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Raw Normal View History

2023-06-19 12:13:30 +02:00
* Remove `DoctrineTestHelper` and `TestRepositoryFactory`
* Add `DoctrineOpenTransactionLoggerMiddleware` to log when a transaction has been left open
* Deprecate `PdoCacheAdapterDoctrineSchemaSubscriber` and add `DoctrineDbalCacheAdapterSchemaSubscriber` instead
* `UniqueEntity` constraint retrieves a maximum of two entities if the default repository method is used.
* Add support for the newer bundle structure to `AbstractDoctrineExtension::loadMappingInformation()`
* Add argument `$bundleDir` to `AbstractDoctrineExtension::getMappingDriverBundleConfigDefaults()`
* Add argument `$bundleDir` to `AbstractDoctrineExtension::getMappingResourceConfigDirectory()`
* Deprecate `UserLoaderInterface::loadUserByUsername()` in favor of `UserLoaderInterface::loadUserByIdentifier()
* Deprecate `DoctrineTestHelper` and `TestRepositoryFactory`
* [BC BREAK] Remove `UuidV*Generator` classes
* Add `UuidGenerator`
* Add support for the new security-core `TokenVerifierInterface` in `DoctrineTokenProvider`, fixing parallel requests handling in remember-me
* added support for symfony/uid as `UlidType` and `UuidType` as Doctrine types
* added `UlidGenerator`, `UuidV1Generator`, `UuidV4Generator` and `UuidV6Generator`
* the `getMetadataDriverClass()` method is abstract and must be implemented by class extending `AbstractDoctrineExtension`
* passing an `IdReader` to the `DoctrineChoiceLoader` when the query cannot be optimized with single id field, throws an exception; pass `null` instead
* not explicitly passing an instance of `IdReader` to `DoctrineChoiceLoader` when it can optimize single id field, will not apply any optimization
* `DoctrineExtractor` now requires an `EntityManagerInterface` on instantiation
* [BC BREAK] using null as `$classValidatorRegexp` value in `DoctrineLoader::__construct` will not enable auto-mapping for all classes anymore, use `'{.*}'` instead.
* added `DoctrineClearEntityManagerWorkerSubscriber`
* deprecated `RegistryInterface`, use `Doctrine\Persistence\ManagerRegistry`
* added support for invokable event listeners
* added `getMetadataDriverClass` method to deprecate class parameters in service configuration files
* changed guessing of DECIMAL to set the `input` option of `NumberType` to string
* deprecated not passing an `IdReader` to the `DoctrineChoiceLoader` when query can be optimized with a single id field
* deprecated passing an `IdReader` to the `DoctrineChoiceLoader` when entities have a composite id
* added two Messenger middleware: `DoctrinePingConnectionMiddleware` and `DoctrineCloseConnectionMiddleware`
* deprecated injecting `ClassMetadataFactory` in `DoctrineExtractor`,
an instance of `EntityManagerInterface` should be injected instead
* added support for `simple_array` type
* the `DoctrineTransactionMiddlewareFactory` class has been removed
* added support for datetime immutable types in form type guesser
* the first constructor argument of the `DoctrineChoiceLoader` class must be
an `ObjectManager` implementation
* removed the `MergeDoctrineCollectionListener::onBind()` method
* trying to reset a non-lazy manager service using the `ManagerRegistry::resetService()`
method throws an exception
* removed the `DoctrineParserCache` class
* added support for doctrine/dbal v2.6 types
* added cause of UniqueEntity constraint violation
* deprecated `DbalSessionHandler` and `DbalSessionHandlerSchema` in favor of
* added "{{ value }}" message placeholder to UniqueEntityValidator
* deprecated `MergeDoctrineCollectionListener::onBind` in favor of
* deprecated passing `ChoiceListFactoryInterface` as first argument of
`DoctrineChoiceLoader`'s constructor
* removed `EntityChoiceList`
* removed `$manager` (2nd) and `$class` (3th) arguments of `ORMQueryBuilderLoader`
* removed passing a query builder closure to `ORMQueryBuilderLoader`
* removed `loader` and `property` options of the `DoctrineType`
* deprecated using the entity provider with a Doctrine repository implementing UserProviderInterface
* added UserLoaderInterface for loading users through Doctrine.
* added DoctrineChoiceLoader
* deprecated EntityChoiceList
* deprecated passing a query builder closure to ORMQueryBuilderLoader
* deprecated $manager and $em arguments of ORMQueryBuilderLoader
* added optional arguments $propertyAccessor and $choiceListFactory to DoctrineOrmExtension constructor
* deprecated "loader" and "property" options of DoctrineType
* deprecated DoctrineOrmTestCase class
* added an optional PropertyAccessorInterface parameter to DoctrineType,
EntityType and EntityChoiceList
* added a default implementation of the ManagerRegistry
* added a session storage for Doctrine DBAL
* DoctrineOrmTypeGuesser now guesses "collection" for array Doctrine type
* DoctrineType now caches its choice lists in order to improve performance
* DoctrineType now uses ManagerRegistry::getManagerForClass() if the option "em" is not set
* UniqueEntity validation constraint now accepts a "repositoryMethod" option that will be used to check for uniqueness instead of the default "findBy"
* [BC BREAK] the DbalLogger::log() visibility has been changed from public to