$(document).ready(function() { /** * Markdown Editor * @type {MDEWrapper} */ wrapper = new MDEWrapper($('.js-desc textarea')[0], $('#rich-editor-button'), $('#simple-editor-button')); var firstOpening = true; /** * Save a list of admin polls inside LocalStorage * @param adminPolls */ function setAdminPolls(adminPolls) { localStorage.setItem('admin_polls', JSON.stringify(adminPolls)); } /** * Add an admin poll inside LocalStorage * @param adminPoll */ function addAdminPoll(adminPoll) { var adminPolls = localStorage.getItem('admin_polls'); if (adminPolls === null) { adminPolls = []; } else { adminPolls = JSON.parse(adminPolls); } /** * Test if the poll is already inside the list */ var index = adminPolls.findIndex(function (existingPoll) { return existingPoll.url === adminPoll.url; }); if (index === -1) { adminPolls.push(adminPoll); } else { // if the poll is already present, we need to update the last access date adminPolls[index] = adminPoll; } setAdminPolls(adminPolls); } var adminPoll = { url: window.location.href, title: $('#title-form h3').get(0).childNodes[0].nodeValue, accessed: (new Date()).toISOString() }; 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$('.js-desc .btn-edit').focus(); return false; }); $('#poll-rules-form .btn-edit').on('click', function() { $('#poll-rules-form p').hide(); $('#poll-rules-form .js-poll-rules').removeClass('hidden'); $('.js-poll-rules select').focus(); return false; }); $('#poll-rules-form .btn-cancel').on('click', function() { $('#poll-rules-form p').show(); $('#poll-rules-form .js-poll-rules').addClass('hidden'); $('.js-poll-rules .btn-edit').focus(); return false; }); $('#poll-hidden-form .btn-edit').on('click', function() { $('#poll-hidden-form p').hide(); $('#poll-hidden-form .js-poll-hidden').removeClass('hidden'); $('.js-poll-hidden input[type=checkbox]').focus(); return false; }); $('#poll-hidden-form .btn-cancel').on('click', function() { $('#poll-hidden-form p').show(); $('#poll-hidden-form .js-poll-hidden').addClass('hidden'); $('.js-poll-hidden .btn-edit').focus(); return false; }); $('#expiration-form .btn-edit').on('click', function() { $('#expiration-form p').hide(); $('.js-expiration').removeClass('hidden'); $('.js-expiration input').focus(); return false; }); $('#expiration-form .btn-cancel').on('click', function() { $('#expiration-form p').show(); $('#expiration-form .js-expiration').addClass('hidden'); $('#expiration-form .btn-edit').focus(); return false; }); $('#password-form .btn-edit').on('click', function() { $('#password-form p').hide(); $('#password-form .js-password').removeClass('hidden'); $('#password').focus(); return false; }); $('#password-form .btn-cancel').on('click', function() { $('#password-form p').show(); $('#password-form .js-password').addClass('hidden'); $('.js-password .btn-edit').focus(); return false; }); // Hiding other field when the admin wants to remove the password protection var removePassword = $('#removePassword'); removePassword.on('click', function() { var removeButton = removePassword.siblings('button'); if (removePassword.is(":checked")) { $('#password_information').addClass('hidden'); removeButton.removeClass('hidden'); } else { $('#password_information').removeClass('hidden'); 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