You MUST have php version 7+ and [Composer](, and a database like Mysql, or postgresql, or mongodb, or any database that Doctrine can handle.
Setup access to database by creating a .env.local file, and fill the database user and password data.
you can check that the database connection works with the command:
`cp .env .env.local` and edit the file variables to give access to database.
## TODO:
* coordinate properties and paths to be more restful.
return stack of votes when we want to get the configuration of one poll (see [doc/](doc/
### Requirements
You MUST have php version 7+ and [Composer](, and a database like Mysql, or postgresql, or mongodb, or any database that Doctrine can handle.
Setup access to database by creating a .env.local file, and fill the database user and password data.
you can check that the database connection works with the command:
there are examples of request to make it all work in the [doc/](doc/
### Check prerequisites
composer check-platform-reqs
### install the vendors
composer install
### configure database access in .env.local file
This project can use any database system, we provide config for mysql.
If you need to setup mysql, a database and a user, read the [database_creation](doc/ doc. Before customizing your local environment config.
the .env.local file will not be versionned by git, so no risk to set the mysql credentials in here as long as file access are well done.
You can copy the model env file and customize it last line to access mysql.