#!/usr/bin/env sh ###################################################################### # @author : swytch # @file : arch_setup # @license : GPLv3 # @created : Wednesday May 20, 2020 17:49:05 CEST # # @description : automate the setup of my arch installation ###################################################################### repos="st dwm dmenu slock" services_list="systemd-timescyncd" git_clone() { printf "\nDownloading $1..." git clone https://forge.chapril.org/swytch/$1 ~/$HOME/.local/src/tools/$1 printf "\tDone." cd ~/$HOME/.local/src/tools/$1 git remote set-url origin git@gitlab.com:swy7ch/$1 git remote add upstream git://git.suckless.org/$1 printf "\n$1 setup complete!" cd } build() { cd ~/$1 sudo make clean install printf "\n$1 compilation complete!" } install() { read -p "\nInstalling $app? [Y/n]" validation if [ $validation != "n" ]; then paru -S $app else printf "\nSkipping $app" fi } enable_systemctl() { sudo systemctl enable $1 } ################################################## ############# Let's get things done ############## ################################################## printf "\nConfiguring Arch...\n" # Retrieving paru printf "\nGetting paru..." git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/paru.git cd paru makepkg -si printf "\nparu is here !" cd ~ # Installing apps paru -S --needed - < ~/.config/paru/pkglist.txt printf "\nInstalling vim-plug..." curl -fLo ~/.local/share/nvim/site/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs \ https://raw.githubusercontent.com/junegunn/vim-plug/master/plug.vim printf "\tDone." printf "\nInstallation complete !\n" # Symlinking the necessary stuff printf "\nDownloading personnal git repos..." for repo in $git; do git_clone $repo done printf "\tDone." printf "\nCompiling tools..." for tool in $git; do build $tool done printf "\tDone." printf "\n" printf "\n!!! Don't forget to link an SSH key to your account !!!" printf "\n!!! As of now, you can't pull nor push anything !!!" printf "\n" printf "\nEnabling systemctl services..." for service in $services_list; do enable_systemctl $service done printf "\tDone." printf "\n" printf "\n##################################################" printf "\n" printf "\nConfiguration complete !\n"