mirror of https://framagit.org/tykayn/date-poll-api synced 2023-08-25 08:23:11 +02:00
2020-04-12 18:04:10 +02:00

367 lines
9.5 KiB

namespace App\Controller;
use App\Entity\Choice;
use App\Entity\Owner;
use App\Entity\Poll;
use App\Service\MailService;
use FOS\RestBundle\Controller\Annotations\Delete;
use FOS\RestBundle\Controller\Annotations\Get;
use FOS\RestBundle\Controller\Annotations\Post;
use FOS\RestBundle\Controller\Annotations\Put;
use FOS\RestBundle\Controller\Annotations\Route;
use JMS\Serializer\SerializerBuilder;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\JsonResponse;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
* Class DefaultController
* @package App\Controller
* @Route("/api/v1/poll",name="api_")
class PollController extends AbstractController {
* @Get(
* path = "/",
* name = "get_all_polls"
* )
public function getAllPollsAction() {
$repository = $this->getDoctrine()->getRepository( Poll::class );
$data = $repository->findall();
return $this->json( [
'message' => 'here are your polls',
'poll' => $data,
200 );
* @Get(
* path = "/{id}",
* name = "get_poll",
* requirements = {"poll_id"="\d+"}
* )
function getPollConfig(
Poll $poll,
Request $request
) {
$pass = $poll->getPassword();
$data = $request->getContent();
$data = json_decode( $data, true );
$comments = [];
$stacks = [];
$choices = [];
foreach ( $poll->getComments() as $c ) {
$comments[] = $c->display();
foreach ( $poll->getStacksOfVotes() as $c ) {
$stacks[] = $c->display();
foreach ( $poll->getChoices() as $c ) {
$choices[] = $c->display();
$returnedPoll = [
'message' => 'your poll config',
'poll' => $poll,
'stacks_count' => count( $poll->getStacksOfVotes() ),
'stacks' => $stacks,
'choices_count' => $poll->computeAnswers(),
'choices' => $choices,
'comments' => $comments,
'comments_count' => count( $comments ),
* password protected content
if ( $pass ) {
if ( $pass == md5( $data[ 'password_input' ] ) ) {
return $this->json(
200 );
} else {
return $this->json( [
'message' => 'your password ' . $data[ 'password_input' ] . ' is wrong, and you should feel bad',
'data' => null,
403 );
} else {
return $this->json(
200 );
* @Put(
* path = "/{id}",
* name = "update_poll",
* requirements = {"content"="\w+", "poll_id"="\d+"}
* )
function updatePollConfig(
Poll $poll,
Request $request
) {
// TODO check validity of request
// update only if we have the admin key
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$em->persist( $poll );
return $this->json( [
'message' => 'you updated the poll ' . $poll->getTitle(),
] );
* @Post(
* path = "/",
* name = "new_poll",
* requirements = {"creator"="\w+"}
* )
* @param Request $request
* @return JsonResponse
public function newPollAction( Request $request, \Swift_Mailer $mailer, MailService $mail_service ) {
$data = $request->getContent();
$serializer = SerializerBuilder::create()->build();
$newpoll = $serializer->deserialize( $data, 'App\Entity\Poll', 'json' );
->setAdminKey( $newpoll->generateAdminKey() )
->setCreationDate( new DateTime() )
->setModificationPolicy( 'nobody' );
$timeStamp = time() + ( 3600 * 24 * 90 ); // 90 days by default
$newpoll->setExpiracyDate( ( new DateTime() )->setTimestamp( $timeStamp ),
new DateTimeZone( 'Europe/Paris' ) );
$data = json_decode( $data, true );
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getRepository( Owner::class );
$foundOwner = $em->findOneBy( [ 'email' => $data[ 'owner' ][ 'email' ] ] );
$userWasFound = false;
if ( ! $foundOwner ) {
//create a new owner
$owner = new Owner();
$owner->setPseudo( $data[ 'owner' ][ 'pseudo' ] );
$owner->setEmail( $data[ 'owner' ][ 'email' ] );
$foundOwner = $owner;
} else {
$userWasFound = true;
// link the owner and the poll
$newpoll->setOwner( $foundOwner );
$foundOwner->addPoll( $newpoll );
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$em->persist( $newpoll );
$em->persist( $foundOwner );
// emails
$newpoll->setMailOnComment( true );
$newpoll->setMailOnVote( true );
$newpoll->setHideResults( false );
// possible answers
$newpoll->setAllowedAnswers( [ 'yes' ] );
if ( $data[ 'voteChoices' ] ) {
switch ( $data[ 'voteChoices' ] ) {
case "only_yes":
// setup the password, converting the raw with md5 hash
if ( $data[ 'password' ] ) {
$newpoll->setPassword( $data[ 'password' ] );
// manage choices
// text kind of answers, dates are below
if ( $data[ 'pollType' ] == 'classic' ) {
$choices = $data[ 'dateList' ];
foreach ( $choices as $c ) {
$newChoice = new Choice();
->setPoll( $newpoll )
// ->setUrl( $c[ 'url' ] )
->setName( $c[ 'literal' ] );
$em->persist( $newChoice );
// TODO add also choices for each time range in a day
} elseif ( $data[ 'pollType' ] == 'dates' ) {
if ( $data[ 'allowSeveralHours' ] == true ) {
// different hours spans
$choices = $data[ 'dateList' ];
} else {
// all days have the same hour spans
$em->persist( $newpoll );
$precision = '';
if ( $userWasFound ) {
$precision = 'from an existing user : ' . $foundOwner->getEmail();
$mail_service->sendCreationMailAction( $foundOwner, $newpoll );
return $this->json( [
'message' => 'you created a poll ' . $precision,
'poll' => $newpoll,
'password_protected' => is_string( $newpoll->getPassword() ),
'admin_key' => $newpoll->getAdminKey(),
'owner_modifier_token' => $foundOwner->getModifierToken(),
201 );
* @Get(
* path = "/mail/test-mail-poll/{emailChoice}",
* name = "test-mail-poll",
* )
* send the creation mail to owner
* @param Owner $admin_user
* @param Poll $poll
* @param \Swift_Mailer $mailer
* @return int
// public function sendCreationMailAction( Owner $admin_user, Poll $poll, \Swift_Mailer $mailer) {
public function testSendCreationMailAction( MailService $mail_service, $emailChoice = 'creation_vote' ) {
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getRepository( Owner::class );
$foundOwner = $em->find( 1 );
$poll = $foundOwner->getPolls()[ 0 ];
$comment = $foundOwner->getComments()[ 0 ];
$emailChoicesTemplates = [
'creation_poll' => 'creation-mail.html.twig',
'edit_poll' => 'modification-notification-mail.html.twig',
'creation_poll_admin' => 'author-mail.html.twig',
'owner_list' => 'owner-list.html.twig',
'expiration' => 'expiration-mail.html.twig',
'creation_comment' => 'comment-notification.html.twig',
'creation_vote' => 'vote-notification.html.twig',
$emailChoicesTitles = [
'creation_poll' => 'Framadate | Création de sondage - lien public - ' . $poll->getTitle(),
'edit_poll' => 'Framadate | Modification de sondage - ' . $poll->getTitle(),
'creation_poll_admin' => 'Framadate | Création de sondage - lien admin - ',
'owner_list' => 'Framadate | Vos sondages créés',
'expiration' => 'Framadate | Notice d\'expiration du sondage '. $poll->getTitle(),
'creation_comment' => 'Framadate | Commentaire de "' . $foundOwner->getPseudo() . '" - sondage ' . $poll->getTitle(),
'creation_vote' => 'Framadate | Vote de "' . $foundOwner->getPseudo() . '" - sondage ' . $poll->getTitle(),
// $mail_service->sendCreationMailAction( $foundOwner, $poll );
$templateVars = [
'owner' => $foundOwner,
'comment' => $comment,
'poll' => $poll,
'email_template' => 'emails/' . $emailChoicesTemplates[ $emailChoice ],
'title' => $emailChoicesTitles[ $emailChoice ],
return $this->render( $templateVars[ 'email_template' ], $templateVars );
* @Delete(
* path = "/{id}",
* name = "poll_delete",
* requirements = {"accessToken"="\w+", "poll_id"="\d+"}
* )
* @param Poll $poll
* @param $accessToken
* @return JsonResponse
function deletePollAction(
Poll $poll,
) {
if ( $accessToken == $poll->getAdminKey() ) {
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$em->remove( $poll );
return $this->json( [
'message' => 'boom! le sondage et ses objets assocités a été supprimé',
] );
} else {
return $this->json( [
'message' => 'le token d\'autorisation est invalide, vous ne pouvez pas modifier ce sondage',
] );
* Delete all expired polls and their children
* @Get(
* path = "/clean-polls",
* name = "clean_expired_polls",
* )
function cleanExpiredPolls() {
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$emPoll = $this->getDoctrine()->getRepository( Poll::class );
$queryFind = $em->createQuery(
FROM App\Entity\Poll p
WHERE p.expiracyDate < CURRENT_DATE()'
$queryDelete = $em->createQuery(
FROM App\Entity\Poll p
WHERE p.expiracyDate < CURRENT_DATE()'
$foundPolls = $queryFind->getResult();
return $this->json( [
'message' => 'clean routine has been done, here are the numbers of polls deleted: ' . count( $foundPolls ),
'data' => [
'count' => count( $foundPolls ),
200 );