diff --git a/doc/nginx/base-symfony.conf b/doc/nginx/base-symfony.conf index 673fd83..b5c8a43 100755 --- a/doc/nginx/base-symfony.conf +++ b/doc/nginx/base-symfony.conf @@ -7,6 +7,9 @@ server { try_files $uri /index.php$is_args$args; } + fastcgi_buffers 16 16k; + fastcgi_buffer_size 32k; + # optionally disable falling back to PHP script for the asset directories; # nginx will return a 404 error when files are not found instead of passing the # request to Symfony (improves performance but Symfony's 404 page is not displayed) diff --git a/doc/nginx/framadate-api.conf b/doc/nginx/framadate-api.conf index 4060cf5..9826dab 100755 --- a/doc/nginx/framadate-api.conf +++ b/doc/nginx/framadate-api.conf @@ -91,6 +91,14 @@ server { internal; } + error_log /var/log/nginx/framadate-api_error.log; + access_log /var/log/nginx/framadate-api_access.log; + add_header Permissions-Policy "interest-cohort=()"; + + fastcgi_buffers 16 16k; + fastcgi_buffer_size 32k; + + # return 404 for all other php files not matching the front controller # this prevents access to other php files you don't want to be accessible. location ~ \.php$ {