provide a package name: " package done echo '' >> "$1" echo '\author{David JULIEN}' >> "$1" read -p "What is the title of the document? " title echo "\\title{"$title"}" >> "$1" echo '' >> "$1" echo '%document' >> "$1" echo '\begin{document}' >> "$1" echo '' >> "$1" echo '\maketitle' >> "$1" echo '' >> "$1" if [ "$bibliography" = "y" ]; then echo "\bibliographystyle{$bibstyle}" >> "$1" echo "\bibliography{$HOME/documents/bibliographies/$bibfile}" >> "$1" fi echo '\end{document}' >> "$1" # check if neovim is installed if type "nvim" &> /dev/null; then nvim "$1" else vim "$1" fi fi