This repository has been archived on 2023-03-02. You can view files and clone it, but cannot push or open issues or pull requests.
David JULIEN c159408d5e
Merge branch 'dev' into gentoo
add $XDG_STATE_HOME and adapt scripts

nvim: introducing new colorscheme !
        -> add config file, utils
system: add light theme
system: change colorscheme, system-wide!
        -> add relevant scripts and config
2021-10-23 04:13:04 +02:00

71 lines
1.2 KiB

# Swy7ch' sxhkd bindings binding
# System stuff
pulsemixer --toggle-mute; audio-notify
{XF86AudioLowerVolume, XF86AudioRaiseVolume}
pulsemixer --change-volume {-5, +5}; audio-notify
{XF86MonBrightnessDown, XF86MonBrightnessUp}
sbacklight {dec,inc}
super + u
super + shift + u
super + s
dmenuprompt "suspend?" "loginctl suspend"
super + shift + s
dmenuprompt "shutdown?" "loginctl poweroff"
super + shift + r
dmenuprompt "reboot?" "loginctl reboot"
super + shift + d
super + shift + o
super + c
super + shift + c
switch-colors -s
# Others
super + Return
super + shift + Return
$TERMINAL -g 128x32 -c "floating"
super + d
dmenu_run -p "run:"
super + shift + {w,z}
super + shift + p
$BROWSER --private-window
super + shift + {h,j,k,l}
player {prev,stop,toggle,next}
super + shift + m
$TERMINAL -g 128x32 -c "floating" -e $MUSIC_PLAYER
super + shift + n
$TERMINAL -g 128x32 -c "floating" -e neomutt
super + shift + t
$TERMINAL -g 128x32 -c "floating" -e tremc
super + shift + b
script="$(printf "bibinput\nbibshow" | dmenu -i -p "which script?")" && $script