json( [ 'message' => 'poll not found' ], 404 ); } $em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager(); $data = $request->getContent(); $data = json_decode( $data, true ); $emOwner = $this->getDoctrine()->getRepository( Owner::class ); $emChoice = $this->getDoctrine()->getRepository( Choice::class ); $existingOwner = false; $foundOwner = $emOwner->findOneByEmail( trim( $data[ 'email' ] ) ); // manage existing or new Owner if ( ! $foundOwner ) { $foundOwner = new Owner(); $foundOwner ->setEmail( $data[ 'email' ] ) ->setPseudo( $data[ 'pseudo' ] ); } else { $existingOwner = true; } // TODO anti flood $foundOwner ->setModifierToken( $poll->generateAdminKey() ); $stack = new StackOfVotes(); $stack ->setOwner( $foundOwner ) ->setPseudo( $data[ 'pseudo' ] ) ->setPoll( $poll ); foreach ( $data[ 'votes' ] as $voteInfo ) { if ( ! isset( $voteInfo[ 'value' ] ) ) { continue; } $allowedValuesToAnswer = [ 'yes', 'maybe', 'no' ]; if ( ! in_array( $voteInfo[ 'value' ], $allowedValuesToAnswer ) ) { return $this->json( [ 'message' => 'answer ' . $voteInfo[ 'value' ] . ' is not allowed. should be yes, maybe, or no.', 'vote_stack' => $stack, ], 404 ); } $vote = new Vote(); $foundChoice = $emChoice->find( $voteInfo[ 'choice_id' ] ); if ( ! $foundChoice ) { return $this->json( [ 'message' => 'choice ' . $voteInfo[ 'choice_id' ] . ' was not found', 'vote_stack' => $stack, ], 404 ); } $vote->setPoll( $poll ) ->setChoice( $foundChoice ) ->setValue( $voteInfo[ 'value' ] ); $vote->setPoll( $poll ); $stack->addVote( $vote ); $poll->addVote( $vote ); $em->persist( $vote ); $em->persist( $foundChoice ); } // find poll from choices $poll->addStackOfVote( $stack ); $em->persist( $stack ); $em->persist( $poll ); $em->flush(); $precision = ''; if ( $existingOwner ) { $precision = ' from an existing owner : ' . $foundOwner->getEmail(); } $stacks = $poll->getStacksOfVotes(); if($poll->getMailOnVote()){ $this->sendVoteNotificationAction($stack->getOwner(), $stack); } $returnedVoteStack = [ 'message' => 'you created a vote stack' . $precision, 'poll' => $poll, 'vote_stack' => $stack, 'stacks' => $stacks, 'comments' => $poll->getComments(), 'choices' => $poll->getChoices(), 'choices_count' => $poll->computeAnswers(), 'vote_count' => count( $stacks ), 'owner' => $stack->getOwner(), 'owner_modifier_token' => $stack->getOwner()->getModifierToken(), 'admin_key' => $poll->getAdminKey(), 'json_you_sent' => $data, ]; $jsonResponse = $serializer->serialize($returnedVoteStack, 'json'); $response = new Response($jsonResponse); $response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'application/json'); $response->setStatusCode(200); return $response; } /** * update vote stack * @Patch( * path = "/vote-stack/{id}/token/{modifierToken}", * name = "update_vote_stack", * requirements = { "id"="\d+"} * ) * @param SerializerInterface $serializer * @param StackOfVotes $id * @param $modifierToken * @param Request $request * * @return JsonResponse|Response */ public function updateVoteStackAction( SerializerInterface $serializer, StackOfVotes $id, $modifierToken, Request $request ) { $voteStack = $id; if ( ! $voteStack ) { return $this->json( [ 'message' => 'vote stack not found' ], 404 ); } $poll = $voteStack->getPoll(); // if only self users are allowed to modify a vote, check it if ( ! $modifierToken || $voteStack->getOwner()->getModifierToken() !== $modifierToken ) { return $this->json( [ 'message' => 'your token does not allow you to modify this vote ' ], 403 ); } // everything is ok, we can update all the votes of the vote stack //TODO // match votes and choices // update answers // save evrything $jsonResponse = $serializer->serialize([ 'message' => 'ok', 'modifier_token' => $voteStack->getOwner()->getModifierToken(), 'vote_stack' => $voteStack, ], 'json'); $response = new Response($jsonResponse); $response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'application/json'); $response->setStatusCode(200); return $response; } /** * @Delete( * path = "/poll/{id}/votes/{accessToken}", * name = "poll_votes_delete", * requirements = {"accessToken"="\w+", "poll_id"="\d+"} * ) * @return JsonResponse */ public function deletePollVotesAction( Poll $poll, $accessToken ) { if ( $accessToken == $poll->getAdminKey() ) { $em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager(); $length = count( $poll->getVotes() ); $em->remove( $poll->getVotes() ); $em->flush(); return $this->json( [ 'message' => 'boom! les ' . $length . ' votes du sondage ont été supprimés', ] ); } else { return $this->json( [ 'message' => 'le token d\'autorisation est invalide, vous ne pouvez pas modifier ce sondage', ] ); } } }