#Funky Framadate API REST backend in symfony 5 for Funky framadate frontend. https://framagit.org/framasoft/framadate/funky-framadate-front ------------------------------------ --------------- -------- ------ -------------------------------------------------- Name Method Scheme Host Path ------------------------------------ --------------- -------- ------ -------------------------------------------------- _preview_error ANY ANY ANY /_error/{code}.{_format} _wdt ANY ANY ANY /_wdt/{token} _profiler_home ANY ANY ANY /_profiler/ _profiler_search ANY ANY ANY /_profiler/search _profiler_search_bar ANY ANY ANY /_profiler/search_bar _profiler_phpinfo ANY ANY ANY /_profiler/phpinfo _profiler_search_results ANY ANY ANY /_profiler/{token}/search/results _profiler_open_file ANY ANY ANY /_profiler/open _profiler ANY ANY ANY /_profiler/{token} _profiler_router ANY ANY ANY /_profiler/{token}/router _profiler_exception ANY ANY ANY /_profiler/{token}/exception _profiler_exception_css ANY ANY ANY /_profiler/{token}/exception.css admin_homepage_get_default GET ANY ANY /admin/ admin_homepage_clean_expired_polls GET ANY ANY /admin/polls/clean/{token} admin_homepage_migrate_framadate GET ANY ANY /admin/polls/migrate home_sweet_home GET ANY ANY / admin_homepage_migrate_from_v1 GET ANY ANY /migration-from-v1/{unique_key} user_homepageget_default GET ANY ANY /user/ user_homepage_polls_send_by_email GET ANY ANY /user/{email}/polls/send-by-email poll_index GET ANY ANY /poll/ poll_new GET|POST ANY ANY /poll/new poll_show GET ANY ANY /poll/{id} poll_edit GET|POST ANY ANY /poll/{id}/edit poll_delete DELETE ANY ANY /poll/{id} api_get_poll_comment GET ANY ANY /api/v1/comment/poll/{id}/comments api_new_comment POST ANY ANY /api/v1/comment/poll/{id}/comment api_poll_comments_delete DELETE ANY ANY /api/v1/comment/poll/{id}/comments api_get_all_polls GET ANY ANY /api/v1/poll/ api_get_poll GET ANY ANY /api/v1/poll/{customUrl} api_get_owner_poll GET ANY ANY /api/v1/poll/owner/{owner_email}/ api_get_protected_poll GET ANY ANY /api/v1/poll/{customUrl}/pass/{md5} api_get_admin_poll GET ANY ANY /api/v1/polladmin/{admin_key} api_update_poll PUT ANY ANY /api/v1/poll/{customUrl}/update/{token} api_new_poll POST ANY ANY /api/v1/poll/ api_test-mail-poll GET ANY ANY /api/v1/poll/mail/test-mail-poll/{emailChoice} api_poll_delete DELETE ANY ANY /api/v1/poll/{admin_key} api_check_slug_is_unique GET ANY ANY /api/v1/poll/slug/{customUrl} api_get_admin_config GET ANY ANY /api/v1/poll/admin/{token} api_clean_expired_polls GET ANY ANY /api/v1/poll/admin/clean_expired_polls/{token} api_new_vote_stack POST|OPTIONS ANY ANY /api/v1/vote-stack/ api_update_vote_stack PATCH|OPTIONS ANY ANY /api/v1/vote-stack/{id}/token/{modifierToken} api_delete_vote_stack DELETE ANY ANY /api/v1/vote-stack/{id}/token/{modifierToken} api_poll_votes_delete DELETE ANY ANY /api/v1/vote-stack/poll/{id}/votes/{accessToken} app.swagger GET ANY ANY /api/doc.json ------------------------------------ --------------- -------- ------ -------------------------------------------------- ## TODO: https://framagit.org/tykayn/date-poll-api/-/boards * coordinate properties and paths to be more restful. see [doc/examples.md](doc/examples.md) *** ### Requirements You MUST have [php version 8+ (see installation doc)](doc/php-8-install.md) and [Composer](https://getcomposer.org/download/), and a database like Mysql, or postgresql, or mongodb, or any database that Doctrine can handle. Setup access to database by creating a .env.local file, and fill the database user and password data. you can check that the database connection works with the command: ```bash php bin/console doctrine:schema:validate ``` ## Getting started Follow this guide to setup. # Development install dependencies with Composer configure env by creating local env file ``` cp .env .env.local ``` and edit the file variables to give access to database. Launch dev server with the "symfony" cli tool: ``` symfony serve ``` there are examples of request to make it all work in the [doc/examples.md](doc/examples.md). ### Check prerequisites ```bash composer check-platform-reqs ``` ### install the vendors ```bash composer install ``` #Funky Framadate API Experimental REST backend in symfony 5 for Funky framadate frontend. https://framagit.org/framasoft/framadate/funky-framadate-front Follow this guide to setup. * run `composer install` configure env by creating local env file `cp .env .env.local` and edit the file variables to give access to database. ## TODO: * coordinate properties and paths to be more restful. https://stackoverflow.blog/2020/03/02/best-practices-for-rest-api-design/ return stack of votes when we want to get the configuration of one poll (see [doc/examples.md](doc/examples.md)) *** ### Requirements You MUST have php version 8+ and [Composer](https://getcomposer.org/download/), and a database like Mysql, or postgresql, or mongodb, or any database that Doctrine can handle. Setup access to database by creating a .env.local file, and fill the database user and password data. you can check that the database connection works with the command: ```bash php bin/console doctrine:schema:validate ``` ## Getting started # Development install dependencies with Composer there are examples of request to make it all work in the [doc/examples.md](doc/examples.md). ### Check prerequisites ```bash composer check-platform-reqs ``` ### install the vendors ```bash composer install ``` ### configure database access in .env.local file This project can use any database system, we provide config for mysql. If you need to setup mysql, a database and a user, read the [database_creation](doc/database_creation.md) doc. Before customizing your local environment config. the .env.local file will not be versionned by git, so no risk to set the mysql credentials in here as long as file access are well done. You can copy the model env file and customize it last line to access mysql. ```bash cp doc/env-example .env.local ``` look for the line like this > DATABASE_URL=mysql://framadate-admin:framadate-admin-password@ and change its values for `framadate-admin` , `framadate-admin-password`, `framadate-api`. ### initiate the database with fixtures ```bash php bin/console doctrine:schema:drop --force php bin/console doctrine:schema:create php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load --no-interaction --purge-with-truncate ``` ### launch local server with ```bash php bin/console server:run ``` # Production set a virtual host on your server, configure CORS access to have the API to work. configure database access in a .env.local file , replace variables DATABASE_URL=mysql://database_user:db_user_password@ this file is not versionned and should stay like this. ## cronjob to delete expired polls add this line in your crontab to run the clearance of expired polls everyday at 0h00. ``` 0 0 * * * wget http://MYWEBSITE/api/v1/poll/clean-polls ``` you can open your crontabl in command line with : ``` crontab -e ``` # About made by B. Lemoine, aka Tykayn, for the framadate funky front end project, a polling libre software. ## contacts * contact@cipherbliss.com * https://mastodon.cipherbliss.com/@tykayn * https://twitter.com/tykayn * https://cipherbliss.com