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2020-02-19 17:12:54 +01:00
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<h3 id="index">Index</h3>
<table class="table table-sm table-bordered index-table">
<td class="col-md-4">
<td class="col-md-4">
<ul class="index-list">
<span class="modifier">Optional</span>
<a href="#date_object">date_object</a>
<a href="#literal">literal</a>
<a href="#timeList">timeList</a>
<h3 id="inputs">Properties</h3>
<table class="table table-sm table-bordered">
<td class="col-md-4">
<a name="date_object"></a>
<span class="name"><b>date_object</b><a href="#date_object"><span class="icon ion-ios-link"></span></a></span>
<td class="col-md-4">
<code>date_object: <code><a href="" target="_blank" >object</a></code>
<td class="col-md-4">
<i>Type : </i> <code><a href="" target="_blank" >object</a></code>
<td class="col-md-4">
<table class="table table-sm table-bordered">
<td class="col-md-4">
<a name="literal"></a>
<span class="name"><b>literal</b><a href="#literal"><span class="icon ion-ios-link"></span></a></span>
<td class="col-md-4">
<code>literal: <code><a href="" target="_blank" >string</a></code>
<td class="col-md-4">
<i>Type : </i> <code><a href="" target="_blank" >string</a></code>
<table class="table table-sm table-bordered">
<td class="col-md-4">
<a name="timeList"></a>
<span class="name"><b>timeList</b><a href="#timeList"><span class="icon ion-ios-link"></span></a></span>
<td class="col-md-4">
<code>timeList: <code><a href="" target="_blank" >any</a></code>
<td class="col-md-4">
<i>Type : </i> <code><a href="" target="_blank" >any</a></code>
<div class="tab-pane fade tab-source-code" id="c-source">
<pre class="line-numbers compodoc-sourcecode"><code class="language-typescript">import {environment} from &quot;../../environments/environment&quot;;
import {DateChoice, defaultAnswers, otherDefaultDates, PollAnswer} from &quot;./defaultConfigs&quot;;
export interface DateOption {
timeList: any;
literal: string;
date_object?: object;
const baseConfigValues &#x3D; {
pollType: &quot;classic&quot;,
title: &quot;&quot;,
description: &quot;&quot;,
myName: &quot;&quot;,
myEmail: &quot;&quot;,
* configuration of the poll, add new fields at will
export class PollConfig {
expiracyDateDefaultInDays &#x3D; 60;
deletionDateAfterLastModification &#x3D; 180;
step: number &#x3D; 0; // step in the progress of creating a poll
stepMax: number &#x3D; 3; // step max in the progress of creating a poll
pollType: string &#x3D; &#x27;dates&#x27;;// classic or dates
title: string &#x3D; &#x27;titre&#x27;;
description: string &#x3D; &#x27;ma description&#x27;;
myName: string &#x3D; &#x27;mon pseudo&#x27;;
myComment: string &#x3D; &#x27;wouah trop bien framadate!&#x27;;
isAdmin: boolean &#x3D; true;
myVoteStack: any;
myTempVoteStack &#x3D; 0;
myEmail: string &#x3D; &quot;;;
myPolls: any &#x3D; [];// list of retrieved polls from the backend api
// date specific poll, we have the choice to setup different hours (timeList) for all possible dates (dateList), or use the same hours for all dates
allowSeveralHours &#x3D; &#x27;true&#x27;;
// access
visibility &#x3D; &#x27;link_only&#x27;; // visible to anyone with the link:
voteChoices &#x3D; &#x27;only_yes&#x27;; // possible answers to a vote choice: only &quot;yes&quot;, &quot;yes, maybe, no&quot;
creationDate &#x3D; new Date();
expirationDate &#x3D; &#x27;&#x27;; // expiracy date
voteStackId &#x3D; null; // id of the vote stack to update
pollId &#x3D; null; // id of the current poll when created. data given by the backend api
pollSlug &#x3D; null; // id of the current poll when created. data given by the backend api
currentPoll; // current poll selected with createPoll or getPoll of ConfigService
passwordAccess &#x3D; 0;
password &#x3D; &#x27;&#x27;;
customUrl &#x3D; &#x27;&#x27;; // custom slug in the url, must be unique
customUrlIsUnique &#x3D; null; // given by the backend
urlSlugPublic &#x3D; null;
urlPublic &#x3D; environment.baseHref + &#x27;/#/poll/id/4&#x27;;
urlAdmin &#x3D; environment.baseHref + &#x27;/#/admin/d65es45fd45sdf45sd345f312sdf31sgfd345&#x27;;
adminKey &#x3D; &#x27;&#x27;; // key to change config of the poll
owner_modifier_token &#x3D; &#x27;&#x27;; // key to change a vote stack
canModifyAnswers: boolean &#x3D; true;// bool for the frontend selector
whoModifiesAnswers &#x3D; &quot;everybody&quot;;// everybody, self, nobody (&#x3D; just admin)
whoCanChangeAnswers &#x3D; &#x27;everybody&#x27;;// everybody, self, nobody (&#x3D; just admin)
dateList: any &#x3D; otherDefaultDates; // sets of days as strings, config to set identical time for days in a special days poll
timeList: DateChoice[] &#x3D; otherDefaultDates; // ranges of time expressed as strings
answers: PollAnswer[] &#x3D; defaultAnswers;
resetConfig() {
const self &#x3D; this;
Object.keys(baseConfigValues).forEach((key) &#x3D;&gt; {
self[key] &#x3D; baseConfigValues[key];
</div><div class="search-results">
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<h1 class="search-results-title"><span class='search-results-count'></span> result-matching "<span class='search-query'></span>"</h1>
<ul class="search-results-list"></ul>
<div class="no-results">
<h1 class="search-results-title">No results matching "<span class='search-query'></span>"</h1>
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