#!/usr/bin/env sh

# @author       : swytch
# @file         : mom
# @license      : MIT
# @created      : Wednesday May 20, 2020 18:19:56 CEST
# @description  : create a groff doc with genereic metadata
#                 open it with (neo)vim

if [ -z "$1" ]; then
	printf 'Please provide a name for your file\n'
elif [ -e "$1" ]; then
	printf 'This filename is already taken, please provide a different name\n'
	touch "$1" && \
		printf '\# metadata' >> "$1" && \
		printf '\n.AUTHOR "David JULIEN"' >> "$1" && \
		printf '\n.TITLE' >> "$1" && \
		printf '\n\# template' >> "$1" && \
		printf '\n.PRINTSTYLE TYPESET' >> "$1" && \
		printf '\n.QUOTE_STYLE QUAD' >> "$1" && \
		printf '\n.SMARTQUOTES FR' >> "$1" && \
		printf '\n.ATTRIBUTE_STRING "par"' >> "$1" && \
		printf '\n.LINEBREAK_CHAR ""' >> "$1" && \
		printf '\n\# cover' >> "$1" && \
		printf '\n.COVER AUTHOR TITLE BLANKPAGE' >> "$1" && \
		printf '\n.DOCHEADER OFF' >> "$1" && \
		printf '\n\#' >> "$1" && \
		printf '\n.START' >> "$1" && \

		# checks if neovim is intalled
		if command -v nvim > /dev/null 2>&1; then
			nvim "$1"
			vim "$1"