#Funky Framadate API Experimental REST backend in symfony 4 for Funky framadate frontend. https://framagit.org/framasoft/framadate/funky-framadate-front Follow this guide to setup. ## TODO: return stack of votes when we want to get the configuration of one poll (see [doc/examples.md](doc/examples.md)) *** ### Requirements You MUST have php version 7+ and [Composer](https://getcomposer.org/download/), and a database like Mysql, or postgresql, or mongodb, or any database that Doctrine can handle. Setup access to database by creating a .env.local file, and fill the database user and password data. you can check that the database connection works with the command: ```bash php bin/console doctrine:schema:validate ``` ## Getting started # Development install dependencies with Composer there are examples of request to make it all work in the [doc/examples.md](doc/examples.md). ### install the vendors ```bash composer install ``` ### initiate the database with fixtures ```bash php bin/console doctrine:schema:drop --force php bin/console doctrine:schema:create php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load --no-interaction --purge-with-truncate ``` ### launch local server with ```bash php bin/console server:run ``` # Production set a virtual host on your server, configure CORS access to have the API to work. configure database access in a .env.local file , replace variables DATABASE_URL=mysql://database_user:db_user_password@ this file is not versionned and should stay like this. ## cronjob to delete expired polls add this line in your crontab to run the clearance of expired polls everyday at 0h00. ``` 0 0 * * * wget http://MYWEBSITE/api/v1/clean-polls ``` you can open your crontabl in command line with : ``` crontab -e ``` # About made by B. Lemoine, aka Tykayn, for the framadate funky front end project, a polling libre software. ## contacts * contact@cipherbliss.com * https://mastodon.cipherbliss.com/@tykayn * https://keybase.io/tykayn * https://twitter.com/tykayn * https://cipherbliss.com