2023-06-20 19:14:19 +02:00

522 lines
44 KiB

use Symfony\Component\Translation\MessageCatalogue;
$catalogue = new MessageCatalogue('eu', array (
'validators' =>
array (
'This value should be false.' => 'Balio hau faltsua izan beharko litzateke.',
'This value should be true.' => 'Balio hau egia izan beharko litzateke.',
'This value should be of type {{ type }}.' => 'Balio hau {{ type }} motakoa izan beharko litzateke.',
'This value should be blank.' => 'Balio hau hutsik egon beharko litzateke.',
'The value you selected is not a valid choice.' => 'Hautatu duzun balioa ez da aukera egoki bat.',
'You must select at least {{ limit }} choice.|You must select at least {{ limit }} choices.' => 'Gutxienez aukera {{ limit }} hautatu behar duzu.|Gutxienez {{ limit }} aukera hautatu behar dituzu.',
'You must select at most {{ limit }} choice.|You must select at most {{ limit }} choices.' => 'Gehienez aukera {{ limit }} hautatu behar duzu.|Gehienez {{ limit }} aukera hautatu behar dituzu.',
'One or more of the given values is invalid.' => 'Emandako balioetatik gutxienez bat ez da egokia.',
'This field was not expected.' => 'Eremu hau ez zen espero.',
'This field is missing.' => 'Eremu hau falta da.',
'This value is not a valid date.' => 'Balio hau ez da data egoki bat.',
'This value is not a valid datetime.' => 'Balio hau ez da data-ordu egoki bat.',
'This value is not a valid email address.' => 'Balio hau ez da posta elektroniko egoki bat.',
'The file could not be found.' => 'Ezin izan da fitxategia aurkitu.',
'The file is not readable.' => 'Fitxategia ez da irakurgarria.',
'The file is too large ({{ size }} {{ suffix }}). Allowed maximum size is {{ limit }} {{ suffix }}.' => 'Fitxategia handiegia da ({{ size }} {{ suffix }}). Baimendutako tamaina handiena {{ limit }} {{ suffix }} da.',
'The mime type of the file is invalid ({{ type }}). Allowed mime types are {{ types }}.' => 'Fitxategiaren mime mota ez da egokia ({{ type }}). Hauek dira baimendutako mime motak: {{ types }}.',
'This value should be {{ limit }} or less.' => 'Balio hau gehienez {{ limit }} izan beharko litzateke.',
'This value is too long. It should have {{ limit }} character or less.|This value is too long. It should have {{ limit }} characters or less.' => 'Balio hau luzeegia da. Gehienez karaktere {{ limit }} eduki beharko luke.|Balio hau luzeegia da. Gehienez {{ limit }} karaktere eduki beharko lituzke.',
'This value should be {{ limit }} or more.' => 'Balio hau gutxienez {{ limit }} izan beharko litzateke.',
'This value is too short. It should have {{ limit }} character or more.|This value is too short. It should have {{ limit }} characters or more.' => 'Balio hau motzegia da. Karaktere {{ limit }} gutxienez eduki beharko luke.|Balio hau motzegia da. Gutxienez {{ limit }} karaktere eduki beharko lituzke.',
'This value should not be blank.' => 'Balio hau ez litzateke hutsik egon behar.',
'This value should not be null.' => 'Balio hau ez litzateke nulua izan behar.',
'This value should be null.' => 'Balio hau nulua izan beharko litzateke.',
'This value is not valid.' => 'Balio hau ez da egokia.',
'This value is not a valid time.' => 'Balio hau ez da ordu egoki bat.',
'This value is not a valid URL.' => 'Balio hau ez da baliabideen kokatzaile uniforme (URL) egoki bat.',
'The two values should be equal.' => 'Bi balioak berdinak izan beharko lirateke.',
'The file is too large. Allowed maximum size is {{ limit }} {{ suffix }}.' => 'Fitxategia handiegia da. Baimendutako tamaina handiena {{ limit }} {{ suffix }} da.',
'The file is too large.' => 'Fitxategia handiegia da.',
'The file could not be uploaded.' => 'Ezin izan da fitxategia igo.',
'This value should be a valid number.' => 'Balio hau zenbaki egoki bat izan beharko litzateke.',
'This file is not a valid image.' => 'Fitxategi hau ez da irudi egoki bat.',
'This is not a valid IP address.' => 'Honako hau ez da IP helbide egoki bat.',
'This value is not a valid language.' => 'Balio hau ez da hizkuntza egoki bat.',
'This value is not a valid locale.' => 'Balio hau ez da kokapen egoki bat.',
'This value is not a valid country.' => 'Balio hau ez da herrialde egoki bat.',
'This value is already used.' => 'Balio hau jadanik erabilia izan da.',
'The size of the image could not be detected.' => 'Ezin izan da irudiaren tamaina detektatu.',
'The image width is too big ({{ width }}px). Allowed maximum width is {{ max_width }}px.' => 'Irudiaren zabalera handiegia da ({{ width }}px). Onartutako gehienezko zabalera {{ max_width }}px dira.',
'The image width is too small ({{ width }}px). Minimum width expected is {{ min_width }}px.' => 'Irudiaren zabalera txikiegia da ({{ width }}px). Onartutako gutxieneko zabalera {{ min_width }}px dira.',
'The image height is too big ({{ height }}px). Allowed maximum height is {{ max_height }}px.' => 'Irudiaren altuera handiegia da ({{ height }}px). Onartutako gehienezko altuera {{ max_height }}px dira.',
'The image height is too small ({{ height }}px). Minimum height expected is {{ min_height }}px.' => 'Irudiaren altuera txikiegia da ({{ height }}px). Onartutako gutxieneko altuera {{ min_height }}px dira.',
'This value should be the user\'s current password.' => 'Balio hau uneko erabiltzailearen pasahitza izan beharko litzateke.',
'This value should have exactly {{ limit }} character.|This value should have exactly {{ limit }} characters.' => 'Balio honek zehazki karaktere {{ limit }} izan beharko luke.|Balio honek zehazki {{ limit }} karaktere izan beharko lituzke.',
'The file was only partially uploaded.' => 'Fitxategiaren zati bat bakarrik igo da.',
'No file was uploaded.' => 'Ez da fitxategirik igo.',
'No temporary folder was configured in php.ini.' => 'Ez da aldi baterako karpetarik konfiguratu php.ini fitxategian.',
'Cannot write temporary file to disk.' => 'Ezin izan da aldi baterako fitxategia diskoan idatzi.',
'A PHP extension caused the upload to fail.' => 'PHP luzapen batek igoeraren hutsa eragin du.',
'This collection should contain {{ limit }} element or more.|This collection should contain {{ limit }} elements or more.' => 'Bilduma honek gutxienez elementu {{ limit }} eduki beharko luke.|Bilduma honek gutxienez {{ limit }} elementu eduki beharko lituzke.',
'This collection should contain {{ limit }} element or less.|This collection should contain {{ limit }} elements or less.' => 'Bilduma honek gehienez elementu {{ limit }} eduki beharko luke.|Bilduma honek gehienez {{ limit }} elementu eduki beharko lituzke.',
'This collection should contain exactly {{ limit }} element.|This collection should contain exactly {{ limit }} elements.' => 'Bilduma honek zehazki elementu {{ limit }} eduki beharko luke.|Bilduma honek zehazki {{ limit }} elementu eduki beharko lituzke.',
'Invalid card number.' => 'Txartel zenbaki baliogabea.',
'Unsupported card type or invalid card number.' => 'Txartel mota onartezina edo txartel zenbaki baliogabea.',
'This is not a valid International Bank Account Number (IBAN).' => 'Hau ez da baliozko banku internazionaleko kontu zenbaki (IBAN) bat.',
'This value is not a valid ISBN-10.' => 'Balio hau ez da onartutako ISBN-10 bat.',
'This value is not a valid ISBN-13.' => 'Balio hau ez da onartutako ISBN-13 bat.',
'This value is neither a valid ISBN-10 nor a valid ISBN-13.' => 'Balio hau ez da onartutako ISBN-10 edo ISBN-13 bat.',
'This value is not a valid ISSN.' => 'Balio hau ez da onartutako ISSN bat.',
'This value is not a valid currency.' => 'Balio hau ez da baliozko moneta bat.',
'This value should be equal to {{ compared_value }}.' => 'Balio hau {{ compared_value }}-(r)en berbera izan beharko litzateke.',
'This value should be greater than {{ compared_value }}.' => 'Balio hau {{ compared_value }} baino handiagoa izan beharko litzateke.',
'This value should be greater than or equal to {{ compared_value }}.' => 'Balio hau {{ compared_value }}-(r)en berdina edota handiagoa izan beharko litzateke.',
'This value should be identical to {{ compared_value_type }} {{ compared_value }}.' => 'Balio hau {{ compared_value_type }} {{ compared_value }}-(r)en berbera izan beharko litzateke.',
'This value should be less than {{ compared_value }}.' => 'Balio hau {{ compared_value }} baino txikiagoa izan beharko litzateke.',
'This value should be less than or equal to {{ compared_value }}.' => 'Balio hau {{ compared_value }}-(r)en berdina edota txikiagoa izan beharko litzateke.',
'This value should not be equal to {{ compared_value }}.' => 'Balio hau ez litzateke {{ compared_value }}-(r)en berdina izan behar.',
'This value should not be identical to {{ compared_value_type }} {{ compared_value }}.' => 'Balio hau ez litzateke {{ compared_value_type }} {{ compared_value }}-(r)en berbera izan behar.',
'The image ratio is too big ({{ ratio }}). Allowed maximum ratio is {{ max_ratio }}.' => 'Irudiaren proportzioa oso handia da ({{ ratio }}). Onartutako proportzio handienda {{ max_ratio }} da.',
'The image ratio is too small ({{ ratio }}). Minimum ratio expected is {{ min_ratio }}.' => 'Irudiaren proportzioa oso txikia da ({{ ratio }}). Onartutako proportzio txikiena {{ min_ratio }} da.',
'The image is square ({{ width }}x{{ height }}px). Square images are not allowed.' => 'Irudia karratua da ({{ width }}x{{ height }}px). Karratuak diren irudiak ez dira onartzen.',
'The image is landscape oriented ({{ width }}x{{ height }}px). Landscape oriented images are not allowed.' => 'Irudia horizontalki bideratua dago ({{ width }}x{{ height }}px). Horizontalki bideratutako irudiak ez dira onartzen.',
'The image is portrait oriented ({{ width }}x{{ height }}px). Portrait oriented images are not allowed.' => 'Irudia bertikalki bideratua dago ({{ width }}x{{ height }}px). Bertikalki bideratutako irudiak ez dira onartzen.',
'An empty file is not allowed.' => 'Hutsik dagoen fitxategia ez da onartzen.',
'The host could not be resolved.' => 'Host-a ezin da ebatzi.',
'This value does not match the expected {{ charset }} charset.' => 'Balio honen karaktere kodea ez da esperotakoa {{ charset }}.',
'This is not a valid Business Identifier Code (BIC).' => 'Ez da balizko Banku Identifikazioko Kodea (BIC).',
'Error' => 'Errore',
'This is not a valid UUID.' => 'Balio hau ez da onartutako UUID bat.',
'This value should be a multiple of {{ compared_value }}.' => 'Balio honek {{ compared_value }}-ren multiploa izan beharko luke.',
'This Business Identifier Code (BIC) is not associated with IBAN {{ iban }}.' => 'Banku Identifikazioko Kode hau ez dago lotuta {{ IBAN }} IBAN-rekin.',
'This value should be valid JSON.' => 'Balio honek baliozko JSON bat izan behar luke.',
'This collection should contain only unique elements.' => 'Bilduma honek elementu bakarrak soilik izan beharko lituzke.',
'This value should be positive.' => 'Balio honek positiboa izan beharko luke.',
'This value should be either positive or zero.' => 'Balio honek positiboa edo zero izan behar luke.',
'This value should be negative.' => 'Balio honek negatiboa izan behar luke.',
'This value should be either negative or zero.' => 'Balio honek negatiboa edo zero izan behar luke.',
'This value is not a valid timezone.' => 'Balio hori ez da baliozko ordu-eremua.',
'This password has been leaked in a data breach, it must not be used. Please use another password.' => 'Pasahitz hori ezin da erabili, beste gune eta aplikazio batzuetako segurtasun-akatsei esker lortutako pasahitz publikoen zerrendan sartuta dagoelako. Mesedez, erabili beste pasahitz bat.',
'This value should be between {{ min }} and {{ max }}.' => 'Balio honek {{ min }} eta {{ max }} artean egon behar luke.',
'This value is not a valid hostname.' => 'Balio hori ez da ostalari-izen onargarria.',
'The number of elements in this collection should be a multiple of {{ compared_value }}.' => 'Bilduma honetako elementu-kopuruak {{ compared_value }}-ren multiploa izan behar luke.',
'This value should satisfy at least one of the following constraints:' => 'Balio honek, gutxienez, murrizketa hauetako bat bete behar du:',
'Each element of this collection should satisfy its own set of constraints.' => 'Bilduma honetako elementu bakoitzak bere murriztapen-multzoa bete behar du.',
'This value is not a valid International Securities Identification Number (ISIN).' => 'Balio hori ez da baliozko baloreen nazioarteko identifikazio-zenbaki bat (ISIN).',
'This value should be a valid expression.' => 'Balio hori baliozko adierazpena izan beharko litzateke.',
'This value is not a valid CSS color.' => 'Balio hori ez da baliozko CSS kolorea.',
'This value is not a valid CIDR notation.' => 'Balio hori ez da baliozko CIDR notazioa.',
'The value of the netmask should be between {{ min }} and {{ max }}.' => 'Maskararen balioa {{ min }} eta {{ max }} artekoa izan beharko litzateke.',
'This form should not contain extra fields.' => 'Formulario honek ez luke aparteko eremurik eduki behar.',
'The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file.' => 'Igotako fitxategia handiegia da. Mesedez saiatu fitxategi txikiago bat igotzen.',
'The CSRF token is invalid.' => 'CSRF tokena ez da egokia.',
'This value is not a valid HTML5 color.' => 'Balio hori ez da HTML5 kolore onargarria.',
'Please enter a valid birthdate.' => 'Mesedez, sartu baliozko urtebetetze-eguna.',
'The selected choice is invalid.' => 'Hautatutako aukera ez da egokia.',
'The collection is invalid.' => 'Bilduma ez da baliozkoa.',
'Please select a valid color.' => 'Mesedez, hautatu baliozko kolore bat.',
'Please select a valid country.' => 'Mesedez, hautatu baliozko herrialde bat.',
'Please select a valid currency.' => 'Mesedez, hautatu baliozko moneta bat.',
'Please choose a valid date interval.' => 'Mesedez, hautatu baliozko data-tarte bat.',
'Please enter a valid date and time.' => 'Mesedez, sartu baliozko data eta ordua.',
'Please enter a valid date.' => 'Mesedez, sartu baliozko data bat.',
'Please select a valid file.' => 'Mesedez, hautatu baliozko fitxategi bat.',
'The hidden field is invalid.' => 'Eremu ezkutua ez da baliozkoa.',
'Please enter an integer.' => 'Mesedez, sartu zenbaki oso bat.',
'Please select a valid language.' => 'Mesedez, hautatu baliozko hizkuntza bat.',
'Please select a valid locale.' => 'Mesedez, hautatu baliozko eskualde-konfigurazio bat.',
'Please enter a valid money amount.' => 'Mesedez, sartu baliozko diru-kopuru bat.',
'Please enter a number.' => 'Mesedez, sartu zenbaki bat.',
'The password is invalid.' => 'Pasahitza ez da zuzena.',
'Please enter a percentage value.' => 'Mesedez, sartu portzentajezko balio bat.',
'The values do not match.' => 'Balioak ez datoz bat.',
'Please enter a valid time.' => 'Mesedez, sartu baliozko ordu bat.',
'Please select a valid timezone.' => 'Mesedez, hautatu baliozko ordu-eremua.',
'Please enter a valid URL.' => 'Mesedez, sartu baliozko URL bat.',
'Please enter a valid search term.' => 'Mesedez, sartu bilaketa-termino onargarri bat.',
'Please provide a valid phone number.' => 'Mesedez, eman baliozko telefono-zenbaki bat.',
'The checkbox has an invalid value.' => 'Egiaztatze-laukiak balio baliogabea du.',
'Please enter a valid email address.' => 'Mesedez, sartu baliozko helbide elektroniko bat.',
'Please select a valid option.' => 'Mesedez, hautatu baliozko aukera bat.',
'Please select a valid range.' => 'Mesedez, hautatu baliozko tarte bat.',
'Please enter a valid week.' => 'Mesedez, sartu baliozko aste bat.',
'security' =>
array (
'An authentication exception occurred.' => 'Autentifikazio-errorea gertatu da.',
'Authentication credentials could not be found.' => 'Ez dira aurkitu autentifikazio-kredentzialak.',
'Authentication request could not be processed due to a system problem.' => 'Ezin izan da autentifikazio-eskaera prozesatu, sistema-arazo bat gertatu da eta.',
'Invalid credentials.' => 'Kredentzialak okerrak dira.',
'Cookie has already been used by someone else.' => 'Dagoeneko beste pertsona batek erabili du cookiea.',
'Not privileged to request the resource.' => 'Ez duzu baliabidea eskatzeko aukerarik.',
'Invalid CSRF token.' => 'CSRF tokena okerra da.',
'No authentication provider found to support the authentication token.' => 'Ez da aurkitu autentifikazio-tokena eutsi dezakeen autentifikazio-hornitzailerik.',
'No session available, it either timed out or cookies are not enabled.' => 'Ez dago saiorik erabilgarri, iraungi egin da edo cookieak ez daude gaituta.',
'No token could be found.' => 'Ez da tokenik aurkitu.',
'Username could not be found.' => 'Ez da erabiltzaile-izena aurkitu.',
'Account has expired.' => 'Kontua iraungi da.',
'Credentials have expired.' => 'Kredentzialak iraungi dira.',
'Account is disabled.' => 'Kontua desgaituta dago.',
'Account is locked.' => 'Kontua blokeatuta dago.',
'Too many failed login attempts, please try again later.' => 'Saioa hasteko saio huts gehiegi, saiatu berriro geroago.',
'Invalid or expired login link.' => 'Sartzeko esteka baliogabea edo iraungia.',
'Too many failed login attempts, please try again in %minutes% minute.' => 'Saioa hasteko huts gehiegi egin dira, saiatu berriro minutu %minutes% geroago.',
'Too many failed login attempts, please try again in %minutes% minutes.' => 'Saioa hasteko huts gehiegi egin dira, saiatu berriro %minutes% minututan.',
'EasyAdminBundle' =>
array (
'page_title.dashboard' => 'Hasiera',
'page_title.detail' => '%entity_as_string%',
'page_title.edit' => '%entity_label_singular% aldatu',
'page_title.index' => '%entity_label_plural%',
'' => '%entity_label_singular%-a sortu',
'page_title.exception' => 'Errore|Erroreak',
'datagrid.hidden_results' => 'Emaitza batzuk ezin dira erakutsi, ez baituzu behar den adina baimen',
'datagrid.no_results' => 'Ez da emaitzarik aurkitu.',
'paginator.first' => 'Lehena',
'paginator.previous' => 'Aurrekoa',
'' => 'Hurrengoa',
'paginator.last' => 'Azkena',
'paginator.counter' => '<strong>%start%</strong>tik - <strong>%end%</strong>era <strong>%results%</strong>tik',
'paginator.results' => '{0} ez dago emaitzarik|{1} emaitza <strong>1</strong> |]1,Inf] <strong>%count%</strong> emaitza',
'label.true' => 'Bai',
'label.false' => 'Ez',
'label.empty' => 'Hutsik',
'label.null' => 'Nulu',
'label.object' => 'PHP Objektua',
'label.inaccessible' => 'Helezina',
'label.inaccessible.explanation' => 'Eremu honek ez du getter metodo bat edo honi loturiko propietatea ez da publikoa',
'label.form.empty_value' => 'Bat ere ez',
'field.code_editor.view_code' => 'Kodea ikusi',
'field.text_editor.view_content' => 'Edukia ikusi',
'action.entity_actions' => 'Akzioak',
'' => '%entity_label_singular%-a sortu',
'' => 'Bilatu',
'action.detail' => 'Ikusi',
'action.edit' => 'Aldatu',
'action.delete' => 'Ezabatu',
'action.cancel' => 'Ezeztatu',
'action.index' => 'Zerrendara itzuli',
'action.deselect' => 'Desaukeratu',
'action.add_new_item' => 'Elementu bat erantsi',
'action.remove_item' => 'Elementu hau ezabatu',
'action.choose_file' => 'Hautatu fitxategi bat',
'action.close' => 'Itxi',
'action.create' => 'Sortu',
'action.create_and_add_another' => 'Sortu eta beste bat gehitu',
'action.create_and_continue' => 'Sortu eta jarraitu',
'' => 'Gorde',
'action.save_and_continue' => 'Gorde eta jarraitu',
'batch_action_modal.title' => '%num_items% elementuri "%action_name%" ekintza aplikatu behar diozu',
'batch_action_modal.content' => 'Ekintza hau ezin da desegin.',
'batch_action_modal.action' => 'Aurrera',
'delete_modal.title' => 'Ziur zaude elementu hau ezabatu nahi duzula?',
'delete_modal.content' => 'Ekintza hau ezin da desegin.',
'filter.title' => 'Iragazi',
'filter.button.clear' => 'Ezabatu',
'filter.button.apply' => 'Ezarri',
'filter.label.is_equal_to' => 'berdina da',
'filter.label.is_not_equal_to' => 'ez da berdina',
'filter.label.is_greater_than' => 'baina handiagoa da',
'filter.label.is_greater_than_or_equal_to' => 'handiagoa edo berdina da',
'filter.label.is_less_than' => 'baino txikiagoa da',
'filter.label.is_less_than_or_equal_to' => 'txikiagoa edo berdina da',
'filter.label.is_between' => 'tartean dago',
'filter.label.contains' => 'dauka',
'filter.label.not_contains' => 'ez dauka',
'filter.label.starts_with' => 'honela hasten da',
'filter.label.ends_with' => 'honela amaitzen da',
'filter.label.exactly' => 'zehazki',
'filter.label.not_exactly' => 'ez da zehazki',
'filter.label.is_same' => 'berdina da',
'filter.label.is_not_same' => 'ez da berdina',
'filter.label.is_after' => 'honen ondorengoa da',
'filter.label.is_after_or_same' => 'honen ondorengoa edo berdina da',
'filter.label.is_before' => 'aurrekoa da',
'filter.label.is_before_or_same' => 'aurrekoa edo berdina da',
'form.are_you_sure' => 'Formularioen aldaketak ez dituzu gorde.',
'' => 'Sarrera baliogabea|%count% sarrera baliogabe',
'form.slug.confirm_text' => 'Esteka aldatzen baduzu, beste orri batzuetako erreferentziak hautsi ditzazkezu.',
'user.logged_in_as' => 'Konektatutako erabiltzailea',
'user.unnamed' => 'Erabiltzaile izengabea',
'user.anonymous' => 'Erabiltzaile anonimoa',
'user.sign_out' => 'Amaitu saioa',
'user.exit_impersonation' => 'Amaitu inpersonazioa',
'settings.appearance.label' => 'Itxura',
'settings.appearance.light' => 'Argia',
'settings.appearance.dark' => 'Iluna',
'' => 'Automatikoa',
'settings.locale' => 'Hizkuntza',
'login_page.username' => 'Erabiltzailea',
'login_page.password' => 'Pasahitza',
'login_page.sign_in' => 'Hasi saioa',
'login_page.forgot_password' => 'Pasahitza ahaztuta?',
'login_page.remember_me' => 'Gogoratu',
'exception.entity_not_found' => 'Elementu hau ez dago erabilgarri',
'exception.entity_remove' => 'Artikulu hau ezin da ezabatu, beste elementu batzuk haren mende daudelako.',
'exception.forbidden_action' => 'Elementu honetan ezin da eskatutako ekintza burutu',
'exception.insufficient_entity_permission' => 'Artikulu hau eskuratzeko ez duzu baimenik.',
'' => 'Ez da bat datorrenik aurkitu',
'autocomplete.loading-more-results' => 'Emaitza gehiago kargatzen…',
$catalogueEn = new MessageCatalogue('en', array (
'validators' =>
array (
'This value should be false.' => 'This value should be false.',
'This value should be true.' => 'This value should be true.',
'This value should be of type {{ type }}.' => 'This value should be of type {{ type }}.',
'This value should be blank.' => 'This value should be blank.',
'The value you selected is not a valid choice.' => 'The value you selected is not a valid choice.',
'You must select at least {{ limit }} choice.|You must select at least {{ limit }} choices.' => 'You must select at least {{ limit }} choice.|You must select at least {{ limit }} choices.',
'You must select at most {{ limit }} choice.|You must select at most {{ limit }} choices.' => 'You must select at most {{ limit }} choice.|You must select at most {{ limit }} choices.',
'One or more of the given values is invalid.' => 'One or more of the given values is invalid.',
'This field was not expected.' => 'This field was not expected.',
'This field is missing.' => 'This field is missing.',
'This value is not a valid date.' => 'This value is not a valid date.',
'This value is not a valid datetime.' => 'This value is not a valid datetime.',
'This value is not a valid email address.' => 'This value is not a valid email address.',
'The file could not be found.' => 'The file could not be found.',
'The file is not readable.' => 'The file is not readable.',
'The file is too large ({{ size }} {{ suffix }}). Allowed maximum size is {{ limit }} {{ suffix }}.' => 'The file is too large ({{ size }} {{ suffix }}). Allowed maximum size is {{ limit }} {{ suffix }}.',
'The mime type of the file is invalid ({{ type }}). Allowed mime types are {{ types }}.' => 'The mime type of the file is invalid ({{ type }}). Allowed mime types are {{ types }}.',
'This value should be {{ limit }} or less.' => 'This value should be {{ limit }} or less.',
'This value is too long. It should have {{ limit }} character or less.|This value is too long. It should have {{ limit }} characters or less.' => 'This value is too long. It should have {{ limit }} character or less.|This value is too long. It should have {{ limit }} characters or less.',
'This value should be {{ limit }} or more.' => 'This value should be {{ limit }} or more.',
'This value is too short. It should have {{ limit }} character or more.|This value is too short. It should have {{ limit }} characters or more.' => 'This value is too short. It should have {{ limit }} character or more.|This value is too short. It should have {{ limit }} characters or more.',
'This value should not be blank.' => 'This value should not be blank.',
'This value should not be null.' => 'This value should not be null.',
'This value should be null.' => 'This value should be null.',
'This value is not valid.' => 'This value is not valid.',
'This value is not a valid time.' => 'This value is not a valid time.',
'This value is not a valid URL.' => 'This value is not a valid URL.',
'The two values should be equal.' => 'The two values should be equal.',
'The file is too large. Allowed maximum size is {{ limit }} {{ suffix }}.' => 'The file is too large. Allowed maximum size is {{ limit }} {{ suffix }}.',
'The file is too large.' => 'The file is too large.',
'The file could not be uploaded.' => 'The file could not be uploaded.',
'This value should be a valid number.' => 'This value should be a valid number.',
'This file is not a valid image.' => 'This file is not a valid image.',
'This is not a valid IP address.' => 'This is not a valid IP address.',
'This value is not a valid language.' => 'This value is not a valid language.',
'This value is not a valid locale.' => 'This value is not a valid locale.',
'This value is not a valid country.' => 'This value is not a valid country.',
'This value is already used.' => 'This value is already used.',
'The size of the image could not be detected.' => 'The size of the image could not be detected.',
'The image width is too big ({{ width }}px). Allowed maximum width is {{ max_width }}px.' => 'The image width is too big ({{ width }}px). Allowed maximum width is {{ max_width }}px.',
'The image width is too small ({{ width }}px). Minimum width expected is {{ min_width }}px.' => 'The image width is too small ({{ width }}px). Minimum width expected is {{ min_width }}px.',
'The image height is too big ({{ height }}px). Allowed maximum height is {{ max_height }}px.' => 'The image height is too big ({{ height }}px). Allowed maximum height is {{ max_height }}px.',
'The image height is too small ({{ height }}px). Minimum height expected is {{ min_height }}px.' => 'The image height is too small ({{ height }}px). Minimum height expected is {{ min_height }}px.',
'This value should be the user\'s current password.' => 'This value should be the user\'s current password.',
'This value should have exactly {{ limit }} character.|This value should have exactly {{ limit }} characters.' => 'This value should have exactly {{ limit }} character.|This value should have exactly {{ limit }} characters.',
'The file was only partially uploaded.' => 'The file was only partially uploaded.',
'No file was uploaded.' => 'No file was uploaded.',
'No temporary folder was configured in php.ini.' => 'No temporary folder was configured in php.ini, or the configured folder does not exist.',
'Cannot write temporary file to disk.' => 'Cannot write temporary file to disk.',
'A PHP extension caused the upload to fail.' => 'A PHP extension caused the upload to fail.',
'This collection should contain {{ limit }} element or more.|This collection should contain {{ limit }} elements or more.' => 'This collection should contain {{ limit }} element or more.|This collection should contain {{ limit }} elements or more.',
'This collection should contain {{ limit }} element or less.|This collection should contain {{ limit }} elements or less.' => 'This collection should contain {{ limit }} element or less.|This collection should contain {{ limit }} elements or less.',
'This collection should contain exactly {{ limit }} element.|This collection should contain exactly {{ limit }} elements.' => 'This collection should contain exactly {{ limit }} element.|This collection should contain exactly {{ limit }} elements.',
'Invalid card number.' => 'Invalid card number.',
'Unsupported card type or invalid card number.' => 'Unsupported card type or invalid card number.',
'This is not a valid International Bank Account Number (IBAN).' => 'This is not a valid International Bank Account Number (IBAN).',
'This value is not a valid ISBN-10.' => 'This value is not a valid ISBN-10.',
'This value is not a valid ISBN-13.' => 'This value is not a valid ISBN-13.',
'This value is neither a valid ISBN-10 nor a valid ISBN-13.' => 'This value is neither a valid ISBN-10 nor a valid ISBN-13.',
'This value is not a valid ISSN.' => 'This value is not a valid ISSN.',
'This value is not a valid currency.' => 'This value is not a valid currency.',
'This value should be equal to {{ compared_value }}.' => 'This value should be equal to {{ compared_value }}.',
'This value should be greater than {{ compared_value }}.' => 'This value should be greater than {{ compared_value }}.',
'This value should be greater than or equal to {{ compared_value }}.' => 'This value should be greater than or equal to {{ compared_value }}.',
'This value should be identical to {{ compared_value_type }} {{ compared_value }}.' => 'This value should be identical to {{ compared_value_type }} {{ compared_value }}.',
'This value should be less than {{ compared_value }}.' => 'This value should be less than {{ compared_value }}.',
'This value should be less than or equal to {{ compared_value }}.' => 'This value should be less than or equal to {{ compared_value }}.',
'This value should not be equal to {{ compared_value }}.' => 'This value should not be equal to {{ compared_value }}.',
'This value should not be identical to {{ compared_value_type }} {{ compared_value }}.' => 'This value should not be identical to {{ compared_value_type }} {{ compared_value }}.',
'The image ratio is too big ({{ ratio }}). Allowed maximum ratio is {{ max_ratio }}.' => 'The image ratio is too big ({{ ratio }}). Allowed maximum ratio is {{ max_ratio }}.',
'The image ratio is too small ({{ ratio }}). Minimum ratio expected is {{ min_ratio }}.' => 'The image ratio is too small ({{ ratio }}). Minimum ratio expected is {{ min_ratio }}.',
'The image is square ({{ width }}x{{ height }}px). Square images are not allowed.' => 'The image is square ({{ width }}x{{ height }}px). Square images are not allowed.',
'The image is landscape oriented ({{ width }}x{{ height }}px). Landscape oriented images are not allowed.' => 'The image is landscape oriented ({{ width }}x{{ height }}px). Landscape oriented images are not allowed.',
'The image is portrait oriented ({{ width }}x{{ height }}px). Portrait oriented images are not allowed.' => 'The image is portrait oriented ({{ width }}x{{ height }}px). Portrait oriented images are not allowed.',
'An empty file is not allowed.' => 'An empty file is not allowed.',
'The host could not be resolved.' => 'The host could not be resolved.',
'This value does not match the expected {{ charset }} charset.' => 'This value does not match the expected {{ charset }} charset.',
'This is not a valid Business Identifier Code (BIC).' => 'This is not a valid Business Identifier Code (BIC).',
'Error' => 'Error',
'This is not a valid UUID.' => 'This is not a valid UUID.',
'This value should be a multiple of {{ compared_value }}.' => 'This value should be a multiple of {{ compared_value }}.',
'This Business Identifier Code (BIC) is not associated with IBAN {{ iban }}.' => 'This Business Identifier Code (BIC) is not associated with IBAN {{ iban }}.',
'This value should be valid JSON.' => 'This value should be valid JSON.',
'This collection should contain only unique elements.' => 'This collection should contain only unique elements.',
'This value should be positive.' => 'This value should be positive.',
'This value should be either positive or zero.' => 'This value should be either positive or zero.',
'This value should be negative.' => 'This value should be negative.',
'This value should be either negative or zero.' => 'This value should be either negative or zero.',
'This value is not a valid timezone.' => 'This value is not a valid timezone.',
'This password has been leaked in a data breach, it must not be used. Please use another password.' => 'This password has been leaked in a data breach, it must not be used. Please use another password.',
'This value should be between {{ min }} and {{ max }}.' => 'This value should be between {{ min }} and {{ max }}.',
'This value is not a valid hostname.' => 'This value is not a valid hostname.',
'The number of elements in this collection should be a multiple of {{ compared_value }}.' => 'The number of elements in this collection should be a multiple of {{ compared_value }}.',
'This value should satisfy at least one of the following constraints:' => 'This value should satisfy at least one of the following constraints:',
'Each element of this collection should satisfy its own set of constraints.' => 'Each element of this collection should satisfy its own set of constraints.',
'This value is not a valid International Securities Identification Number (ISIN).' => 'This value is not a valid International Securities Identification Number (ISIN).',
'This value should be a valid expression.' => 'This value should be a valid expression.',
'This value is not a valid CSS color.' => 'This value is not a valid CSS color.',
'This value is not a valid CIDR notation.' => 'This value is not a valid CIDR notation.',
'The value of the netmask should be between {{ min }} and {{ max }}.' => 'The value of the netmask should be between {{ min }} and {{ max }}.',
'This form should not contain extra fields.' => 'This form should not contain extra fields.',
'The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file.' => 'The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file.',
'The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form.' => 'The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form.',
'This value is not a valid HTML5 color.' => 'This value is not a valid HTML5 color.',
'Please enter a valid birthdate.' => 'Please enter a valid birthdate.',
'The selected choice is invalid.' => 'The selected choice is invalid.',
'The collection is invalid.' => 'The collection is invalid.',
'Please select a valid color.' => 'Please select a valid color.',
'Please select a valid country.' => 'Please select a valid country.',
'Please select a valid currency.' => 'Please select a valid currency.',
'Please choose a valid date interval.' => 'Please choose a valid date interval.',
'Please enter a valid date and time.' => 'Please enter a valid date and time.',
'Please enter a valid date.' => 'Please enter a valid date.',
'Please select a valid file.' => 'Please select a valid file.',
'The hidden field is invalid.' => 'The hidden field is invalid.',
'Please enter an integer.' => 'Please enter an integer.',
'Please select a valid language.' => 'Please select a valid language.',
'Please select a valid locale.' => 'Please select a valid locale.',
'Please enter a valid money amount.' => 'Please enter a valid money amount.',
'Please enter a number.' => 'Please enter a number.',
'The password is invalid.' => 'The password is invalid.',
'Please enter a percentage value.' => 'Please enter a percentage value.',
'The values do not match.' => 'The values do not match.',
'Please enter a valid time.' => 'Please enter a valid time.',
'Please select a valid timezone.' => 'Please select a valid timezone.',
'Please enter a valid URL.' => 'Please enter a valid URL.',
'Please enter a valid search term.' => 'Please enter a valid search term.',
'Please provide a valid phone number.' => 'Please provide a valid phone number.',
'The checkbox has an invalid value.' => 'The checkbox has an invalid value.',
'Please enter a valid email address.' => 'Please enter a valid email address.',
'Please select a valid option.' => 'Please select a valid option.',
'Please select a valid range.' => 'Please select a valid range.',
'Please enter a valid week.' => 'Please enter a valid week.',
'security' =>
array (
'An authentication exception occurred.' => 'An authentication exception occurred.',
'Authentication credentials could not be found.' => 'Authentication credentials could not be found.',
'Authentication request could not be processed due to a system problem.' => 'Authentication request could not be processed due to a system problem.',
'Invalid credentials.' => 'Invalid credentials.',
'Cookie has already been used by someone else.' => 'Cookie has already been used by someone else.',
'Not privileged to request the resource.' => 'Not privileged to request the resource.',
'Invalid CSRF token.' => 'Invalid CSRF token.',
'No authentication provider found to support the authentication token.' => 'No authentication provider found to support the authentication token.',
'No session available, it either timed out or cookies are not enabled.' => 'No session available, it either timed out or cookies are not enabled.',
'No token could be found.' => 'No token could be found.',
'Username could not be found.' => 'Username could not be found.',
'Account has expired.' => 'Account has expired.',
'Credentials have expired.' => 'Credentials have expired.',
'Account is disabled.' => 'Account is disabled.',
'Account is locked.' => 'Account is locked.',
'Too many failed login attempts, please try again later.' => 'Too many failed login attempts, please try again later.',
'Invalid or expired login link.' => 'Invalid or expired login link.',
'Too many failed login attempts, please try again in %minutes% minute.' => 'Too many failed login attempts, please try again in %minutes% minute.',
'Too many failed login attempts, please try again in %minutes% minutes.' => 'Too many failed login attempts, please try again in %minutes% minutes.',
'EasyAdminBundle' =>
array (
'page_title.dashboard' => 'Dashboard',
'page_title.detail' => '%entity_as_string%',
'page_title.edit' => 'Edit %entity_label_singular%',
'page_title.index' => '%entity_label_plural%',
'' => 'Create %entity_label_singular%',
'page_title.exception' => 'Error|Errors',
'datagrid.hidden_results' => 'Some results can\'t be displayed because you don\'t have enough permissions',
'datagrid.no_results' => 'No results found.',
'paginator.first' => 'First',
'paginator.previous' => 'Previous',
'' => 'Next',
'paginator.last' => 'Last',
'paginator.counter' => '<strong>%start%</strong> - <strong>%end%</strong> of <strong>%results%</strong>',
'paginator.results' => '{0} No results|{1} <strong>1</strong> result|]1,Inf] <strong>%count%</strong> results',
'label.true' => 'Yes',
'label.false' => 'No',
'label.empty' => 'Empty',
'label.null' => 'Null',
'label.object' => 'PHP Object',
'label.inaccessible' => 'Inaccessible',
'label.inaccessible.explanation' => 'Getter method does not exist for this field or the field is not public',
'label.form.empty_value' => 'None',
'field.code_editor.view_code' => 'View code',
'field.text_editor.view_content' => 'View content',
'action.entity_actions' => 'Actions',
'' => 'Add %entity_label_singular%',
'' => 'Search',
'action.detail' => 'Show',
'action.edit' => 'Edit',
'action.delete' => 'Delete',
'action.cancel' => 'Cancel',
'action.index' => 'Back to listing',
'action.deselect' => 'Deselect',
'action.add_new_item' => 'Add a new item',
'action.remove_item' => 'Remove the item',
'action.choose_file' => 'Choose file',
'action.close' => 'Close',
'action.create' => 'Create',
'action.create_and_add_another' => 'Create and add another',
'action.create_and_continue' => 'Create and continue editing',
'' => 'Save changes',
'action.save_and_continue' => 'Save and continue editing',
'batch_action_modal.title' => 'You are going to apply the "%action_name%" action to %num_items% item(s).',
'batch_action_modal.content' => 'There is no undo for this operation.',
'batch_action_modal.action' => 'Proceed',
'delete_modal.title' => 'Do you really want to delete this item?',
'delete_modal.content' => 'There is no undo for this operation.',
'filter.title' => 'Filters',
'filter.button.clear' => 'Clear',
'filter.button.apply' => 'Apply',
'filter.label.is_equal_to' => 'is equal to',
'filter.label.is_not_equal_to' => 'is not equal to',
'filter.label.is_greater_than' => 'is greater than',
'filter.label.is_greater_than_or_equal_to' => 'is greater than or equal to',
'filter.label.is_less_than' => 'is less than',
'filter.label.is_less_than_or_equal_to' => 'is less than or equal to',
'filter.label.is_between' => 'is between',
'filter.label.contains' => 'contains',
'filter.label.not_contains' => 'doesn\'t contain',
'filter.label.starts_with' => 'starts with',
'filter.label.ends_with' => 'ends with',
'filter.label.exactly' => 'exactly',
'filter.label.not_exactly' => 'not exactly',
'filter.label.is_same' => 'is same',
'filter.label.is_not_same' => 'is not same',
'filter.label.is_after' => 'is after',
'filter.label.is_after_or_same' => 'is after or same',
'filter.label.is_before' => 'is before',
'filter.label.is_before_or_same' => 'is before or same',
'form.are_you_sure' => 'You haven\'t saved the changes made on this form.',
'' => 'One invalid input|%count% invalid inputs',
'form.slug.confirm_text' => 'If you change the slug, you can break links on other pages.',
'user.logged_in_as' => 'Logged in as',
'user.unnamed' => 'Unnamed User',
'user.anonymous' => 'Anonymous User',
'user.sign_out' => 'Sign out',
'user.exit_impersonation' => 'Exit impersonation',
'settings.appearance.label' => 'Appearance',
'settings.appearance.light' => 'Light',
'settings.appearance.dark' => 'Dark',
'' => 'Auto',
'settings.locale' => 'Language',
'login_page.username' => 'Username',
'login_page.password' => 'Password',
'login_page.sign_in' => 'Sign in',
'login_page.forgot_password' => 'Forgot Your Password?',
'login_page.remember_me' => 'Remember me',
'exception.entity_not_found' => 'This item is no longer available.',
'exception.entity_remove' => 'This item can\'t be deleted because other items depend on it.',
'exception.forbidden_action' => 'The requested action can\'t be performed on this item.',
'exception.insufficient_entity_permission' => 'You don\'t have permission to access this item.',
'' => 'No results found',
'' => 'No more results',
'autocomplete.loading-more-results' => 'Loading more results…',
return $catalogue;