mirror of https://framagit.org/tykayn/date-poll-api synced 2023-08-25 08:23:11 +02:00

236 lines
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Executable File

namespace App\Controller;
//use FOS\RestBundle\Controller\Annotations\Get;
//use FOS\RestBundle\Controller\Annotations\Route;
use App\Entity\Choice;
use App\Entity\Comment;
use App\Entity\Owner;
use App\Entity\Poll;
use App\Entity\StackOfVotes;
use App\Entity\Vote;
use FOS\RestBundle\Controller\Annotations\Get;
use FOS\RestBundle\Controller\Annotations\Route;
use PDO;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\JsonResponse;
* Class DefaultController
* @package App\Controller
* @Route("/migration-from-v1",name="admin_homepage")
class MigrationController extends EmailsController {
* @Get(path ="/{unique_key}",
* name = "_migrate_from_v1")
public function indexAction( $unique_key ) {
// get env vars
// check uniq key is good
if ( $unique_key !== $this->getParameter( 'UNIQ_INSTALL_KEY' ) ) {
return new JsonResponse( [
'error' => 'NOPE! veuillez vérifier votre fichier .env',
] );
// fetch old Database
$debug = '';
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$pollsBySlug = [];
$bdd = new PDO( 'mysql:host=localhost;dbname=' . $this->getParameter( 'OLD_DATABASE_NAME' ),
$this->getParameter( 'OLD_DATABASE_USER' ),
$this->getParameter( 'OLD_DATABASE_PASS' ),
$pdo_options );
$res_polls = $bdd->query( 'SELECT * FROM fd_poll' );
while ( $d = $res_polls->fetch( PDO::FETCH_OBJ ) ) {
$debug .= " <br> ajout de sondage : " . $d->title . ' - ' . $d->id;
$newPoll = new Poll();
$owner = new Owner();
$owner->setEmail( $d->admin_mail )
->setPseudo( $d->admin_name )
->addPoll( $newPoll );
->setOwner( $owner )
->setCustomURL( $d->id )
->setKind( $d->id === 'D' ? 'date' : 'text' )
->setHideResults( ! $d->results_publicly_visible )
->setAdminKey( $d->admin_id )
->setTitle( $d->title )
->setVotesAllowed( $d->receiveNewVotes )
->setCommentsAllowed( $d->receiveNewComments )
->setChoicesMax( $d->ValueMax )
->setPassword( $d->password_hash )
->setDescription( $d->description )
->setCreatedAt( date_create( $d->creation_date ) );
$pollsBySlug[ $d->id ] = $newPoll;
$em->persist( $owner );
$em->persist( $newPoll );
// get choices, slots and link them with poll by their slug
$res_slots = $bdd->query( 'SELECT * FROM fd_slot' );
$pollChoicesOrderedBySlug = [];
$choicesCreated = [];
while ( $d = $res_slots->fetch( PDO::FETCH_OBJ ) ) {
$debug .= " <br> ajout de slot, converti en choix de réponse : " . $d->poll_id . ' : ' . $d->moments;
$pollSlug = $d->poll_id;
$poll = $pollsBySlug[ $pollSlug ];
$moments = explode( ',', $d->moments );
foreach ( $moments as $moment ) {
$newChoice = new Choice();
$dateOfDay = date_create( strtotime( $d->title ) );
->setPoll( $poll )
->setName( $dateOfDay->format('y-m-d'). ' >>> ' . $moment );
$pollChoicesOrderedBySlug[ $pollSlug ][] = $newChoice;
$poll->addChoice( $newChoice );
$em->persist( $newChoice );
$em->persist( $newPoll );
$choicesCreated[] = $newChoice;
// get votes
$stacksOfVote = [];
$res_votes = $bdd->query( 'SELECT * FROM fd_vote' );
while ( $d = $res_votes->fetch( PDO::FETCH_OBJ ) ) {
$debug .= " <br> ajout de stack de vote : " . $d->name;
$pollSlug = $d->poll_id;
$poll = $pollsBySlug[ $pollSlug ];
$newStack = new StackOfVotes();
$newOwner = new Owner();
->setPseudo( $d->name )
->setEmail( 'the_anonymous_email_from_@_migration_offramadate.org' )
->setModifierToken( $d->uniqId );
$newStack->setPoll( $poll )
->setOwner( $newOwner )
->setPseudo( $d->name );
// each choice answer is encoded in a value :
$voteCodes = str_split( $d->choices );
// get choices of the poll and answer accordingly
$ii = 0;
foreach ( $voteCodes as $vote_code ) {
if ( $vote_code !== ' ' ) {
$choice = $pollChoicesOrderedBySlug[ $pollSlug ][ $ii ];
$newVote = new Vote();
->setChoice( $choice )
->setStacksOfVotes( $newStack )
->setPoll( $poll )
->setValue( $this->mapAnswerNumberToWord( $vote_code ) );
$newStack->addVote( $newVote );
$em->persist( $newVote );
$votes[] = $newVote;
$ii ++;
$poll->addStackOfVote( $newStack );
$em->persist( $newStack );
$stacksOfVote[] = $newStack;
$comments = [];
$res_comments = $bdd->query( 'SELECT * FROM fd_comment' );
while ( $d = $res_comments->fetch( PDO::FETCH_OBJ ) ) {
$debug .= " <br> ajout de commentaire : " . $d->name . ' ' . $d->comment;
$pollSlug = $d->poll_id;
$poll = $pollsBySlug[ $pollSlug ];
$newComment = new Comment();
$poll->addComment( $newComment );
$newComment->setPoll( $poll )
->setCreatedAt( date_create( $d->date ) )
->setText( $d->comment )
// TODO update entities
->setPseudo( $d->name );
$em->persist( $newComment );
$comments[] = $newComment;
// gather objects
// create new polls
// success
// failure notice
$debug .= " <br> <br> ça c'est fait. ";
return $this->render( 'pages/migration.html.twig',
"message" => "welcome to the framadate migration endpoint, it has yet to be done",
"debug" => $debug,
"OLD_DATABASE_NAME" => $this->getParameter( 'OLD_DATABASE_NAME' ),
"OLD_DATABASE_USER" => $this->getParameter( 'OLD_DATABASE_USER' ),
"counters" => [
'polls' => count( $pollsBySlug ),
'comments' => count( $comments ),
'choices' => count( $choicesCreated ),
'stacks_of_votes' => count( $stacksOfVote ),
'votes' => count( $votes ),
] );
* @param $numberToConvert
* conversion of answer:
* space character : no answer, 0 : no , 1 : maybe , 2 : yes
* @return string
public function mapAnswerNumberToWord( $numberToConvert ) {
$word = '';
switch ( $numberToConvert ) {
case 0:
$word = 'no';
case 1:
$word = 'maybe';
case 2:
$word = 'yes';
$word = 'no';
return $word;