-- Author : swytch -- Created : Monday Oct. 04, 2021 16:09:13 CET -- License : GPLv3 -- Description : tex filetype config local opt = vim.opt local g = vim.g opt.formatoptions = "trq1jp" opt.tabstop = 4 -- Caps utils.map("i", "AA", "À") utils.map("i", "CC", "Ç") utils.map("i", "EE", "É") -- Unbreakable spaces utils.map("i", "etc", "\\,etc.") utils.map("i", ":", "\\,:") -- Snippets local ls = require("luasnip") -- some shorthands... local s = ls.snippet local sn = ls.snippet_node local t = ls.text_node local i = ls.insert_node local f = ls.function_node local c = ls.choice_node local d = ls.dynamic_node local copy = utils.copy -- 'recursive' dynamic snippet. Expands to some text followed by itself. local function rec_ls() return sn( nil, c(1, { -- Order is important, sn(...) first would cause infinite loop of expansion. t(""), sn(nil, { t({ "", "", "\t\\item " }), i(1), d(2, rec_ls, {}) }), }) ) end ls.snippets = { tex = { -- rec_ls is self-referencing. That makes this snippet 'infinite' eg. have as many -- \item as necessary by utilizing a choiceNode. s("ls", { t({ "\\begin{itemize}", "\t\\item " }), i(1), t({ "" }), d(2, rec_ls, {}), t({ "", "\\end{itemize}", "" }), }), s("lsl", { t({ "\\begin{itemize}[label=" }), i(1), t( { "]", "\t\\item " }), i(2), t({ "" }), d(3, rec_ls, {}), t({ "", "\\end{itemize}", "" }), }), s("frm", { t({ "\\begin{" }), i(1), t({ "}[" }), i(2), t({ "]{" }), f(copy, 1), t({ ":" }), i(3, "foo"), t({ "}", "\t" }), i(0), t({ "", "\\end{" }), f(copy, 1), t({ "}", "" }), }), s("env", { t({ "\\begin{" }), i(1, "foo"), t({ "}", "\t" }), i(2), t({ "", "\\end{" }), f(copy,1), t({ "}"}), }), s("tikz", { t({ "\\begin{center}" }), t({ "", "\t\\begin{tikzpicture}[main/.style = {draw,circle}]", "\t\t" }), i(1), t({ "", "\t\\end{tikzpicture}", "\\end{center}" }), }), s("ra", { t( "\\rightarrow" )}), s("Ra", { t("\\Rightarrow" )}), s("la", { t("\\leftarrow" )}), s("La", { t("\\Leftarrow" )}), s("lra", { t("\\leftrightarrow" )}), s("Lra", { t("\\Leftrightarrow" )}), s("bb", { t({ "\\textbf{" }), i(1), t({ "}"}), }), s("tt", { t({ "\\texttt{" }), i(1), t({ "}"}), }), s("ii", { t({ "\\textit{" }), i(1), t({ "}"}), }), s("uu", { t({ "\\underline{" }), i(1), t({ "}"}), }), s("fsc", { t({ "\\textsc{" }), i(1), t({ "}"}), }), }, }