const fs = require('fs'); const { rollup } = require('rollup'); const { minify } = require('uglify-js'); const pretty = require('pretty-bytes'); const sizer = require('gzip-size'); const pkg = require('./package'); const umd = pkg['umd:main']; const date = new Date(); const banner = `/* * anime.js v${ pkg.version } * (c) ${ date.getFullYear() } Julian Garnier * Released under the MIT license * */ `;'Compiling... 😤'); rollup({ input: 'src/index.js', plugins: [ require('rollup-plugin-buble')({ transforms: { modules: false, dangerousForOf: true }, targets: { firefox: 32, chrome: 24, safari: 6, opera: 15, edge: 10, ie: 10 } }) ] }).then(bun => { bun.write({ banner, format: 'cjs', file: pkg.main }); bun.write({ banner, format: 'es', file: pkg.module }); bun.write({ banner, file: umd, format: 'umd', name: pkg['umd:name'] }).then(_ => { const data = fs.readFileSync(umd, 'utf8'); // produce minified output const { code } = minify(data); fs.writeFileSync(umd, `${banner}\n${code}`); // with banner // output gzip size const int = sizer.sync(code);'Compilation was a success! 👍');`~> gzip size: ${ pretty(int) }`); }).catch(console.error); }).catch(console.error);