getStacksOfVotes() as $stack_of_vote ) { foreach ( $stack_of_vote->getVotes() as $vote ) { if ( ! isset( $computedArray[ $vote->getChoice()->getId() ] ) ) { $computedArray[ $vote->getChoice()->getId() ] = [ 'yes' => 0, 'maybe' => 0, 'no' => 0, ]; } $computedArray[ $vote->getChoice()->getId() ][ $vote->getValue() ] ++; $people[ $stack_of_vote->getOwner()->getPseudo() ] = $vote->getValue(); } } return [ 'counts' => $computedArray, 'people' => $people, ]; } public function display() { return [ 'poll' => $this, 'answers' => $this->computeAnswers(), ]; } public function __construct() { $this->votes = new ArrayCollection(); $this->stacksOfVotes = new ArrayCollection(); $this->choices = new ArrayCollection(); $this->comments = new ArrayCollection(); $this->initiate(); } private function initiate() { $this->adminKey = $this->generateAdminKey(); $this->setCreationDate( new \DateTime() ); $this->setExpiracyDate( $this->addDaysToDate( new \DateTime(), $this->defaultExpiracyDaysFromNow ) ); $this->setAllowedAnswers( [ 'yes' ] ); } public function generateAdminKey() { $rand = random_int( PHP_INT_MIN, PHP_INT_MAX ); return str_shuffle( md5( $rand ) . $rand . $this->random_str() ); } /** * Generate a random string, using a cryptographically secure * pseudorandom number generator (random_int) * * This function uses type hints now (PHP 7+ only), but it was originally * written for PHP 5 as well. * * For PHP 7, random_int is a PHP core function * For PHP 5.x, depends on * * @param int $length How many characters do we want? * @param string $keyspace A string of all possible characters * to select from * * @return string */ public function random_str( int $length = 64, string $keyspace = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' ): string { if ( $length < 1 ) { throw new \RangeException( "Length must be a positive integer" ); } $pieces = []; $max = mb_strlen( $keyspace, '8bit' ) - 1; for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $length ; ++ $i ) { $pieces [] = $keyspace[ random_int( 0, $max ) ]; } return implode( '', $pieces ); } public function findChoiceById( int $id ) { $choices = $this->getChoices(); $counter = 0; // there must be something cleaner than this in Doctrine ArrayCollection foreach ( $choices as $choice ) { $counter ++; if ( $counter > $this->maxChoicesLimit ) { throw new \ErrorException( "max number of choices reached for this poll" ); } if ( $choice && $choice->getId() == $id ) { return $choice; } } return null; } public function addDaysToDate( \DateTime $date, int $days ) { $st = strtotime( $date->getTimestamp() . ' + ' . $days . ' days' ); return new \DateTime( $st ); } public function getId(): ?int { return $this->id; } public function getTitle(): ?string { return $this->title; } public function setTitle( string $title ): self { $this->title = $title; return $this; } public function getCreationDate(): ?DateTimeInterface { return $this->creationDate; } public function setCreationDate( DateTimeInterface $creationDate ): self { $this->creationDate = $creationDate; return $this; } public function setExpiracyDate( DateTimeInterface $expiracyDate ): self { $this->expiracyDate = $expiracyDate; return $this; } public function getOwner(): ?Owner { return $this->owner; } public function setOwner( ?Owner $owner ): self { $this->owner = $owner; return $this; } /** * @return Collection|Vote[] */ public function getVotes(): Collection { return $this->votes; } public function getAdminKey(): ?string { return $this->adminKey; } public function setAdminKey( string $adminKey ): self { $this->adminKey = $adminKey; return $this; } public function getDescription(): ?string { return $this->description; } public function setDescription( string $description ): self { $this->description = $description; return $this; } public function getKind(): ?string { return $this->kind; } public function setKind( string $kind ): self { $this->kind = $kind; return $this; } public function getCustomUrl(): ?string { return $this->customUrl; } public function setCustomUrl( string $customUrl ): self { $this->customUrl = $customUrl; return $this; } public function getPassword(): ?string { return $this->password; } public function setPassword( string $password ): self { $this->password = md5( $password ); return $this; } public function getModificationPolicy(): ?string { return $this->modificationPolicy; } public function setModificationPolicy( string $modificationPolicy ): self { $this->modificationPolicy = $modificationPolicy; return $this; } public function getMailOnComment(): ?bool { return $this->mailOnComment; } public function setMailOnComment( bool $mailOnComment ): self { $this->mailOnComment = $mailOnComment; return $this; } public function getMailOnVote(): ?bool { return $this->mailOnVote; } public function setMailOnVote( bool $mailOnVote ): self { $this->mailOnVote = $mailOnVote; return $this; } public function getHideResults(): ?bool { return $this->hideResults; } public function setHideResults( bool $hideResults ): self { $this->hideResults = $hideResults; return $this; } public function getShowResultEvenIfPasswords(): ?bool { return $this->showResultEvenIfPasswords; } public function setShowResultEvenIfPasswords( bool $showResultEvenIfPasswords ): self { $this->showResultEvenIfPasswords = $showResultEvenIfPasswords; return $this; } /** * @return Collection|Comment[] */ public function getComments(): Collection { return $this->comments; } public function addComment( Comment $comment ): self { if ( ! $this->comments->contains( $comment ) ) { $this->comments[] = $comment; $comment->setPoll( $this ); } return $this; } public function removeComment( Comment $comment ): self { if ( $this->comments->contains( $comment ) ) { $this->comments->removeElement( $comment ); // set the owning side to null (unless already changed) if ( $comment->getPoll() === $this ) { $comment->setPoll( null ); } } return $this; } public function getStacksOfVotes() { return $this->stacksOfVotes; } public function setStacksOfVotes( ?StackOfVotes $stacksOfVotes ): self { $this->stacksOfVotes = $stacksOfVotes; return $this; } public function addStackOfVote( StackOfVotes $stackOfVote ): self { if ( ! $this->stacksOfVotes->contains( $stackOfVote ) ) { $this->stacksOfVotes[] = $stackOfVote; $stackOfVote->setPoll( $this ); } return $this; } public function removeStackOfVote( StackOfVotes $stackOfVote ): self { if ( $this->stacksOfVotes->contains( $stackOfVote ) ) { $this->stacksOfVotes->removeElement( $stackOfVote ); // set the owning side to null (unless already changed) if ( $stackOfVote->getPoll() === $this ) { $stackOfVote->setPoll( null ); } } return $this; } public function getExpiracyDate(): ?\DateTimeInterface { return $this->expiracyDate; } public function addVote( Vote $vote ): self { if ( ! $this->votes->contains( $vote ) ) { $this->votes[] = $vote; $vote->setPoll( $this ); } return $this; } public function removeVote( Vote $vote ): self { if ( $this->votes->contains( $vote ) ) { $this->votes->removeElement( $vote ); // set the owning side to null (unless already changed) if ( $vote->getPoll() === $this ) { $vote->setPoll( null ); } } return $this; } /** * @return Collection|Choice[] */ public function getChoices(): Collection { return $this->choices; } public function addTextChoiceArray( Array $choiceTextArray ): self { foreach ( $choiceTextArray as $text ) { $newChoice = new Choice(); $newChoice->setName( $text ); $this->addChoice( $newChoice ); } return $this; } public function getAllowedAnswers(): ?array { return $this->allowedAnswers; } public function setAllowedAnswers( array $allowedAnswers ): self { $this->allowedAnswers = $allowedAnswers; return $this; } public function addStacksOfVote( StackOfVotes $stacksOfVote ): self { if ( ! $this->stacksOfVotes->contains( $stacksOfVote ) ) { $this->stacksOfVotes[] = $stacksOfVote; $stacksOfVote->setPoll( $this ); } return $this; } public function removeStacksOfVote( StackOfVotes $stacksOfVote ): self { if ( $this->stacksOfVotes->contains( $stacksOfVote ) ) { $this->stacksOfVotes->removeElement( $stacksOfVote ); // set the owning side to null (unless already changed) if ( $stacksOfVote->getPoll() === $this ) { $stacksOfVote->setPoll( null ); } } return $this; } public function addChoice( Choice $choice ): self { if ( ! is_null( $this->choices ) ) { if ( ! $this->choices->contains( $choice ) ) { $this->choices[] = $choice; $choice->setPoll( $this ); } } else { $this->choices[] = $choice; $choice->setPoll( $this ); } return $this; } public function removeChoice( Choice $choice ): self { if ( $this->choices->contains( $choice ) ) { $this->choices->removeElement( $choice ); // set the owning side to null (unless already changed) if ( $choice->getPoll() === $this ) { $choice->setPoll( null ); } } return $this; } }