#!/bin/bash echo "######################" echo " time to update the framadate setup" echo "######################" # git reset --hard git pull origin master composer install php bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force echo "######################" echo " update the funky frontend submodule " echo "######################" if [ ! -d "funky-framadate-front" ]; then # initiate sub directory for funky front git submodule init fi git config --global diff.submodule log git submodule update echo "######################" echo " check dependencies of the frontend with yarn " echo "######################" cd funky-framadate-front echo "######################" echo " debug info : version of programs" echo " " git branch node -v yarn -v echo "######################" yarn echo "######################" echo " building the frontend " echo "######################" ng build --prod --baseHref=https://framadate-api.cipherbliss.com echo "######################" echo " copying built files in the public folder of the symfony project " echo "######################" cp -r dist/* ../public/ echo "######################" echo " done " echo "######################"