
137 lines
4.1 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2021-11-07 14:52:49 +01:00
<div class="step">
<div class="min-height">
<app-stepper [step_current]="4" [step_max]="pollService.step_max"></app-stepper>
<app-errors-list [form]="pollService.form"></app-errors-list>
<h2 class="title is-2">
Choisissez les horaires
class="days-list-having-separated-time-slices rounded-block"
*ngFor="let dayChoice of pollService.dateChoiceList; index as day_id"
<div class="heading day-choice">
{{ dayChoice.date_object | date }}
<section class="time-slice-list-of-a-day">
<div *ngFor="let timeSlice of dayChoice.timeSlices; index as id" class="time-choice padded">
<label for="dateChoices_{{ id }}"> Horaire / option {{ id + 1 }} </label>
class="input is-fullwidth"
id="dateChoices_{{ id }}"
<button class="button input is-full" (click)="pollService.timeList.splice(id, 1)">
<i class="fa fa-trash"></i> supprimer
<div class="add-time-choice">
<button (click)="addChoiceForDay(dayChoice)">
<i class="fa fa-plus"></i>
Ajouter horaire / option
<section class="same-time-slices">
<button class="is-outlined is-primary" (click)="toggleHasSeveralHours()">
Appliquer le même horaire / option à toutes les dates
<section class="same-time-slices rounded-block" *ngIf="pollService.form.value.hasSeveralHours">
<h3 class="title is-3">
Choisissez les horaires ou options à appliquer à toutes les dates
*ngIf="false == pollService.allowSeveralHours"
class="button is-primary is-block is-fullwidth"
<i class="fa fa-plus" aria-hidden="true"></i>
{{ 'dates.add_time' | translate }}
2021-11-26 11:49:51 +01:00
<section class="proposals">
<h3 class="title is-3">
Propositions de créneaux horaires
<div class="time-slices-proposals rounded-block">
class="button is-rounded"
*ngFor="let text of timeSlicesProposals"
{{ text.literal }}
<div *ngFor="let timeSlice of pollService.timeList; index as id" class="time-choice padded">
<label for="timeList_{{ id }}"> Horaire / option {{ id + 1 }} </label>
class="input is-fullwidth"
id="timeList_{{ id }}"
<button class="button is-block" (click)="pollService.timeList.splice(id, 1)">
<i class="fa fa-trash"></i> supprimer
<div class="title" *ngIf="pollService.timeList.length">
<span class="count-dates">
{{ pollService.timeList.length }}
<span class="count-dates-txt">
{{ 'dates.count_time' | translate }}
(pour chaque jour)
<button class="is-primary button" (click)="applyTimeSlicesToDateChoices()">
Appliquer ces créneaux
<div class="section copy-paste">
<div class="actions">
*ngIf="pollService.timeList.length && false == pollService.allowSeveralHours"
class="btn is-warning marged"
<i class="fa fa-trash" aria-hidden="true"></i>
Aucune plage horaire
*ngIf="pollService.timeList.length && false == pollService.allowSeveralHours"
class="btn is-warning marged"
<i class="fa fa-refresh" aria-hidden="true"></i>
2021-11-07 14:52:49 +01:00
<div class="columns">
<div class="column">
2021-11-12 17:31:47 +01:00
<button class="button is-secondary is-fullwidth" [routerLink]="['/administration/step/3']">
2021-11-18 10:49:55 +01:00
2021-11-07 14:52:49 +01:00
<div class="column">
2021-11-18 10:49:55 +01:00
class="btn is-primary is-fullwidth"
2021-11-07 14:52:49 +01:00