console.log('hello console for main.js'); var stuff = ['initialstuff']; angular .module('caisse', []) .controller('CaisseCtrl', ['$scope', '$http', function ($scope, $http, stuff) { $scope.productsFromDB = [ {id: 1, name: "truc 1", price: 8, category: 1}, {id: 2, name: "truc 2", price: 2, category: 1}, {id: 3, name: "truc 3", price: 4, category: 2}, {id: 4, name: "truc 4", price: 1, category: 2}, ]; $scope.categories = []; $scope.recentSellings = []; $scope.pausedSelling = []; $scope.activeSelling = []; $scope.activeFestival = { name : "le festival", dateCreation: new Date(), commentaire : "" }; $scope.CurrentSellingTotal = $scope.activeSelling.reduce(function (a, b) { return a + b.price; }, 0); $scope.stuff = stuff; $scope.setActiveSelling = function (selling) { $scope.activeSelling = selling; }; $scope.pauseSelling = function (selling) { $scope.pausedSelling.push(selling); }; $scope.addProduct = function (product) { $scope.activeSelling.push(product); }; $scope.fetchProductsFromDB = function () { console.log('fetch products...'); $http.get('get-my-products').then((rep) => { console.log('ok', rep); $scope.categories =; $scope.recentSellings =; }, (err) => { console.log(err); }); }; $scope.init = (function () { $scope.fetchProductsFromDB(); })(); $scope.logtest = function () { console.log('log test ok'); }; $scope.sendForm = function () { let lesParams = { activeSelling : $scope.activeSelling, activeFestival: $scope.activeFestival }; $http({ method: 'POST', url : '/add-selling', data : lesParams // pass in data as strings }).then(function (rep) { console.log(rep); if (!rep.success) { // if not successful, bind errors to error variables $scope.errors = rep.errors; } else { // if successful, bind success message to message $scope.successMessage =; // changer le type de bout de phrase demandé $scope.formData["tykayn_portfoliobundle_cadexqphrasepart[type]"]["$viewValue"] = 'nouveauType'; } }, function (rep) { console.log('nope! ',; }) ; }; }]);