take back things for pollService, display success screen and advanced options

This commit is contained in:
Tykayn 2021-11-08 12:09:35 +01:00 committed by tykayn
parent e1a28a7c81
commit afdaf04a8f
9 changed files with 215 additions and 258 deletions

View File

@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ import { UserService } from './user.service';
import { UuidService } from './uuid.service';
import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http';
import { environment } from '../../../environments/environment';
import { StorageService } from './storage.service';
import { Title } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { FormArray, FormBuilder, FormGroup, Validators } from '@angular/forms';
import { DOCUMENT } from '@angular/common';
@ -18,6 +20,7 @@ import { DateChoice, TimeSlices } from '../models/dateChoice.model';
import { DateUtilitiesService } from './date.utilities.service';
import { Owner } from '../models/owner.model';
import { Stack } from '../models/stack.model';
import { Vote } from '../models/vote.model';
providedIn: 'root',
@ -50,9 +53,11 @@ export class PollService implements Resolve<Poll> {
private http: HttpClient,
private router: Router,
private apiService: ApiService,
private storageService: StorageService,
private userService: UserService,
private uuidService: UuidService,
private toastService: ToastService,
private titleService: Title,
public DateUtilitiesService: DateUtilitiesService,
public route: ActivatedRoute,
@Inject(DOCUMENT) private document: any,
@ -89,9 +94,6 @@ export class PollService implements Resolve<Poll> {
whoModifiesAnswers: 'everybody',
whoCanChangeAnswers: 'everybody',
isProtectedByPassword: false,
isOwnerNotifiedByEmailOnNewVote: false,
isOwnerNotifiedByEmailOnNewComment: false,
isMaybeAnswerAvailable: false,
richTextMode: false,
areResultsPublic: true,
expiracyNumberOfDays: 60,
@ -99,12 +101,6 @@ export class PollService implements Resolve<Poll> {
public enrichVoteStackWithCurrentPollChoicesDefaultVotes(vote_stack: Stack) {
console.log('vote_stack', vote_stack);
this.toastService.display('TODO refill vote stack');
// this.form.patchValue(vote_stack)
* set the poll slug from other data of the poll
@ -120,19 +116,29 @@ export class PollService implements Resolve<Poll> {
creatorEmail: ['', [Validators.required]],
custom_url: [this.uuidService.getUUID(), [Validators.required]],
description: ['', [Validators.required]],
password: ['', [Validators.required]],
choices: new FormArray([]),
whoModifiesAnswers: ['', [Validators.required]],
whoCanChangeAnswers: ['', [Validators.required]],
isAboutDate: [true, [Validators.required]],
startDateInterval: ['', [Validators.required]],
endDateInterval: ['', [Validators.required]],
expiresDaysDelay: ['', [Validators.required]],
maxCountOfAnswers: ['', [Validators.required]],
isZeroKnoledge: [false, [Validators.required]],
isProtectedByPassword: [false, [Validators.required]],
isOwnerNotifiedByEmailOnNewVote: [false, [Validators.required]],
isOwnerNotifiedByEmailOnNewComment: [false, [Validators.required]],
isMaybeAnswerAvailable: [false, [Validators.required]],
isOwnerNotifiedByEmailOnNewVote: [true, [Validators.required]],
isOwnerNotifiedByEmailOnNewComment: [true, [Validators.required]],
areResultsPublic: [true, [Validators.required]],
richTextMode: [false, [Validators.required]],
expiracyNumberOfDays: [60, [Validators.required, Validators.min(0)]],
isYesAnswerAvailable: [true, [Validators.required]],
isMaybeAnswerAvailable: [true, [Validators.required]],
isNoAnswerAvailable: [true, [Validators.required]],
allowComments: [true, [Validators.required]],
hasMaxCountOfAnswers: [300, [Validators.required]],
useVoterUniqueLink: [false, [Validators.required]],
voterEmailList: ['', [Validators.required]],
allowNewDateTime: [60, [Validators.required, Validators.min(0)]],
this.form = form;
return form;
@ -149,30 +155,36 @@ export class PollService implements Resolve<Poll> {
* @param state
public async resolve(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, state: RouterStateSnapshot): Promise<Poll> {
console.log('resolve route,state', route, state);
const segments: string[] = state.url.split('/');
const wantedSlug: string = segments.includes('poll') ? segments[segments.indexOf('poll') + 1] : '';
if (!wantedSlug && state.url.includes('administration')) {
// creation of new poll
const poll = new Poll(this.userService.getCurrentUser(), this.uuidService.getUUID(), '');
this.router.navigate(['poll/' + poll.custom_url + '/administration']);
const wantedcustom_url: string = segments.includes('poll') ? segments[segments.indexOf('poll') + 1] : '';
if (
!this._poll.getValue() ||
!this._poll.getValue().custom_url ||
this._poll.getValue().custom_url !== wantedSlug
this._poll.getValue().custom_url !== wantedcustom_url
) {
await this.loadPollByCustomUrl(wantedSlug);
if (this.pass_hash) {
this.storageService.vote_stack.pass_hash = this.pass_hash;
await this.loadPollBycustom_urlWithPasswordHash(wantedcustom_url, this.pass_hash);
} else {
await this.loadPollBycustom_url(wantedcustom_url);
if (this._poll.getValue()) {
return this._poll.getValue();
const loadedPoll = this._poll.getValue();
if (loadedPoll) {
this.storageService.vote_stack.poll_custom_url = loadedPoll.custom_url;
return loadedPoll;
} else {
getAllAvailablePolls() {
* get all polls
getAllAvailablePolls(): void {
const baseHref = environment.api.version.apiV1.baseHref;
console.log('getAllAvailablePolls baseHref', baseHref);
const headers = ApiService.makeHeaders();
@ -186,22 +198,56 @@ export class PollService implements Resolve<Poll> {
public async loadPollByCustomUrl(slug: string): Promise<void> {
if (slug) {
const poll: Poll | undefined = await this.apiService.getPollByCustomUrl(slug);
console.log({ loadPollBySlugResponse: poll });
public async loadPollByCustomUrlWithPasswordHash(slug: string, pass_hash: string): Promise<void> {
if (slug) {
const poll: Poll | undefined = await this.apiService.getPollByCustomUrlWithHash(slug, pass_hash);
console.log({ loadPollBySlugResponse: poll });
public async loadPollBycustom_url(custom_url: string): Promise<void> {
if (custom_url) {
const poll: Poll | undefined = await this.apiService.getPollByCustomUrl(custom_url);
if (poll) {
this.titleService.setTitle(`☑️ ${poll.title} - ${environment.appTitle}`);
} else {
this.toastService.display(`sondage ${custom_url} non trouvé`);
} else {
this.toastService.display(`sondage sans custom url : ${custom_url}`);
public async loadPollBycustom_urlWithPasswordHash(custom_url: string, hash: string): Promise<void> {
if (custom_url) {
const poll: Poll | undefined = await this.apiService.getPollByCustomUrlWithHash(custom_url, hash);
if (poll) {
this.titleService.setTitle(`☑️ ${poll.title} - ${environment.appTitle}`);
} else {
this.toastService.display(`sondage ${custom_url} non trouvé`);
} else {
this.toastService.display(`sondage sans custom url : ${custom_url}`);
* update poll and parse its fields
* @param poll
public updateCurrentPoll(poll: Poll): void {
console.log('this.storageService.vote_stack.id', this.storageService.vote_stack.id);
if (!this.storageService.vote_stack.id || this.storageService.vote_stack.poll_custom_url !== poll.custom_url) {
console.log('set base choices', poll.choices);
// set the choices only the first time the poll loads, or if we changed the poll
// this.storageService.setChoicesForVoteStack(poll.choices);
this.toastService.display('sondage bien mis à jour', 'success');
@ -491,77 +537,107 @@ export class PollService implements Resolve<Poll> {
return list;
getParticipationUrl() {
let poll = this._poll.getValue();
public getParticipationUrl(): string {
// http://localhost:4200/#/poll/dessin-anime/consultation
// TODO handle secure access
// http://localhost:4200/#/poll/citron/consultation/secure/1c01ed9c94fc640a1be864f197ff808c
return window.location.host + '/#/poll/' + poll.custom_url + '/consultation';
let url = '';
if (this._poll && this._poll.getValue) {
const polltemp = this._poll.getValue();
if (polltemp) {
url = `${environment.frontDomain}#/poll/${polltemp.custom_url}/consultation`;
// TODO handle pass access
return url;
public getAdministrationUrl(): string {
let url = '';
if (this._poll && this._poll.getValue) {
const polltemp = this._poll.getValue();
if (polltemp) {
url = `${environment.frontDomain}#/poll/admin/${polltemp.admin_key}`;
return url;
* enrich vote stack with missing default votes
* @param vote_stack
enrichVoteStackWithCurrentPollChoicesDefaultVotes(vote_stack: Stack) {
if (this._poll && this._poll.getValue) {
const polltemp = this._poll.getValue();
polltemp.choices.map((choice) => {
// for each vote, if it has the choice_id, do nothing, else, add a default vote
if (!this.findExistingVoteFromChoiceId(choice.id, vote_stack.votes)) {
vote_stack.votes.push(new Vote(choice.id));
* find an existing vote in vote_stack from its choice_id
* @param choice_id
* @param votes
findExistingVoteFromChoiceId(choice_id: number, votes: Vote[]) {
return votes.find((vote: Vote) => {
if (vote.choice_id === choice_id) {
return vote;
convertCalendarDatesToChoices(array_dates) {
return array_dates;
newPollFromForm(form: any): any {
const newpoll = new Poll(
* convert to API version 1 config poll
const apiV1Poll = {
menuVisible: true,
expiracyDateDefaultInDays: newpoll.default_expiracy_days_from_now,
deletionDateAfterLastModification: newpoll.default_expiracy_days_from_now,
pollType: newpoll.kind ? 'date' : 'classic', // classic or dates
title: newpoll.title,
description: newpoll.description,
myName: newpoll.owner.pseudo,
myComment: '',
isAdmin: true, // when we create a poll, we are admin on it
myVoteStack: {},
myTempVoteStack: 0,
myEmail: newpoll.owner.email,
myPolls: [], // list of retrieved polls from the backend api
date specific poll, we have the choice to setup different hours (timeList) for all possible dates (dateList), or use the same hours for all dates
allowSeveralHours: 'true',
// access
visibility: newpoll.areResultsPublic, // visible to one with the link:
voteChoices: newpoll.isMaybeAnswerAvailable ? 'yes, maybe, no' : 'yes', // possible answers to a vote choice: only "yes", "yes, maybe, no"
created_at: new Date(),
expirationDate: '', // expiracy date
voteStackId: null, // id of the vote stack to update
pollId: null, // id of the current poll when created. data given by the backend api
pollSlug: null, // id of the current poll when created. data given by the backend api
currentPoll: null, // current poll selected with createPoll or getPoll of ConfigService
passwordAccess: false,
password: newpoll.password,
customUrl: newpoll.custom_url, // custom slug in the url, must be unique
customUrlIsUnique: null, // given by the backend
urlSlugPublic: null,
urlPublic: null,
urlAdmin: null,
adminKey: '', // key to change config of the poll
owner_modifier_token: '', // key to change a vote stack
canModifyAnswers: newpoll.modification_policy, // bool for the frontend selector
whoModifiesAnswers: newpoll.modification_policy, // everybody, self, nobody (: just admin)
whoCanChangeAnswers: newpoll.modification_policy, // everybody, self, nobody (: just admin)
dateList: newpoll.dateChoices, // sets of days as strings, config to set identical time for days in a special days poll
timeList: newpoll.timeSlices, // ranges of time expressed as strings
* @description convert to API version 1 data transition object
* @param form
newPollFromForm(form: any): Poll {
const newOwner = this.storageService.vote_stack.owner;
answers: newpoll.choices,
// modals
displayConfirmVoteModalAdmin: false,
console.log('apiV1Poll', apiV1Poll);
return apiV1Poll;
const newpoll = new Poll(newOwner, form.value.custom_url, form.value.title);
const pollKeys = Object.keys(newpoll);
const formFields = Object.keys(form.value);
newpoll.allowed_answers = [];
for (const pk of pollKeys) {
if (formFields.indexOf(pk) !== -1) {
const field = form.value[pk];
newpoll[pk] = field;
} else {
console.log('manque pollKey', pk);
if (form.value.isYesAnswerAvailable) {
if (form.value.isMaybeAnswerAvailable) {
if (form.value.isNoAnswerAvailable) {
newpoll.description = form.value.description;
newpoll.has_several_hours = form.value.hasSeveralHours;
newpoll.hasSeveralHours = form.value.hasSeveralHours;
newpoll.max_count_of_answers = form.value.allowComments;
newpoll.maxCountOfAnswers = form.value.maxCountOfAnswers;
newpoll.password = form.value.password;
newpoll.kind = form.value.kind;
newpoll.allow_comments = form.value.allowComments;
// merge choices from storage
newpoll.choices = Object.assign([], this.storageService.choices);
newpoll.dateChoices = Object.assign([], this.storageService.dateChoices);
newpoll.timeSlices = Object.assign([], this.storageService.timeSlices);
return newpoll;

View File

@ -103,20 +103,19 @@
Réponses proposées
<img class="image is-24x24 pull-right" src="assets/img/icon_voter_YES.svg" />
<img class="image is-24x24 pull-right" src="assets/img/icon_voter_MAYBE.svg" />
<img class="image is-24x24 pull-right" src="assets/img/icon_voter_NO.svg" />
<mat-checkbox class="is-not-flex" formControlName="isYesAnswerAvailable">
La réponse « oui » sera disponible
<img class="image is-24x24 pull-right" src="assets/img/icon_voter_YES.svg" />
<br />
<mat-checkbox class="is-not-flex" formControlName="isMaybeAnswerAvailable">
La réponse « peut-être » sera disponible
<img class="image is-24x24 pull-right" src="assets/img/icon_voter_MAYBE.svg" />
<br />
<mat-checkbox class="is-not-flex" formControlName="isNoAnswerAvailable">
La réponse « non » sera disponible
<img class="image is-24x24 pull-right" src="assets/img/icon_voter_NO.svg" />
<h3 class="title is-3">

View File

@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
.title {
margin-top: 2em;
.mat-checkbox {
img {
margin-left: 1em;

View File

@ -1,76 +1,10 @@
<app-stepper [step_current]="5" [step_max]="5"></app-stepper>
<div class="content">
<h1 class="title is-1">
Félicitations, votre sondage "<strong> {{ pollService.form.value.title }} </strong>" est créé
Un récapitulatif par email vous a été envoyé. Partagez-le au monde avec ce lien: Administrez-le avec cet autre lien:
<hr />
<app-success [poll]="pollService.form.value"></app-success>
<h1 i18n>
{{ 'resume.title' | translate }}
<section class="admin">
<h2 i18n>{{ 'resume.admins' | translate }}</h2>
Votre sondage «
<span class="poll-title">
{{ pollService.form.value.title }}
» a bien été créé !
Voici les liens daccès au sondage, conservez-les soigneusement ! (Si vous les perdez vous pourrez toujours
les recevoir par email)
Pour accéder au sondage et à tous ses paramètres :
<a href="{{ pollService.form.value.urlAdmin }}">{{ pollService.form.value.urlAdmin }} </a>
<app-copy-text [textToCopy]="pollService.urlPrefix + '/#/admin/' + pollService.admin_key"></app-copy-text>
<a href="{{ pollService.urlPrefix + '/#/admin/' + pollService.admin_key }}">
Voir le sondage coté administrateur·ice
<p class="note">
Note : Le sondage sera supprimé {{ pollService.form.value.deletionDateAfterLastModification }} jours après
la date de sa dernière modification.
<section class="public">
<h2 i18n>{{ 'resume.users' | translate }}</h2>
Pour accéder au sondage :
<a href="{{ pollService.urlPrefix + '/#/poll/' + pollService.form.value.custom_url + '/consultation' }}"
>{{ pollService.urlPrefix + '/#/poll/' + pollService.form.value.custom_url + '/consultation' }}
[textToCopy]="pollService.urlPrefix + '/#/poll/' + pollService.form.value.custom_url + '/consultation'"
<a href="{{ pollService.urlPrefix + '/#/poll/' + pollService.form.value.custom_url + '/consultation' }}">
Voir le sondage
<section class="mail">
<h2 i18n>{{ 'resume.links_mail' | translate }}</h2>
<a href="{{ pollService.urlPrefix + '/#/poll/' + pollService.form.value.custom_url + '/consultation' }}">
Voir le sondage
<div class="columns">
<div class="column"></div>
<div class="column">
class="btn is-primary"
[disabled]="!pollService.form.valid || !pollService.form.valid"
<i class="fa fa-save"></i>
Enregistrer le sondage
<div class="column"></div>
<div class="columns">

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ export class StepFiveComponent implements OnInit {
@Input() step_max: any;
@Input() public form: FormGroup;
poll: any;
constructor(public pollService: PollService, private apiService: ApiService) {}
constructor(public pollService: PollService) {}
ngOnInit(): void {}
askInitFormDefault() {
@ -21,10 +21,5 @@ export class StepFiveComponent implements OnInit {
createPoll() {
let apiData = this.pollService.newPollFromForm(this.pollService._poll);
automaticSlug() {}

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<div class="step">
<div class="min-height">
<form action="#" [formGroup]="pollService.form">
<app-stepper [step_current]="4" [step_max]="5"></app-stepper>
<app-stepper [step_current]="pollService.step_current" [step_max]="5"></app-stepper>
<div class="creator-infos">
<label class="" for="creatorEmail">
@ -33,80 +33,16 @@
<fieldset class="advanced-config">
<button class="btn is-info" (click)="advancedDisplayEnabled = !advancedDisplayEnabled">
[ngClass]="{ 'is-outlined': !advancedDisplayEnabled, 'is-info': advancedDisplayEnabled }"
(click)="advancedDisplayEnabled = !advancedDisplayEnabled"
<i class="fa fa-save"></i>
{{ 'creation.advanced' | translate }}
<fieldset class="complete well" *ngIf="advancedDisplayEnabled">
<h2>{{ 'creation.advanced' | translate }}</h2>
<br />
<label for="slug">Url pour les participants </label>
<br />
>{{ urlPrefix }} <strong> {{ pollService.form.controls.custom_url.value }} </strong>
[textToCopy]="urlPrefix + pollService.form.controls.custom_url.value"
(click)="slug.value = ''"
<input #slug matInput id="custom_url" placeholder="Url" formControlName="custom_url" required />
<br />
<div appearance="outline" class="is-not-flex">
<mat-label>Nombre de jours avant expiration</mat-label>
placeholder="Nombre de jours avant expiration"
(click)="expiracy.value = ''"
<i class="fa fa-close"></i>
<br />
<mat-checkbox class="is-not-flex" formControlName="areResultsPublic">
Les participants pourront consulter les résultats
<br />
<mat-checkbox class="is-not-flex" formControlName="isAboutDate">
Les choix possibles concerneront des dates
<br />
<mat-checkbox class="is-not-flex" formControlName="isProtectedByPassword">
Le sondage sera protégé par un mot de passe
<br />
<mat-checkbox class="is-not-flex" formControlName="isOwnerNotifiedByEmailOnNewVote">
Vous recevrez un mail à chaque nouvelle participation
<br />
<mat-checkbox class="is-not-flex" formControlName="isOwnerNotifiedByEmailOnNewComment">
Vous recevrez un mail à chaque nouveau commentaire
<br />
<mat-checkbox class="is-not-flex" formControlName="isMaybeAnswerAvailable">
La réponse « peut-être » sera disponible
<app-advanced-config [form]="pollService.form"></app-advanced-config>
@ -119,8 +55,13 @@
<div class="column">
<!-- [disabled]="form.invalid"-->
<button class="button is-primary is-fullwidth" [routerLink]="['/administration/step/5']">
class="btn is-primary"
[disabled]="!pollService.form.valid || !pollService.form.valid"
<i class="fa fa-save"></i>
Enregistrer le sondage

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
import { Component, Input, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { PollService } from '../../../../../core/services/poll.service';
import { ApiService } from '../../../../../core/services/api.service';
selector: 'app-step-four',
@ -13,7 +14,12 @@ export class StepFourComponent implements OnInit {
step_max: any;
form: any;
constructor(public pollService: PollService) {}
constructor(public pollService: PollService, private apiService: ApiService) {}
ngOnInit(): void {}
createPoll() {
let apiData = this.pollService.newPollFromForm(this.pollService._poll);

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
<h2 class="subtitle">
Votre sondage «
<strong class="poll-title">
{{ poll.title }}
{{ pollService.form.value.title }}
» a bien été créé !
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
Pour accéder au sondage et à tous ses paramètres :
<br />
<a class="button is-info" routerLink="/admin/{{ poll.admin_key }}"
<a class="button is-info" routerLink="/admin/{{ pollService.form.value.admin_key }}"
>{{ pollService.getAdministrationUrl() }}
<app-copy-text [textToCopy]="pollService.getAdministrationUrl()"></app-copy-text>
@ -42,10 +42,10 @@
<br />
<p class="note">
Note : Le sondage sera supprimé {{ poll.default_expiracy_days_from_now }} jours après la date de sa
dernière modification.
Note : Le sondage sera supprimé {{ pollService.form.value.default_expiracy_days_from_now }} jours
après la date de sa dernière modification.
<span class="expiracy-detail" *ngIf="poll.expiracy_date">
Le {{ poll.expiracy_date | date: 'short' }}
Le {{ pollService.form.value.expiracy_date | date: 'short' }}
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
Pour voir le sondage :
<br />
<a class="button is-info" routerLink="/poll/{{ poll.custom_url }}/consultation"
<a class="button is-info" routerLink="/poll/{{ pollService.form.value.custom_url }}/consultation"
>{{ pollService.getParticipationUrl() }}
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
<br />
<br />
<a class="button is-info" href="{{ poll.custom_url }}">
<a class="button is-info" href="{{ pollService.form.value.custom_url }}">
Voir le sondage côté public

View File

@ -16,11 +16,12 @@ export class SuccessComponent {
window: any = window;
environment = environment;
constructor(public pollService: PollService, private dateUtils: DateUtilitiesService, private titleService: Title) {
this.titleService.setTitle(environment.appTitle + ' - 🎉 succès de création de sondage -');
environment.appTitle + ' - 🎉 succès de création de sondage - ' + this.pollService.form.value.title
this.pollService.poll.subscribe((newpoll: Poll) => {
this.poll = newpoll;
// this.poll.expiracy_date = this.getExpiracyDateFromPoll(this.poll);