#!/usr/bin/env sh

# @author      : swytch
# @file        : mommerge
# @license     : GPLv3
# @created     : Wednesday May 20, 2020 18:20:23 CEST
# @description : merge mom files from current dir
#                compile it with `compiler` script

# Gather the mom files from current dir and compile them into ONE pdf file, using my compiler script
# /!\ files must be names 0_file0, 1_file1... in order to be processed correctly

# if the file already exists, delete it
[ -e rendu.mom ] && rm rendu.mom

list=$(ls *.mom)

touch rendu.mom

for doc in "$list"; do
	cat "$doc" >> rendu.mom
	printf "\n.COLLATE" >> rendu.mom

# Remove the last ".COLLATE"
sed -i '$ d' rendu.mom

# Compile it
compiler rendu.mom