-- Author : swytch -- Created : Friday Mar 12, 2021 21:45:21 CET -- License : GPLv3 -- Description : neovim statusline file -- based on github/nihilistkitten's work local function gen_section(hl_string, items) local out = "" for _, item in pairs(items) do if item ~= "" then out = out .. " " .. item end end if out ~= "" then return hl_string .. out .. " " else return out end end -- sensible names for vim modes local function get_mode(m) local mode_group = { ["n"] = "Normal", ["no"] = "O-Pending", ["nov"] = "O-Pending", ["noV"] = "O-Pending", ["no"] = "O-Pending", ["niI"] = "Normal", ["niR"] = "Normal", ["niV"] = "Normal", ["v"] = "Visual", ["V"] = "V-Line", [""] = "V-Block", ["s"] = "Select", ["S"] = "S-Line", [""] = "S-Block", ["i"] = "Insert", ["ic"] = "Insert", ["ix"] = "Insert", ["R"] = "Replace", ["Rc"] = "Replace", ["Rv"] = "V-Replace", ["Rx"] = "Replace", ["c"] = "Command", ["cv"] = "Ex", ["ce"] = "Ex", ["r"] = "Prompt", ["rm"] = "Prompt", ["r?"] = "Prompt", ["!"] = "Shell", ["t"] = "Terminal", } return mode_group[m] or "None" end local function get_mode_display_name(m) local mode = { ["Normal"] = "[ NRM ]", ["O-Pending"] = "[ OTR ]", ["Visual"] = "[ VSL ]", ["V-Line"] = "[ V·L ]", ["V-Block"] = "[ V·B ]", ["Select"] = "[ SEL ]", ["S-Line"] = "[ S·L ]", ["S-Block"] = "[ S·B ]", ["Insert"] = "[ INS ]", ["Replace"] = "[ RPL ]", ["Command"] = "[ CMD ]", ["Prompt"] = "[ PMT ]", ["Shell"] = "[ SHL ]", ["Terminal"] = "[ TRM ]", ["None"] = "[ --- ]" } return mode[m] end -- get the highlight group for a mode group local function get_mode_color(m) local color = { ["Normal"] = "%#NormalMode#", ["O-Pending"] = "%#NormalMode#", ["Visual"] = "%#VisualMode#", ["V-Line"] = "%#VisualMode#", ["V-Block"] = "%#VisualMode#", ["Select"] = "%#NormalMode#", ["S-Line"] = "%#NormalMode#", ["S-Block"] = "%#NormalMode#", ["Insert"] = "%#InsertMode#", ["Replace"] = "%#ReplaceMode#", ["Command"] = "%#CommandMode#", ["Prompt"] = "%#NormalMode#", ["Shell"] = "%#NormalMode#", ["Terminal"] = "%#NormalMode#", ["None"] = "%#NormalMode#" } return color[m] end -- from https://github.com/nvim-lualine/lualine.nvim/blob/master/lua/lualine/components/filename.lua local function shorten_path(path, max_len) local sep = '/' local len = #path if len <= max_len then return path end local segments = vim.split(path, sep) for idx = 1, #segments - 1 do if len <= max_len then break end local segment = segments[idx] local shortened = segment:sub(1, vim.startswith(segment, '.') and 2 or 1) segments[idx] = shortened len = len - (#segment - #shortened) end return table.concat(segments, sep) end -- from https://github.com/nvim-lua/lsp-status.nvim/blob/master/lua/lsp-status/diagnostics.lua local function get_lsp_diagnostics() local result = {} local levels = { error = "Error", warn = "Warn", info = "Info", hint = "Hint" } for k, level in pairs(levels) do local count = 0 local diags = vim.diagnostic.get(0, { severity = level }) for _, _ in pairs(diags) do count = count + 1 end result[k] = count end return result end local function process_diagnostics(prefix, n, hl) if n > 0 then return hl .. prefix .. n else return "" end end local function spell_check() if vim.wo.spell then local lang = vim.o.spelllang return "[SPELL=" .. lang .. "]" else return "" end end local function statusline_focused() local file = vim.fn.expand("%:p:~") local diagnostics = get_lsp_diagnostics() local mode = vim.fn.mode() local mg = get_mode(mode) local accent_color = get_mode_color(mg) local winwidth = vim.fn.winwidth(0) local left = table.concat { gen_section(accent_color, { get_mode_display_name(mg) }), gen_section("%#Middle#", { shorten_path(file, winwidth / 3) }), gen_section("%#Bottom#", { "%m", "%r" }), gen_section( "%#Alert#", { process_diagnostics( globals.sign_error .. " ", diagnostics.error, "%#DiagnosticVirtualTextError#" ), process_diagnostics( globals.sign_warn .. " ", diagnostics.warn, "%#DiagnosticVirtualTextWarn#" ), process_diagnostics( globals.sign_info .. " ", diagnostics.info, "%#DiagnosticVirtualTextInfo#" ) } ) } local right = table.concat { gen_section( "%#Bottom#", { spell_check(), vim.bo.filetype } ), gen_section("%#Middle#", { "%03.p%%" }), gen_section("%#Top#", { "-%03.c-" }) } return table.concat { left, "%#Statusline#", "%=", right } end local function statusline_not_focused() return table.concat { gen_section("%#StatuslineNF#", { "%f", "%m" }), "%=", gen_section("%#StatuslineNF#", { "%03.p%%" }), gen_section("%#StatuslineNF#", { "-%03.c-" }) } end function _G.gen_statusline() if vim.g.statusline_winid == vim.fn.win_getid() then return statusline_focused() else return statusline_not_focused() end end vim.o.statusline = "%!luaeval(\"gen_statusline()\")"